Cat Hunted Down and Attacked at His Own Home Deserves Justice

Target: District Attorney of Fresno County, California Lisa A. Smittcamp

Goal: Find and prosecute men who allegedly attacked cat and gave him a serious neck wound.

Figaro the cat ended up with a bloody wound on his neck after allegedly being attacked by two men. They need to be found, arrested, and prosecuted to better ensure other animals will be less likely to suffer the same fate.

Figaro’s owner, Mayra Chavez, opened her front door after she heard a motion detector in the garage continually sounding its alarm. Figaro immediately ran up to Chavez and jumped into her arms. Chavez noticed that his neck was severely injured and originally assumed Figaro had been attacked by an animal. However, after listening to a surveillance video, she claimed the footage recorded the voices of two men who had assaulted her pet, one of whom said out loud that her cat was lucky to have escaped. The two were also allegedly spotted in Chavez’s front yard on camera.

Chavez filed a police report, and if the perpetrators are arrested, prosecuted, and found guilty, they may spend up to three years in prison. Sign this petition to demand Figaro receive justice if it is discovered he was maliciously attacked.


Dear District Attorney Smittcamp,

Two men appeared to attack an innocent cat named Figaro on camera. It is important they are immediately located and brought to justice if they are found guilty, so that they will not be able to harm other helpless creatures.

Mayra Chavez decided to investigate outside after she heard her motion detector in the garage going off. Her frightened cat, Figaro, ran up to her in distress after the alleged incident took place. Chavez discovered that the cat was bleeding from his neck. Although she at first thought he had been attacked by another animal, she claimed to hear a man saying on her surveillance camera that the cat “was lucky he got away.” It was reported the men fled the scene when they were unable to catch the cat.

For these reasons, I demand you immediately tell police to search for and arrest the men who reportedly hurt this cat and that you further tell a judge they should spend time in prison if they are tried and found guilty of such senseless animal cruelty.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Michele Bernard


  1. The owner needs to hunt down the 2 Bitc* As* trolls!🎯

  2. Wow, 2 “brave” assholes attacking a small and innocent cat. Find them, make them pay for the medical on the cat they attacked, then get them off the streets permanently. Throw them in with a lion or grizzly. Say the taxpayers money on putting them in jail, they don’t deserve jail, only death.


    • Chris Fournier says:

      I get it. My cats are NEVER allowed outside, but what about stray cats, feral cats? Sick, twisted pricks like these two A-holes will just find another animal to abused. It’s people like this would even go so far as to snatch a dog out of its own backyard to abuse it. And how do you know her cat didn’t accidentally get out of the house?

      • Feral cats are in danger. Yes. Plenty were poisoned in Brooklyn.3 of mine disappeared. Not saying this person let cat outside on purpose.Lots people have the dumb notion that indoor cats SHOULD be let out. Look at serial killer of cats in U.K.People said thier cats are disappearing because they let them out. Pos is beheading cats.

      • And yes. Accidents happen. My cat got out in garden. I was crying for 4 hours and waited in the bitter cold of winter to bring him in. I almost had a nervous breakdown.

  4. Maria Lavorato says:


  5. Maria Lavorato says:

    You have them on video…So continue the investigation and charge them with maximum animal cruelty charges. ..and hefty fines!

    Who was this little cat hurting? These two sick individuals NOW NEED TO BE HURT…or where do they stop???

    God’s grace little Figaro…

  6. Hope they get what they deserve assholes

  7. Evil bastards

  8. Cant quite grasp why two men would try to catch and harm a cat?! Seriously disturbed individuals. Regardless they should be found and prosecuted. Our pets are our family….these “men” (I use that term loosely), should face the consequences of their actions otherwise they will continue this horrific behavior. And should be banned for life from having any animal in their care.

  9. Hope the men two get killed in a really horrible way.

  10. Punishment needs to fit the crime. No slap on the wrist, no paltry fine. Hit these people where they will feel it and send a clear message this is not going to be tolerated. Hefty fines and real prison time. And may karma rain down all the days of their miserable lives.

  11. Shawna Flottemesch says:

    I found this fuckinc human I skin the mother fucker alive


  13. Kathleen Scherman says:

    The people have to start taking care of these POS!!! Hunt them down, hang them from trees by their hands. Than take a rubber band and castrate the scum bags(or use more rope🤗)!! We do not need these mindless scumbags to re-produce!!!

  14. Jacqueline A says:

    MEN?? Wimps murdering little house cats. She needs to KEEP HER CAT INSIDE!! They seem to be targeting hers.

  15. Why on earth are 2 grown men after a little cat , wierdos what they are and i hope they get what they deserve. Hopr figaro is ok

  16. Why will this petition not let me add my signature ?

  17. The surveillance video can assist to find these men. There is no excuse for this illegal and blatant animal cruelty. More importantly, the only way to deter this behavior is to extend the fullest penalty allowable by law. Let them be given the fullest fine possible which can then go towards their mandatory 3yr prison sentence to. be served in full while they also work to earn their keep.

  18. American Girl says:

    Charge these dickheads with burglary and trespassing as well! Get these 2″ wonders arrested and charged!

  19. MICHAEL BAVARO says:


  20. Barb Garrison says:

    Inside cats, outside cats – it doesn’t excuse people from attacking them. Cruelty is at an all time high. People are the problem! There is evil in their hearts that make them so damn mean, and animals are the innocent targets. Evil must be vanquished, so bury the two monsters.

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