16 Injured Dogs Reportedly Living in Own Feces and Forced to Fight Deserve Justice

Target: Lee County, FL State Attorney Amira D. Fox

Goal: Give prison sentences to men who reportedly forced dogs to fight on a regular basis.

Police allegedly found 16 Pitbull mixed breeds with severe injuries locked inside cages with their own waste. Anthony Pew Sr. and Anthony Pew Jr. were arrested shortly afterwards. These suspects need to spend a long time behind bars if it is found they mistreated these innocent animals.

Investigators reportedly observed the dogs fighting each other through their crates and another one tearing up a stuffed animal. A dog trainer familiar with the case explained that such aggressive behaviors are taught. He further said that typically, owners will provoke dogs by doing things like beating and yelling at them. Besides allegedly observing the dogs being combative, authorities also claimed they found many items at two residences, such as treadmills, that are usually associated with training dogs to fight.

Luckily, all the dogs were rescued. However, for these dogs to be adopted, they will have to be taught how to not be contentious toward people and animals. Sign this petition to demand the people thought to be involved in this dogfighting ring be punished to the fullest extent of the law if they are found guilty of this animal cruelty.


Dear State Attorney Fox,

Anthony Pew Sr. and Anthony Pew Jr. were recently arrested for allegedly training and forcing dogs to fight. It is important they both be given prison sentences if it is found they were involved in this horrible act to better ensure other animals will be less likely to suffer.

Police claimed they found 16 dogs that had massive wounds inside cages with feces and urine. The dogs were reportedly trying to bite each other through their enclosures. Investigators further allegedly found items inside two homes that are mostly used to train dogs for fighting, including treadmills that these animals are forced to exercise on for the purpose of developing bigger muscles.

Although it is good news that all the dogs were found alive, they will not find loving homes unless they can be trained to display more amicable behaviors toward others. For these reasons, we demand you suggest the Pews receive lengthy prison sentences if it is found that they mistreated these helpless dogs.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: 2dogspaws


  1. Jaime Perez says:

    Pew, that’s a good name for these soulless devils! They need to spend the rest of their worthless, miserable lives in jail. I’m so glad the dogs were rescued. I hope they can be rehabilitated so that they will be able to go to good homes. Dog fighters are the worst form of garbage on this earth, they rank right up there with trophy hunters!

  2. Barb Garrison says:

    Dogfighting is a felony, plus the cruelty imposed on these dogs, could be a second felony. This is a no brainer- charge them, sentence them, and be done with it.

  3. Laura O'Neill says:

    Michael Vick all over again. These two men are pathetic excuses for human beings. They need to be punished severely for each animal they tortured. Throw them in jail and let them rot.

  4. Sherry Troutwine says:

    Do not give the worthless beings any mercy, prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law, no plea bargains and a condition is they are banned for life from having or living with any companion animal. They will do this again if given the chance!

  5. Carolyn Douglas says:

    These two cruel evil punks must be securely locked in the filty cages, regular beatings and VERY LITTLE FOOD AND WATER. They must be removed from society forever as they are a menace to animals and also humans. It is well past time for the ‘slap on the hand’ for animal cruelty is used. IN MY OPINION

  6. Stop this barbaric act


  8. Give these creeps prison for years miserable garbage

  9. arrest them put them away

  10. steven+abbott says:

    Do not sweep as a single charge. Each animal needs justice!!

  11. MICHAEL BAVARO says:


  12. Here we go again Florida justice system better do right by these dogs! Lock these pieces of shit in jail & once freed never allowed to own any sort of animal! Also make them pay for life for the upkeep of these animals! They should never receive any income tax returns or any government money ever again! All should be given to these dogs!

  13. Shirley Lemieux says:

    Unless people like Anthony Pew Sr. and Anthony Pew Jr. are deal with swiftly by the hands of Justice then it is likely that they will resume their behavior towards more dogs. These 2 men should also be mandated to pay all medical expenses for these rescued dogs. In addition, they should be mandated to pay for any training that all these dogs will be required to receive before being adopted to new homes.

    • Exactly. Agree with what you said. As long as the person gets a nasty warning and small fine, there will always be dog fighting rings. There is no where near harsh enough punishment for this. We can’t expect change unless we change the laws punishment and fines for this illegal activity.

  14. throw these people in a crate and force them to fight a grizzly bear everyday. They need to experience what they put these poor innocent dogs thru.

  15. Christine Nuttall says:

    Lock them up for life.Vile pieces of shut!!!

  16. The Pews need to be locked up. Treated the same way. Ppl like them are disgusting

  17. Monica+Lee+Koski says:

    Dogfighting is a pit of hell for innocent animals, and must be eliminated from the earth, along with any monster involved in this so called ‘sport’. All those involved, including breeders, trainers, owners, and spectators, all should be identified, charged, and prosecuted to the max on felony animal abuse charges. They should receive mandatory extensive jail sentences @ the very least, and be permanently banned from ever even being allowed around another animal in their lifetime!

  18. We can’t expect change unless we change the punishment fines and laws against this. As long as the people involved are getting a slap on the wrist, so to speak, it’ll always be a dog fighting rings to bust. Harsher punishment is what we need!

  19. If there were actual meaningful punishments for these vile people it would end. If there were huge fines and long prison sentences they would think twice before getting involved in such cruelty. Stop coddling these monsters!!

  20. I always love the way obvious criminals need to be referred to as “alleged “. I realize that you are innocent until proven guilty, but those two men are definitely guilty! And yet, they will probably plead not guilty. They need to be locked up and punished – made an example of to other people involved with dog fighting. The people that go to dog fights also need to be punished. Why are the criminals always getting away with their heinous acts such as dog fighting, cock fighting, puppy mills. The list goes on and on.

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22145 Signatures

  • Lissa F
  • Alana Willroth
  • Michael Brinkman
  • Jamie Chow
  • Mina Leach
  • jacci russ
  • Fran Nelis
  • Kelly Barr
  • Mary Dart - US citizen
  • Kelly Glendening
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