Dog Reportedly Locked in Apartment Closet and Left to Starve Deserves Justice

Target:  Clay County, Kentucky Attorney Joe White

Goal: Give people who allegedly locked dog inside apartment closet before moving tough legal sentence.

A malnourished dog was allegedly locked inside a closet and abandoned by the owners. Yvette Rogers and Ronnie Goodwin were arrested for the crime shortly afterwards. It is important they receive the maximum amount of time in prison as allowed by law if they are found guilty of this thoughtless act of animal cruelty to better ensure other dogs will remain safe.

The neighbors who allegedly found the dog said the fur was so matted the animal was in an extreme amount of pain. According to authorities, Rogers and Goodwin left the dog behind because their time to move out had expired. The animal was permanently seized and will eventually be put up for adoption. Rogers and Goodwin were charged with second degree animal cruelty. Sign this petition to demand they spend time behind bars if it is discovered they mistreated and neglected this innocent creature.


Dear County Attorney White,

Yvette Rogers and Ronnie Goodwin were arrested after neighbors reportedly found their dog abandoned inside their old apartment closet. While it is good news the suspects have been apprehended, they need to spend time in prison if it is found they committed this heinous act to better ensure other animals will not have to endure the same fate.

According to reports, the dog was found by neighbors. Authorities said the dog was malnourished and extremely matted to the point of being in pain. Police indicated that the suspects had left the dog behind because they were not able to take the animal with them when they moved. The dog will be re-homed, once fully recovered.

For the above stated reasons, I demand you suggest Rogers and Goodwin be sent to prison for a lengthy amount of time if they are found guilty of this vile and selfish act of animal cruelty.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Clay City Police Department


  1. Jennifer K says:

    DISGUSTING PIECES OF S**T!!! I can’t fathom how you leave an innocent animal locked in anything!! Take these scumbag people and do the same.

  2. If they can do this to a dog, why not their child ? They should be on the CPS radar from now on, after serving time.

  3. Cheryl Davies says:

    Discussing behaviour shame on you maximum sentence and fined to the maximum, should never be able to have animals again, harder punishment needed to stop low life people like this . Lock them up

  4. Eileen+Prince says:

    Prosecute and incarcerate these two scum. Despicable abuse on a beautiful, innocent, helpless animal. Please punish for this criminal horrific torture.

  5. Julia Edinger says:

    I TOTALLY AGREE WITH “ Eileen+Prince
    Prosecute and incarcerate these two scum. Despicable abuse on a beautiful, innocent, helpless animal. Please punish for this criminal horrific torture. “

  6. Evelyn Ball says:

    I am so sick and fucking tired of the human shit on this planet. Those two worthless cunts need to be locked in a closet and let them starve to death. This planet needs a good cull of the worthless human garbage littering it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Darlene Roepke says:

      I agree with you 100%!! We’re all signing petitions every single day…why aren’t animal abuse laws stricter? These worthless pieces of scum are taking up room, lock them up and starve their sorry asses, we don’t need someone abusing innocent animals, who are put in this world to be our faithful and loving companions.

    • I’m right there with ya!!!

    • Jacqueline Glyde says:

      I would rather see a bullet lodged between their eyes.

  7. Melinda+Maddox says:

    Maximum jail time. Gif knows it will happen again!!

  8. Stick the scum in a cell and forger about them , see how they like it

  9. ,Nadine brundage says:

    Disgusting subhuman low life trash who should be locked in a closet without food or water . That poor, innocent dog did not deserve such horrific cruelty. Why do people have animals and why couldn’t you bring your dog to a shelter? Unbelievable the demented shit that walks the planet. Justice for the dog and jail for the scum.

  10. Carolyn Douglas says:

    All involved in the horror this dog suffered need to be securely locked in a small cage and shoved in an outside shed or garage….forever…IMO

  11. Michelle Stewart says:

    The condition of the poor dog is more than enough evidence on how bad they neglected, abused, and mistreated their dog. And they locked the dog up abandoning him to die. Each person must spend 10 years in prison with no early parole, each person pay a $400,000 fine, they both must pay all veterinarian bills for the dog, and both of them must be banned for life from owning or going near any animals ever again

  12. Lock them up permanently. Useless pieces of trash . I’m so sick of these morons that abuse dogs and other animals .

  13. Take these COWARDLY BASTARDS & DUMP THEM IN THE FLORIDA EVERGLADES TO BE CROC FOOS. Then justice would be served. Those low life deserve to perish.

  14. These vile,severe dog abusing scumbags most dedfinatelty require instigation of the death penalty and nothing less.Slow and agonsing deaths for these evil cretins is essential!

  15. Evan Jane Kriss says:

    If you own an animal, you have a moral and ethical obligation to care for it; if you’re unwilling or unable to do so, you have a moral and ethical obligation to surrender it to an individual or an organization that can. Prosecute these monsters to the fullest extent of the law for egregious animal abuse and cruelty, make them PAY ALL VET BILLS to restore this poor dog to full health and BAN them from ever purchasing, owning, caring for, living with or working with any animals ever again.

  16. Why is this 2nd degree??? Why not a felony? Prosecutors and judges have to DO THEIR JOBS. The police arrest these scumbags but they are not given consequences, and that lies in the courts who offer plea deals that are basically a joke.

  17. This was one lucky dog to have been found but no thanks to the owners. They had no second thoughts. Hopefully they will be found guilty and spend time in prison. There should be a registry for those charged with abuse of an animal and also those who defended them. Those names are important for the public to see. If these people get away with this then it should be mandatory all abusers like them, never have another animal in their lives and hopefully they do not have children. It is a felony. A second degree felony won’t stop these horrific abusers from doing this, or worse, in the future. The law must be harsh and the judge insistent they pay for what they tried to do to their own dog. I bet the defense is glad he’s not their dog!!! The judge too!

  18. Jane Todaro says:

    These people should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and never allowed near an animal ever again!!!!!!! WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH SOME PEOPLE??????!!!!!!!

  19. Jaime Perez says:

    Another set of inbred trash who deserve the same treatment. Lock them up and let them starve, see how they like it. I get so sick of hearing things like this. Until punishments are harsh and painful, things like this will keep going on! People like these two need some good old street justice.

  20. Monsters. More human monsters. They need to be eliminated as soon as they are discovered after the heinous horrible acts they commit. It needs to be a capital punishment crime with no Appeals.

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