Target: Montgomery County District Attorney Daryl D. Bailey
Goal: Seek maximum punishment for man accused of shooting dog with crossbow and dumping body in river.
A man was apparently caught on film tying his dog to a tree and shooting it with a crossbow. Reports of this brutal attack came to light after neighbors belonging to the local homeowner’s association claimed to have security footage of this heinous event.
Officials with the Montgomery Humane Society were called to the neighborhood, where they received testimony and viewed the footage that appeared to record the brutal killing.
The video apparently shows Charles Graves placing his large white and grey female husky mix on a tether.
“Mr. Graves returns to his vehicle, retrieves his crossbow, and shoots the dog,” the humane officer wrote in the report. “Then [he] begins to drag the dog to the top of the hill and pushed the dog into the [river].”
Although Graves was arrested, he is being held on only $2,500 bail.
Dear District Attorney Bailey,
According to reports, a man tied his dog to a tree, shot her with a crossbow, and dumped the body in a river. Reports of this brutal attack came to light after neighbors belonging to the local homeowner’s association claimed to have security footage of this heinous event.
Officials with the Montgomery Humane Society were called to the neighborhood, where they received testimony and viewed the footage that appeared to record the brutal killing.
According to Humane Society officials, after tying his dog up, “Mr. Graves returns to his vehicle, retrieves his crossbow, and shoots the dog. Then [he] begins to drag the dog to the top of the hill and pushed the dog into the [river].”
Although Graves was arrested, he is being held on only $2,500 bail.
Animal abuse is a horrific crime that is often under-prosecuted. We ask that you conduct a vigorous prosecution and seek the maximum penalty in this case.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Tranmautritam
Macht mit diesem Basdart das gleiche elendes Monster verdammt soll er sein.
Euthanize those that are responsible for this despicable and heinous act.
This so called human needs to be punished to the fullest. He intentionally enjoyed abusing and killing his own pet. This is very heartbreaking and inhumane. He must be punished and not lightly.
For Christ’s sake, when will the powers that be take animal cruelty/murder seriously! The only protection the Animal Kingdom has are people like us who see these creatures for what they truly are – sentient beings who possess emotions and the ability to feel pain. And we the people depend on Prosecutors and Judges to hand down punishments that fit the crimes! Too many times animal abusers get off easy, as did Charles Graves, with a bail amount of $2,500.00. What a fucking joke! I think it is time we vote in new leaders who view this type of occurrence for what it is…first degree murder! Please do the job you were hired to do Daryl and put this uneducated POS behind bars!!!
First they have to be arrested. Most law enforcement do not care about animal abuse. And did you hear about cop who stomped on girlfriends cat and had to be put to sleep. Do you think this cat will get justice?
Gilda – If Charles Graves was given a bail amount of $2500.00, then he was arrested. But you are correct in that most law enforcement – and Judges and Prosecutors – do not care about animal abuse. What the hell is it going to take for these segments of our society to wake up and do the jobs they are hired to do. Who knows, maybe one day their inaction toward crimes against the Animal Kingdom will inadvertently revive the ‘vigilante’ mindset – literally…
It goes deeper than cops.And not c all cops are like that.But the ones that are ,are products of the place they are from.Also the whole country in general has a non caring attitude about animal welfare.Look at all the people that have their dogs tied up outside with no proper shelter or food or water.Look how many freeze to desth.People suck
I totally agree
Omg…I have never felt so much hatred for such a vile human. I seriously have evil thoughts for that bastard.
$2500.00 bail. someone needs to start killing these scumbags and very slowly.
What kind of disgusting, vile human is he? Police need to do more investigating into this man and his background for prior violence against animals and humans. Animal abuse MUST be answered with strong and swift justice, not only due to the violence of the act itself, but due to the fact that it has been PROVEN to be where serial killers hone their killing skills and taste for violence, torture and murderous acts. Not passing better legislation and stronger laws against these acts and those who commit these offenses, could be the difference between stopping a criminal before he becomes a serial killer, saving innocent lives and having a trail of blood on the hands of those who did not do their best to stop it. This SICKO must never be allowed to own ANY animal or be alone in the presence of any animal, much less any child, due to their helplessness. Absolutely sickening!! This man definitely has violence in his past and will not stop since he has no regard for life. He needs serious time behind bars with hard labor since his own euthanasia won’t happen!! Maybe someone in jail for life will right this wrong with long and slow suffering being granted to this monster!
Put this fucking mother fucker upside down and game over!!!!
I totally agree
This vile, mentally deranged dog killing scumbag,must have the death penalty implemented, without delay! A slow and agonizing death for this evil cretin is essential! OH YESSS!!!!!
Charles Graves is a low-down, slimy snake for brutally killing his fur baby. How dare he turn on his pet that he chose to raise. If he no longer wanted the responsibility, there were other options. I hope this innocent animal didn’t suffer. Graves needs to be put in jail and severely punished. RIP fur baby and I hope you get justice.
What a fucking POS!!! That waste of space so called “human” doesn’t deserve the air that IT breathes (yes, the POS is an IT because he can’t possibly be a sentient being).
Harsher punishments for these type of human-trash please!!!
The fucking owner should be tied to a tree and then I could do target practice on that motherfucker
Graves deserves to be EXECUTED!
Find the people who killed this dog!! Tie them up – shoot them with a crossbow – dump them in the same river they dumped the dog in!! Post it on YouTube!!
Yes an eye for an eye! That would take care of all the criminal garbage this county has!
Instead they go to a Hilton prison and have a good time!
In Iran you get executed the same day!
Excessive ? Yes but it works !
Another subhuman not worthy to live on our planet !
I hope he will get his punishment and Karma!
As long as humans abuse and kill those animals there will be no peace in this world!
Dr.Albert Schweitzer
He needs exactly the same thing done to him. $2500.00 bail? Let me see….. male judge- doesn’t give a crap. Honestly, almost everything ugly is committed by males. R
I agree with you.And I’m a male
Time to get medieval on this sob…..
WTF is wrong with people! A special place in hell for these a**holes! When will this be harshly punished. I am so sick of this crap!
Spineless loser!!!
Throw him in jail, make him pay thousands of dollars, never ever allow him to own animals.
I really hope this loser didn’t breed any kids!
If he did, those kids should be afraid!!
Tie the owner to a tree & shoot him several times with a crossbow. What a horrible thing to do to your own pet! Leave him in jail for life, that way he cannot do the to any other animal or human!
How about tieing him to a stake and lighting him on fire. He does not deserve to breathe. Good riddance