Cat Hunted Down and Attacked at His Own Home Deserves Justice

Target: District Attorney of Fresno County, California Lisa A. Smittcamp

Goal: Find and prosecute men who allegedly attacked cat and gave him a serious neck wound.

Figaro the cat ended up with a bloody wound on his neck after allegedly being attacked by two men. They need to be found, arrested, and prosecuted to better ensure other animals will be less likely to suffer the same fate.

Figaro’s owner, Mayra Chavez, opened her front door after she heard a motion detector in the garage continually sounding its alarm. Figaro immediately ran up to Chavez and jumped into her arms. Chavez noticed that his neck was severely injured and originally assumed Figaro had been attacked by an animal. However, after listening to a surveillance video, she claimed the footage recorded the voices of two men who had assaulted her pet, one of whom said out loud that her cat was lucky to have escaped. The two were also allegedly spotted in Chavez’s front yard on camera.

Chavez filed a police report, and if the perpetrators are arrested, prosecuted, and found guilty, they may spend up to three years in prison. Sign this petition to demand Figaro receive justice if it is discovered he was maliciously attacked.


Dear District Attorney Smittcamp,

Two men appeared to attack an innocent cat named Figaro on camera. It is important they are immediately located and brought to justice if they are found guilty, so that they will not be able to harm other helpless creatures.

Mayra Chavez decided to investigate outside after she heard her motion detector in the garage going off. Her frightened cat, Figaro, ran up to her in distress after the alleged incident took place. Chavez discovered that the cat was bleeding from his neck. Although she at first thought he had been attacked by another animal, she claimed to hear a man saying on her surveillance camera that the cat “was lucky he got away.” It was reported the men fled the scene when they were unable to catch the cat.

For these reasons, I demand you immediately tell police to search for and arrest the men who reportedly hurt this cat and that you further tell a judge they should spend time in prison if they are tried and found guilty of such senseless animal cruelty.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Michele Bernard


  1. I’d love to run into these “REAL MEN”. . .

  2. Lame-ass cowards. . . try that with someone who fights back you mutants!

  3. Tina Driscoll says:

    I’d love to run into them as well! Cowards!

  4. Find the men and demonstrate an “Italian necktie” on them. See how they like that neck wound

  5. Please keep pets inside there are so many sickos out there!

  6. Two grown men attack and deliberately harm a little cat – how cowardly and nasty is that? This type of heinous abuse of defenseless animals cannot be ignored, it is not normal and they will certainly kill the next helpless animal they come across – followed by people. Make sure this is not the case; find them, prosecute and jail their sorry butts. If we do not seriously address animal abuse we will never stop it so do your jobs and nail these two.

  7. don’t expect justice even if they are caught. your talking about a state where junkies get paid $900.00 a month to continue being junkies. do you think anything stands a chance in a city where newsom and pelosi run the show. they destroyed that state but like the saying goes you get what you ask for.

  8. Monica+Lee+Koski says:

    Wow…these two grown POS must be real proud to have harmed an innocent cat…They are nothing but cowards and monsters! Please ensure they are identified, charged, and prosecuted to the max for felony animal abuse. Some jail time where they can be the victims for the other inmates would be appropriate!

  9. Wow!! Attacking an innocent animal. These weren’t men. Real men do not attack defenseless animals. These sorry excuses for humans need to be attached the same way. Hopefully they wouldn’t be so lucky to escape.

  10. I think these two fuck wads need to have their hands cut off. Teach them this shit won’t be tolerated!

    • Debra Broach says:

      Most definitely. I have always encouraged the law system, which seems to be a useless organization these days, to amputate an arm off the piece of crap who abuse, torture and kill animals,just because they can, not to ever be allowed to get a prosthetic. Then tatoo animal killer across their forehead and then throw their useless. stupid, sorry behind in a cold, wet, dark cell with only bread and water to start off with for a week. When they get out and happen to try and do it again, cut off the other arm. They can do the heartless, cruel crime … let them serve the hard, cruel time. Of course, the lawmakers being stupid and wimpy as they are, that’s only wishful thinking. All they know is fines, probation and community service, which even that, they most likely won’t get and serve. So the crimes against animals will continue because their torture isn’t considered important enough to imbaciles in the law system, to take action.

