Dogs Reportedly Found Starving and Emaciated in Feces-Filled Pen Deserve Justice

Target: Stephen Herron, Director of the Public Prosecution Service of Northern Ireland

Goal: Seek maximum penalty against man accused of depriving dogs of food, water, and humane habitat.

Authorities in Northern Ireland recently converged on a residence where two siblings were supposedly taking care of dogs. They were reportedly greeted to a house filled with trash and animal feces and urine. Their discoveries in the home’s garden were apparently even worse. The “habitation” of the siblings’ two dogs allegedly consisted of a pen not even large enough for the animals to lie down in, along with a chain. Reports indicate no water or bedding was found in the pen, but that it did contain heaps of excrement. The animals themselves were recorded as having a body score of one, which indicates they were extremely emaciated. No veterinary visits could be found for the dogs, either.

The judge hearing the case described it as a “litany of the most horrible acts a human being can carry out” and called the acts “beyond contemplation.” Despite this assessment, the brother and sister were still given a three-month suspended sentence and probation, respectively. This, came despite the fact that the brother had previously been found guilty of animal cruelty and forbidden from having a pet.

The siblings’ father will soon face his own cruelty charges related to this case. Sign the petition below to demand the system not let a potential miscarriage of justice happen again.


Dear Director Herron,

“Cruelty in the extreme” were the words used to describe the charges brought against Mark and Hannah Henry of Craigavon. The siblings pleaded guilty to severely neglecting their family dogs and keeping them in inhumane conditions. At the time they were rescued, the animals reportedly had the lowest possible body score of one. They may very well have been rescued from an imminent and painful death.

The warning signs were there. Mark Henry had a previous animal cruelty conviction and had been prevented contact with any animals. He seemingly willfully violated this order, yet he got a minor, suspended sentence as “punishment.” Such a non-penalty does not match the harshness of a crime the very judge hearing the case described as “a litany of the most horrible acts” and “beyond comprehension.”

Another member of this family, Matron Henry, will soon have his day in court regarding these animal cruelty charges. Please pursue a penalty in this case that truly reflects the gravity of the alleged crimes.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Archibald Marajas


  1. I do not understand , why are they getting away with this? This is not going to stop them from doing this again and again just like the brother who was all ready banned from animals probably because he got away with it last time too

  2. Not suprised judge was so soft as ireland does not have very good animal welfare , about time they changed

  3. The punishment needs to fit the crime – a too small cage for these beasts & their father along with no food & water!

  4. Was sind das für Gesetze und was sind das für Richter die so eine beschämende lächerliche Strafe verhängen die müsste man gleich mit verurteilen.Diese Monster haben eine harte Strafe verdient ohne Zugang zu Nahrung und Wasser eingesperrt in einem Käfig im eigenen Kot sie müssen das Elend selbst kennen lernen und dann am besten im Meer versenken.Kein Tier darf leiden und schon gar nicht durch das Monster “Mensch”

  5. The responsible monsters deserve the same treatment!!! God bless the pups….🙏

  6. This is appalling! These people should be given harsher sentences and most importantly, be BANNED FOR LIFE FROM OWNING OR HAVING ANY ANIMAL IN THEIR CARE!!

  7. May all those who abuse or torture animals suffer a slow horrible painful death before they rot in hell !

  8. these people deserve the same treatment or worse.

  9. There appears to be no shortage of animal abusers in this world. Please prosecute to the full punishment of the lae

  10. Julia Edinger says:


  11. Maria Lavorato says:

    And that is why this keeps happening with JUDGES that don’t give maximum animal cruelty charges.

    This judge does not care for animals and should not ever be used again in these kind of cases. NOBODY WANTS THESE ATROCITIES TOWARD ANIMALS TO CONTINUE!!!!

    JUDGES DO A PROPER JOB THAT ACTUALLY PROTECTS ANIMALS!!!!! ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  12. American Girl says:

    Cull these inbred monsters from Society. Do your jobs and punish severely to prevent these atrocities from happening! Doesn’t work, paint a target on their ass and set them free…

  13. The mistreatment of animals is not taken seriously in most if not all countries in the world. I would like to see perpetrators of crimes against animals to be given the SAME treatment as they meted out to the animals!

  14. Elease M. Bradford says:

    I’m so sorry to hear the abuse and neglect these animals suffered. The Henry’s behavior towards these innocent animals is despicable and unacceptable. They need to be severely punished and not allowed to be around animals or have pets. I’m glad these fur babies were rescued and I hope they get justice.

  15. Those freaking backwards people in a country still living in the past – uneducated and stupid!
    Take these low live peasants and lock them up! Don’t visit this country yuk!

    Sorry for my French !


  17. The so called “authorities” should be charged with animal cruelty also for allowing this to happen. They all deserve the same treatment that was given to these innocent animals

  18. Nena Miller says:

    When people are this horrible, you put them in prison to remind them every day that when you are a sociopathic asshole you don’t get to live in the world….you get to live in a prison behind bars.

  19. Joseph Kenosky says:

    This is despicable.

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