Millions of Chickens Reportedly Suffocated to Death on Billionaire’s Farm Deserve Justice

Target: Mike Naig, Iowa Secretary of Agriculture

Goal: Investigate allegations of mass culling of chickens via suffocation.

A teen activist caused quite a stir at a basketball game when she came onto the court and chained herself to the goal. Her choice of attire drew even more attention and indicated the reason for the stunt. The protester’s shirt read: “Glen Taylor roasts animals alive.” Taylor, a billionaire business magnate and current owner of the Minnesota Timberwolves basketball team, has become the target of animal rights organization Direction Action Everywhere. The latest incident follows in the wake of another protest during a Timberwolves game in which a woman glued her hand to the basketball court.

The group alleges that a factory farm which Taylor also owns, Iowa-based Rembrandt Enterprises, recently carried out a mass culling of over five million chickens via the inhumane process of ventilation shutdown. This type of culling, which has been banned in many regions, involves the slow, torturous deaths of animals by suffocation. Either gas, steam, or extreme heat are the main methods of deployment. Both legal and veterinary professionals have joined in Direct Action Everywhere’s calls for a full investigation into the practices of Rembrandt Enterprises.

Sign the petition below to join these calls for urgent action.


Dear Secretary Naig,

It took high-profile stunts during basketball games to call public attention to the animal rights violations allegedly taking place at Rembrandt Enterprises. Over five million animals were reportedly killed through cruel heatstroke and suffocation, methods that even members of the legal and veterinary fields claim could have broken state law. Some reports indicate that a few of the animals were left buried alive and barely functional after being trapped in these living death chambers.

Please make this troubling case that has attracted much scrutiny a top priority and the subject of an extensive investigation.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Susan Lesch 


  1. Carolyn Douglas says:

    This cruel evil punk needs to die the same way…some way he needs to be removed from society forever. IMO

  2. Mechthild says:

    Another asshole who thinks animals are trash- fine this rich inhumane monster millions -maybe he get his lesson!
    When will this behavior end ?
    Lock him up!

  3. No excuse for this horror

  4. Sweetondogs says:

    We need to torture this absurdly rich bastard the way he did he these defenseless animals. Scum like this think they are above the law because they have so much dirty money. They buy off judges or pay lawyers to find every loophole out there. We as citizens need to make sure rich monsters like this do not get off the hook just because they have money.
    Humans are the most evil creatures on this planet!

  5. Do your expletive job for once in your pathetic fleece US tax payers grifter life, little boy secretary Mikey Naig.

    These chickens were inhumanely euthanized. Reason for being euthanized was valid, Avian Flu. Can you imagine the outrage from dope smoking ACLU lawyers if child rape and murder felons were put to death like this?

  6. Adrienne says:

    Perhaps a taste of his own medicine is in order? See how he likes suffocating to death.

  7. He is a piece of crap but in this pathetic world but as you know money talks and bull crap walks! Judges and lawyers will turn in their own mothers for a dime!

  8. Torah Wolf says:

    What a truly ugly and evil man I say let’s stick him in the oven like they did with the Jews and let him burn burn

  9. This life force deserves to not take up any more air. AN EYE FOR AN EYE….

  10. Peere Véronique says:

    What punishment could possibly correspond to torturing and murdering five million innocents ?

    An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, multiplied by five million would not even be enough.


  11. Jane Todaro says:


  12. Evan Jane Kriss says:

    This method of killing is barbaric and unconscionable. NO animals should be subjected to this, for ANY reason, ever. VENTILATION SHUTDOWN MUST BE ILLEGAL EVERYWHERE. That it’s done because it’s more profitable to kill animals than to raise them is EGREGIOUSLY INHUMANE.

  13. I’m tired of these stories that paint the farm as some happy little place of joy. If farmers care and want to be viewed in a good light then they will join this protest.

    • So agree. If farmers want to be viewed in a good light make the farm accessible to anyone who needs to look around at anytime. A little inconvenient but once people believe you it wouldn’t happen hardly ever.

  14. OMG, I am so utterly sad to hear about the suffering of farm animals, animals used in entertainment, for tourism, in barbaric traditions, etc.
    I just can’t find words bad enough for this “man” who profits from animal cruelty, neglect, and abuse, and has absolutely no regard for these living, sentient beings. SCUM is above him.
    Justice for these animals.

  15. Kyle Whitfield says:

    All the suggestions for the same type of punishment; you know will never work.
    Heck animal abusers NEVER receive the Proper Punishment they should.

    The next BEST way to get animal abusers attention is to levy extremely high $$$$$$$ fines so they have to pay into each state.
    When they can’t or refuse to pay; it’s automatic jail/prison time.

    I have found that when you threaten someone’s money and finances that’s when you get their attention.

    However, ALL Judical systems across the USA and World have got to step up and do something to stop these horrors.

  16. Marion mills says:

    He is part of the system that is causing food shortages. Bad times ahead- October. Start stocking up – at least 3 months supply. Look at all the food processing plants up in flames in last month~ 20. Intentional. Global food shortages planned by Klaus schwab and his disciples of the Great Reset-

  17. What ever this horrible little man gets will never be enough for all that suffering he has caused. Makes me sick to the stomache, i would like to wipe that smile of his mush for good.

  18. The reason for this mass murder wasn’t mentioned. It was because of the rapidly spreading bird flu. This man wasn’t the only one euthanizing all his birds, but he gets in the news, because he’s rich. I believe that the birds needed to be euthanized to stop the spread of this disease, but I keep hoping that someone figures out a humane way to do it. I don’t know how anyone with a tiny speck of empathy can do this. The fact is, that people who raise livestock in a CAFO or in large buildings ( in the case of chickens ), don’t see their animals as individuals with feelings, but just as a commodity. We can all help by buying meats and eggs from humanely raised livestock.

  19. There more humane ways if they had the bird virus! Poor birds must of been panicking, he needs to pay for the torture he cause them, but he’ll probably buy his way out, disgusting!!

  20. Francine Pope says:


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