Millions of Chickens Reportedly Suffocated to Death on Billionaire’s Farm Deserve Justice

Target: Mike Naig, Iowa Secretary of Agriculture

Goal: Investigate allegations of mass culling of chickens via suffocation.

A teen activist caused quite a stir at a basketball game when she came onto the court and chained herself to the goal. Her choice of attire drew even more attention and indicated the reason for the stunt. The protester’s shirt read: “Glen Taylor roasts animals alive.” Taylor, a billionaire business magnate and current owner of the Minnesota Timberwolves basketball team, has become the target of animal rights organization Direction Action Everywhere. The latest incident follows in the wake of another protest during a Timberwolves game in which a woman glued her hand to the basketball court.

The group alleges that a factory farm which Taylor also owns, Iowa-based Rembrandt Enterprises, recently carried out a mass culling of over five million chickens via the inhumane process of ventilation shutdown. This type of culling, which has been banned in many regions, involves the slow, torturous deaths of animals by suffocation. Either gas, steam, or extreme heat are the main methods of deployment. Both legal and veterinary professionals have joined in Direct Action Everywhere’s calls for a full investigation into the practices of Rembrandt Enterprises.

Sign the petition below to join these calls for urgent action.


Dear Secretary Naig,

It took high-profile stunts during basketball games to call public attention to the animal rights violations allegedly taking place at Rembrandt Enterprises. Over five million animals were reportedly killed through cruel heatstroke and suffocation, methods that even members of the legal and veterinary fields claim could have broken state law. Some reports indicate that a few of the animals were left buried alive and barely functional after being trapped in these living death chambers.

Please make this troubling case that has attracted much scrutiny a top priority and the subject of an extensive investigation.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Susan Lesch 


  1. Horrific and inhumane to the extreme. Such actions should be banned legally and the perpetrators need to be brought to justice for causing extreme animal cruelty.

  2. No BEGGING for attention and justice for this mass violence and inexcusable cruelty. Instead, we DEMAND it!

  3. another rich liberal elitist who has no regard for life. someone should boil him and see what he thinks about it. what a dishrag!

  4. You won’t be smiling when the judge throws the book at you..there’s a place for people like that who hurt animals…HELL

  5. This vile,ugly,pocked faced,mentally deranged scumbag must have the death penalty implemented.A sllow and agonising death for this vile,evil cretin is essential!! OH YESS!!!

  6. Shirley Lewis says:

    The Money theses wealthy people make off these animals & the Inhumane Treatment of theses animals is UNCONSCIONABLE!!! They can AFFORD to Treat them MUCH BETTER, but they don’t! They Obviously don’t consider them Worth the Time & Effort even though these animals Make them Wealthy!!! HORRIBLE!I wondered who owned Rembrandt . . . I’m APPALLED & DISGUSTED at the DESPICABLE Treatment of these chickens! He Should be PUNISHED SEVERELY & made to Suffer like they did! Cooked Alive?! He Needs to Feel that Pain!!!

  7. This company needs to be investigated. Chickens are the product this company sells. They make money off the chickens. The very least they could do is treat them with respect and compassion. Even in such a vile industry as this there is still the thought of better treatment, better chickens. If this company is found guilty, as I feel they will be, then this man needs to be punished by the law equal to the crime. He’s Hitler to a chamber of horrors for chickens. Animals are not less than us. Animals and children need the courts to stand up and fine, take away licenses, put in prison, close down business, or what ever seems to cover the criminal act. To do this to chickens is criminal. Being rich should not get you off. He’s a criminal!

  8. This guy is a malignant narcissist. I hope he is facing charges.A pox on him, his whole family, and the Timberwolves.

  9. put the bastard in jail

  10. put him away for good

  11. Barb Garrison says:

    A crime is a crime, regardless of financial status, or political persuasion . He’s a POS with evil in his heart, who does horrible things to animals, and needs to be held accountable.


  13. Do the same to that POS!

  14. There is no excuse for such cruelty!

  15. MICHAEL BAVARO says:


  16. THIS IS NOT EVEN BEING DEALT WITH BY ANY OF OUR JUSTICE SYSTEMS EITHER, SOOOOOO an eye for an eye starts looking pretty good!!!

  17. Shawna Flottemesch says:

    BBQ that human waste
    Skin it. Cook humans is cool

  18. Tom Getsa says:

    High Fines And the FDA must shut down this dump!

  19. Carl Sweeney says:

    Boycott the motherfucker’s team and blow the heartless, murdering cunt out of the water. Some so-called “humans” should not have the right to exist. How can the asshole even sleep after this? May karma destroy the shithead and his family inch by inch.

  20. We need to cull people like him in the same manner. Those that abuse animals have no place in this world

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