Stop Tires From Poisoning Streams and Killing Fish

Target: Martha Williams, Director of U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Goal: Regulate dispersal of tire chemicals lethal to fish and other wildlife.

When salmon began dying off en masse in Washington State, scientists worked diligently to solve the deadly mystery. They eventually found their likely culprit: a tire particle additive known as 6PPD-quinone. When it rained, this substance—along with other tire particles—would run off into the streams salmon used for reproduction. The particles were and are toxic to fish, causing debilitating effects like gasping, equilibrium loss, and death. Now these toxins are popping up in the waterways of other countries, most recently Canada and Australia.

The salmon casualties could be just the beginning, as scientists remain unsure about the effects of 6PPD-quinone on other invertebrates. Not to mention, the other chemicals that are routinely mixed in with this particular particle could pose a significant threat as well. In the tests conducted so far, road run-off has been discovered in disturbingly high concentrations.

California is currently taking steps to regulate use of the dangerous 6PPD-quionone in manufacturing. Sign the petition below to urge this measure and other protective efforts at the national level.


Dear Director Williams,

Road run-off poses a clear and present danger to wildlife living in streams and other bodies of water. The mass deaths of coho salmon in Seattle affirm this belief as increasingly indisputable fact. The tire additive 6 PPD-quinone is likely responsible for the Seattle die-offs. To stop these preventable environmental crises and to curtail a potential threat to public health, a plan of action must be implemented.

California is evaluating potential restrictions of 6PPD-quinone in tire manufacturing. Companies are exploring alternatives. Affected towns are utilizing capture ponds and similar methods for keeping road run-off from contaminating streams and other waterways. Please evaluate and invest in proactive solutions such as these options for a comprehensive federal prevention program.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Bureau of Land Management Oregon and Washington 


  1. Linda Cummings says:

    We are the only species that deliberately shit where we eat. How stupid id that?

  2. Americans are selfish. Not all are self-centered. The folks who write, like Linda, are well meaning thoughtful and kind people. But the amount of idiots we have in this country is overwhelming! They throw tires in streams, rivers, and the ocean because it’s easier than taking them where they can be reused or disposed of properly. Yet these same fools want to drink clean water and have salmon to eat. People believe their actions are not the actions of many, but they are. These individuals really think they are justified in throwing their trash anywhere they choose. After all they pay taxes. We all pay taxes!
    Many of us will take tires or whatever to the appropriate places for disposal or reuse. Why? It’s our responsibility to do so for our planet. There is no planet B. If seen these pathetic people must swim out and remove the tires without help from authorities. An automatic prison time 10 years fits this crime. Let these lazy people figure out how their families will make it once they are in prison. A fine of $20,000.00 should also be paid by them. Those fines will help pay people who make a living removing tires from our waterways. If they do this act again then double the fine and the prison time. No early release! These laws need to be put into place now!

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  • Alana Willroth
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  • Michael Brinkman
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  • Kelly Barr
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