Don’t Kill Wild Bears Because of Bad Housing Policies

Target: Dave Bronson, Mayor of Anchorage, Alaska

Goal: Adopt houseless policies that protect Anchorage’s unhoused community members and don’t put its bear population in danger.

Wildlife officials in Alaska have killed four black bears at a campground outside of Anchorage, Alaska. Two cubs, their mother and another adult bear were killed after entering Centennial Park, a campground which has been converted by the city into temporary site for houseless individuals.

Centennial Park is in what state officials describe as a “vast bear habitat,” according to The Guardian. There are over 400 bears living in the area; the combination of the high bear population, Anchorage’s dense housing, and the current time of year means bears are quite active. Centennial Park was converted into a temporary place for houseless individuals to camp (they can only stay a maximum of 14 days) after the Sullivan Arena, which had been serving as a housing for hundreds of individuals since 2020, was closed. According to USA Today, city officials were even warned that frequent bear encounters were possible at Centennial Park. But the city moved forward with plans to place its temporary shelter in the area.

Killing bears that enter camps in their native habitat because of an inefficient stop-gap measure addressing houselessness is cruel to everyone involved. The city of Anchorage should pursue houseless policies that would protect both its unhoused community members and its wild bear population.

As of July 2022, the city has provided residents at Centennial Park with “60 bear-proof food storage containers” and “20 bear-proof 32-gallon containers,” according to USA Today. But with 210 residents currently living at the campground that clearly isn’t enough to keep everyone safe. Anchorage Area Biologist Dave Battle is quoted in The Guardian saying, “there are still a lot of tents with food in them, until that changes, more bears are going to come into the campground and get into tents.” Simple measures, like ensuring each resident has their own bear-safe container to safely store the items that attract wildlife in their tents would work to protect the human and wildlife at Centennial Park. Battle continued, noting that “Killing any particular bear is a very temporary solution,” Battle said. “There are always going to be more bears in that vicinity because of its location, and we can’t teach bears not to eat what they can find.”

Sign this petition to call on Anchorage’s mayor to adopt policies that will actually address the city’s houseless problems while protecting the area’s wildlife population.


Dear Mayor Bronson,

The killing of four back bears outside of Anchorage is a tragedy. Protecting the unhoused population of your city is critically important but killing innocent wildlife to do so is cruel and unnecessary. Shunting Anchorage’s houseless population to a campground at the center of an active bear habitat fails to address the housing crisis in your city and puts wildlife in danger.

The city of Anchorage should pursue houseless policies that would protect both its unhoused community members and its wild bear population. You must do everything in your power to adopt policies that will actually address the city’s houseless problems while protecting the area’s wildlife population.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Yellowstone National Park


  1. Torah Wolf says:

    I don’t know what it is about human beings that some of them just feel the need to torture and kill animals it’s something in their blood probably because they’re from the blood he’s not from God he’s from the devil himself and so are all his kin and that’s who you see torturing animals to this day yep

  2. makes no sense. why not find these people somewhere else to squat instead of in the middle of a park where bears belong and live. sedate the bears and move them somewhere else, instead of killing 4 innocent bears just for trying to live their life as nature intended. this is the new woke world. void of empathy and compassion. if something is in your way just roll over it or kill it. that is the new way for humanity.

  3. This could’ve been handled in so many ways, but of course the state takes the easy way out and kills the bears because some people are living in the only place left for these bears to live. How about relocating the people out of bear territory? And out of the forest in general. I live close to an area with a real homeless issue and the homeless routinely trash every area they camp out in, and that is an actual fact, not just my attitude. So not only will the bears pay the price for this stupid idea but the area you’ve moved the homeless to will soon be a dump and the entire area will go to hell. Get your act together and move the people and leave the bears alone!

  4. Linda Hilty-Tuttle says:

    Even BEARS have to live SOMEWHERE! WHERE to you expect them to live if we drive them out of all their habitats???

  5. milantia roy says:

    Let those good for nothing bastards find a home in human living areas – they shouldn’t be invading animals’ living spaces! rs!
    Most probably they are drug addicts or bums that don’t work!

    • SYLVIA VEGAS says:

      Dear Mayor Bronson,

      THANK YOU!

  6. Stella Waldvogel says:

    This sounds like they wanted both the bears and the homeless people dead. Disgusting.

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