      • In Brooklyn a pos served RECORD SEVEN YEARS in jail for setting stray cat on fire. This politition who worked his ass off to make animal abuse laws much tougher. You must find a person like that in your state. IT CAN BE DONE.

  11. Mongibello says:

    In this day and age it is too dangerous to let your cats outside. Please keep them inside.

    • I agree. If you provide your cats with enough amusement and toys and keep them busy indoors they can be completely happy. Plus we won’t have the decline in birds that we are seeing and little creatures that would be killed or have your ca run over by a car or attacked by a predator, animal or human. Owners need to be way more responsible for their pets.

      • Partially agreed…Australians were pretty mad at cats because of the decline in birds and blah blah blah (and domestic cats are way less good at hunting than feral cats)…then someone made them notice that maybe, the acres of woodlands that were being destroyed daily by the construction industry was doing worse than cats to the wild birds, much worse…from Australia Wilderness Society
        “Our 2019 analysis found that 73% of all deforestation and land clearing in Queensland is linked to beef production.
        Between 2018 and 2019, over 92,718 hectares of koala habitat was cleared in Queensland in just one year. And around 73,285ha of that—or a whopping 80%—was destroyed for beef production.”
        Cats are scapegoats…

    • We adopted a cat to woman on my block. Had no idea this cat was from rescue group i volunteer for until it was too late. In less than 5 minutes cat was almost run over by taxi and chased by two unleashed dogs. Cat disappeared and died somewhere. This person was put on dna list.DO NOT ADOPT. To every rescue group in N.Y.

  12. F**king lowlife a$$holes 🤬🤬🤬

  13. Could get 3 years? How about hanging the scum. If someone came into my home and even thought about attacking one of my animals, they would be leaving the premises with a bullet between their eyes.

  14. I agree. If you provide your cats with enough amusement and toys and keep them busy indoors they can be completely happy. Plus we won’t have the decline in birds that we are seeing and little creatures that would be killed or have your ca run over by a car or attacked by a predator, animal or human. Owners need to be way more responsible for their pets.

  15. Thank goodness this sweet cat survived and will heal. Meanwhile, I hope those hateful monsters get beat up in prison!

    As a cat mom, I cannot stress it enough how people need to keep cats inside at all times. There are too many low lives out there who think they have a right to harm cats. I strongly agree with everyone else who said cats need to be inside at all times. My cats are safe and happy in the great be indoors.

  16. Seek the max if these sociopaths are found and arrested. Too bad Ms. Chavez did not own a gun and have motion detectors around her entire home. She could have capped the punk a– sadists and saved you and the Fresno PD a lot of work.

    Too bad the ultra liberals in CA think the death penalty is “barbaric.” Death is too kind for animal abusers.

    • Too bad morons CONservatives know nothing as RED STATES do not give a shit about animals.As that pos Abbott did not sign law saying dog outside a very short chain is not animal abuse. I will give you more FACTS if you would like. And N.Y. is a liberal state which a pos got RECORD 7 YEARS in jail for putting stray cat on fire.

  17. The scum invaded a homestead to commit a crime. I assume the police have the camera footage. There are several broken laws involved – any one of which should be sufficient to put serious effort into finding these criminals.

    And those POS guys Should get the full three years. Perhaps ideally with some brutal type cat lovers. And No (faked) “good behavior “ early release.

  18. It would help if we had a pic of her camera to help spread their identities….

  19. Rose Coffey says:

    Get these guys and slap them in prison for years; I’d like to see them bully the seasoned prisoners in that type of environment. People like that are a disgrace to the human race in general.

  20. These monsters need to be held accountable.
    3 years is not nearly enough. And be certain they are never allowed near another defenseless creature again.

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