Dolphins Impaled and Reportedly Fatally Harassed Deserve Justice

Target: Richard Spinrad, Administrator of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Goal: Find and fully punish individuals allegedly responsible for dolphin deaths.

Two separate but equally tragic incidents demonstrate the sheer inhumanity federally protected marine life still must endure at the hands of careless people. The first incident, which took place on a Texas beach, involved a stranded female dolphin who was surrounded by a group of beach-goers. Some members of the group reportedly pushed the ailing dolphin back into the sea and then attempted to ride her. The dolphin eventually became re-stranded, where she was again reportedly harassed by humans until she died. A few weeks earlier, a Florida beach became the scene of another dolphin fatality when a nursing female was discovered deceased. Authorities suspect this animal was impaled near the eye by a spear or a similar sharp object while she begged for food.

Unfortunately, dolphins are the frequent target of such blatantly cruel acts. In the Gulf of Mexico alone, over two dozen have been killed in recent years. The Marine Mammal Protection Act is supposed to safeguard these animals and ensure violators are brought to justice. The punishment, however, may end at a fine.

Sign the petition below to demand the agency investigating both these horrendous crimes seek the maximum penalty that includes jail time.


Dear Dr. Spinrad,

Fort Meyers Beach in Florida and Texas’ Quintana Beach recently became the scenes of the latest acts of cruelty perpetrated against federally protected dolphins. One case apparently involved a group of people quite literally harassing a dolphin to death. In the other tragedy, a mother dolphin was stabbed in the head as she approached an unknown person or persons, mouth open as if awaiting a feeding.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is investigating both of these incidents. When suspects are identified, please do not give them a slap on the wrist for clear violations of the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Send a decisive message that these cruelties will not be tolerated.

Ensure these reckless individuals serve time in jail.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network


  1. You know who did this. Find them and execute them all!

  2. Sickening and revolting to the extreme. Is this a normal reaction to want to kill or harm a marine animal that is blatantly in distress? Such sadistic behaviour. These perpetrators need to be found and punished to the fullest extent of the law.

  3. Kill the perpetrators- torture and kill them – that’ll put an end to senseless suffering of any more living beings

  4. The callousness of these people is just sickening to me. So now there is no respect for the dead and dying? clearly an aquatic animal on the beach means it’s in trouble, not available for joy-rides. I’m disgusted by these idiots.

    • teresa zamalloa says:

      Richard Spinrad, Administrator of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

      Life in prison for those ill-born bastards!
      Let’s get rid of some of the scum that populate our planet!

      Thank you!

  5. Evil people – I hate being associated with the human race – we are the worst!!!!!

  6. nothing is safe in this world from these lowlife scumbags who have the IQ of a doorknob. worthless pieces of shit who i hope suffer the same fate in life. stop the slaps on the wrists and punish these assholes.

  7. These scumbags definately require the death penalty


    We have to stop letting these animal abusers live. Torture an kill them all

  9. Alison Hunt says:

    The callous cruelty meted out on these poor dolphins by ignorant bullies deserves the strongest punishment. People must be educated to respect and love our fellow creatures.

  10. Linda Cummings says:

    These are not careless people. These are evil assholes. It is the cuddling of these morons that lead to more and more of the same stupid heartless abuse.

  11. People know who they are, offer a reward. Prosecutors and judges need to DO THEIR JOBS and actually pursue the harshest charges and sentences possible. Stop making plea deals, it will be a win in your stats but you don’t have to do any work.

  12. Torah Wolf says:

    Literally heartbreaking to see people mistreat God’s creatures like this good thing you’re not going to get away with it when in the end.

  13. Jackie Pflucker says:

    Dear Dr. Spinrad,

    Life in prison for those bastards!

    Thank you!

  14. The people who did this should be sterilized so as not to contaminate the world with their filthy DNA.

  15. Dolphins are considered one of the Most intelligent of All animals. It’s been proven that they have saved humans many times. And what is their thanks? Captured. Put in tiny tanks and made to perform or starve. Drowned and eaten. Now harassed and killed. Humans should be ashamed. There is no humanity shown to these sentient beings. Find and Prosecute to the max.

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