135 Puppies and Horses Reportedly Found Underweight, Injured and Living in Feces Deserve Justice

Target: Delta County, MI Acting Prosecuting Attorney Lauren Wickham
Goal: Seek the maximum sentence for woman accused of running horrific puppy mill.

Countless underweight and injured dogs with matted fur, living in their own feces in outdoor kennels were reportedly found at a horrific puppy mill. These poor creatures were discovered after a Michigan State Police trooper responded to a report of an emaciated horse on the loose. When the trooper returned the horse to its property, she discovered the puppy mill on the premises.

After apparently witnessing numerous dogs in atrocious condition, the trooper obtained a search warrant to investigate the property further. After the search, 135 dogs, including 69 puppies, and 23 horses were seized by authorities.

At this point, the animals were sent to the Delta Animal Shelter where they received care. It was discovered that numerous dogs were pregnant, which eventually led to the birth of 100 puppies. Overall, more than 250 animals were rescued.

The woman accused of these crimes recently pleaded guilty and is now awaiting sentencing by the court. Ask that the maximum penalty be pursued in this case.


Dear Acting Prosecuting Attorney Lauren Wickham,

First, thank you for not seeking a plea bargain with the defendant accused of running a horrific puppy mill. The hundreds of apparently abused animals who were forced to live in atrocious conditions deserve justice.

The details of this case are shocking. Hundreds of innocent animals were apparently sick, underfed, injured, and forced to live in their own feces. It is a relief to learn that the defendant has pleaded guilty, however, she must face a stiff penalty under the law.

Please seek the maximum penalty in this case to ensure a message is sent to other potential animal abusers, as well as in order to deliver justice to the innocent animals involved.

[Your Name Here]


  1. Evan Jane Kriss says:

    If you own animals, you have a moral and ethical obligation to properly care for them; if you’re unwilling or unable to do so, you have a moral and ethical obligation to surrender them to an individual or an organization that can. Prosecute this monster to the fullest extent of the law for multiple counts of egregious animal abuse, neglect and cruelty. Seize ALL animals in her “care,” and BAN her from ever purchasing, owning, caring for, working with or living with any animals ever again.

  2. Margaret Burlingham says:

    Shut down ALL Puppy Mills, make it a 10-20 yr prison sentence. But ask yourself this question: who lobbies that stricter penalties are not in place for animal abuse. Follow the money.

  3. Laura Rolder says:

    Lock her away. No more getting off with a slap on the wrist. If Justice is not served more animals will suffer the same neglect abd abuse.

  4. This woman pled guilty but that is not a get out of jail free card. This woman needs her facility to be shut down, permanently. She needs to fully pay for the rehab of these remaining animals.Animals are living, breathing beings, like us. They feel love and they feel pain. No one should be allowed to have a license to do this again. Once is beyond enough. This same woman also must serve time in prison so her crime follows her through her life. She also should never be around any animals again much less own animals. How she could make this choice and watch the suffering she caused is too gross to understand. What she will come to understand is she is accountable and she must answer to the law just as anyone of us would be required to do.

  5. pathetic piece of garbage!

  6. Ejohnson says:


  7. Animal abusers require extermination!

  8. Why in the hell are these puppy mills still be allowed – do you not get the idea that if you don’t put laws in place to stop this bullshit it will never ever end. They need hard time and lots of it. Who in the hell has that many dogs – these poor animals do nothing to deserve being treated this way. Just get the dogs “fixed” and save them and stop the god damn breeding program. WTF is wrong with people – always about the almighty dollar – get a life and stop all of this abuse.

  9. This senseless human making a profit from selling puppies but not keeping the dogs in a good shape must be made to make restitution. Sell her car, possessions, and home to pay Delta Rescue for the rehab and care of these animals as the owner refused to do so on her own. NO LIGHT SENTENCE. This abuse was intentional.

  10. Robert Richmond says:

    Not much to say except this person needs to see the maximum that the law will throw at her all she did was profit from this in inhumane act. As far as I’m concerned there’s not one bit of humanity in her she needs to be slapped down everything she owns confiscated never to be allowed around animals ever for the rest of her life. She also probably needs to say if not more than at least 25,000 hours of community service at a cattle ranch cleaning up cow poop just for starters.

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