Deny Early Parole to Man Who Tortured and Killed Seven Dogs

Target: Chairman of Nevada Board of Parole Commissioners Christopher P. DeRicco

Goal: Do not allow man who violently killed seven dogs to be released from prison early.

Seven dogs were brutally tortured before being killed and dismembered. Jason Brown is serving time in prison for the crime, but he may soon be eligible for an early parole. It is important that he serve his entire sentence to better ensure other animals will be safe.

Brown appears to be telling people in a video that he wanted to make the animals into fur coats after taking them to his “house of pain.” People who had sold puppies to Brown were heart broken and shocked when they watched him beating and skinning the animals on camera at the original court hearing. Ironically, because Brown was recently reclassified as a non-violent offender, he qualifies for things like good behavior credits, which makes it so he may not be required to serve the entire length of his original sentence.

Sign this petition to demand Brown not be released from prison early since he was found guilty of committing these very disgusting and senseless acts of animal cruelty.


Dear Chairman DeRicco,

Jason Brown may not be required to serve out his prison sentence, despite being found guilty of violently tormenting and killing seven dogs. He needs to serve the rest of his time so that other dogs will be less likely to experience the same fate.

Brown can be heard on video telling friends that his intentions are to take the dogs to his “house of pain” and turn them into fur coats. Sadly, people who sold Brown puppies through Craigslist were forced to watch him torture and skin the animals on video at his prior court date. The state of Nevada claims that a person who harms animals cannot be legally called a violent offender since animals are only considered to be property by law. Nonetheless, many studies indicate that people who commit violent acts against animals will most likely also commit similar crimes against people in the future.

For these reasons, I demand you not release Brown from prison early so that other helpless animals and people will be less likely to be viciously tortured or killed.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Hebrew Matio


  1. Ashley Swinney says:

    How does such a violent offender get classified as non-violent? Someone who had a “house of pain” and loved the torment he caused so much he recorded his abuse to watch and share with others gets good behavior? Y’all are corrupt as hell.

    • This mindset is actually quite prevalent in most states – animals or pets are considered just personal property, like a lawn chair, and since you own it/them you can do what you want with it, including torture and kill it. In Nevada animals are lawn chairs and that’s how he’ll get off early with no consequences, not even a animal ban.

  2. Put this criminal in prison with the general population with the knowledge of his crime.

  3. Stella Waldvogel says:

    In a sane world, he would not be allowed in society. EVER.

  4. Basically, this sadistic and violent man who even recorded and posted his torture of these dogs, will go free in Nevada. In Nevada and other states, animals are personal property so killing them in sick and depraved ways is okay with the law, after all they’re just dogs. But these losers will find new prey and it will likely be human and even then punishment is not a sure thing. Our legal system is a mess and this proves it.

  5. This vile,evil,mentally deranged scumbag must have the death penalty implemented!

  6. so he is suddenly non violent by whose assessment. the liberal scumbags who keep putting these pieces of shit back on the street? not only should he serve his full sentence, after he is done they should skin him alive and bury him under the prison!

  7. you can also rest assured this wasn’t his first rodeo!

  8. He needs to be skinned alive and tortured to death – not released into society

  9. Naila M Johnston says:

    Someone bring justice and kill this s.o.b.!!!

  10. Monstrous monstrous evil, heartbreaking and horrific, karma is theirs – I feel you, poor lost innocent souls; their blood on your souls

    The abuse, torture & murder of the innocents

    Some heartbreaks can never be unseen, some horrors never unheard – PLEASE GOD

    And the universe weeps tears of blood

    Your life as theirs, as their death

  11. This man should not be let out of prison early. Why? He will simply harm and kill more animals. He is a serial killer. He should never be allowed toon or care for any animals and don’t hire him as a babysitter either! States take these crimes against animals by rote. These killings, torture, and skinning needs to be taken seriously. The court nor judge should show irresponsible decisions regarding this man’s behavior. No excuses as this man is accountable for his horrific murders.

  12. BY ALL

    BY ALL MEANS, let’s this MUUTANT our early so he get go about his business of torturing more animals, OR, let’s watch as he moves on to abusing children. HAVE WE AS A SOCIETY LOST OUR MINDS??????


  13. “Reclassified” as a nonviolent offender?? By whom? The court? The prison? I’m sure this human garbage is behaving himself: there aren’t any dogs in there to torture! He probably isn’t interested in making a human suit out of his cellie. This guy will get released early and then re-offend soon thereafter, while truly nonviolent drug offenders will get a 30 year sentence and then maybe be released for good behavior after 28 years. The prison system in this country is biased and run by a bunch of for-profit billionaires who couldn’t care less about an inmate’s crime – as long as the government keeps sending our tax dollars. Politicians on both sides of the aisle know this and look away. If he’d also had a meth lab in his basement we wouldn’t be protesting his early release.

  14. society in america is lost. compassion and empathy no longer exist especially in the younger generations. you talk to these kids and there is nothing there. their eyes are soulless and dead. the girls are turning out to be more sadistic than the guys. this is what happens when we have leaders who can’t lead, everything falls apart. punish people severely for these crimes and you may see some change, maybe.

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