Ban Videos of Pets Being Hit and Kicked From TikTok

Target: TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew

Goal: Ban TikTok clips that show animal cruelty and report potential abusers to authorities.

Disturbing videos of what appear to be owners abusing their pets have been popping up on TikTok. It is important that they are permanently banned, and that such behavior is immediately reported to authorities so that the actions of potential animal abusers can be investigated.

One video reportedly shows a woman slapping her cat in the face while the animal displays clear signs of distress. Another video appears to show a famous sports player named Kurt Zouma harshly kicking his cat. A separate clip appears to show an animal clearly crying in pain with entire pieces of cheese stuck to their paws. Other owners have been accused of wearing cat masks to try and scare their pets, which could result in the animal having a heart attack. Some owners are also allegedly using tape to confuse their animals into thinking they are going to run into a barrier, resulting in pets losing their balance and uncontrollably flying across the room.

Although TikTok has been made aware of the issue, it was reported that they only took down a couple of these allegedly cruel clips. Sign this petition to demand the company permanently ban all such videos and to further insist any such aberrant behavior be promptly reported to the appropriate authorities.


Dear CEO Shou Zi Chew,

Many videos that appear to show owners acting abusively toward their animals have been viewed on your platform. All such videos need to be taken down, and any clips where animal cruelty is suspected need to be reported to police so that no pets will have to deal with inexcusable acts of cruelty.

Viewers reported watching a woman violently slap her cat in one clip and another well-known soccer player seemingly fiercely kicking his cat in another video. Some people are allegedly putting on cat masks to frighten their pets. Other owners have been accused of creating fake barricades with tape, causing the animals to try and instinctively avoid them by using clumsy and unpredictable body movements. Experts claim that tactics used to purposely scare animals can lead to them having psychological trauma and sometimes even be a cause of death.

While it is good news that you have taken down a couple of clips that show this alleged abuse, all such videos should be removed from TikTok. For these reasons, I demand you take down all videos that appear to show violent behavior toward pets and that you also quickly report any alleged animal abuse to authorities to hopefully keep these innocent creatures from experiencing more unfounded cruelty.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Jineshpanchal


  1. This is Animal abuse. Tic tok now knows these video exists so they need to be brought up on charges of letting this abuse go on. The account should be reported to the police so the person can be arrested for animal abuse. Shame on tic tok! They are just as disgusting as the people who do this


  3. Rory ONeill says:

    sickening, tik tok, what are you thinking?! horrid!

  4. The people committing these crimes should be prosecuted and jailed. If they post these, what other crimes they are committing, against animals, children, elderly people that cannot protect themselves, in private. Investigate them very carefully

  5. Totally disgusting videos when they involved animals! They should be removed & should screen them before they are put on tik tok!to!! What is wrong with u people, theses are innocent animals that have done nothing to deserve this treatment! There are sick people in this world & don’t need to give in to their sick minds!

  6. Susan Kulikowski says:

    No animal cruelty should be on any platform. Too many sick and abusive people who do this should be arrested and their pets taken away. No animal deserves this cruelty. What the hell is wrong with people who do this? I would never be cruel with my pets.

  7. Put in jail all those mother fuckers!!!!

  8. Simonetta+Scott-Crossley says:


  9. Disgusting

  10. Stella Waldvogel says:

    People are hurting animals for clicks and views. TikTok needs to ban this practice, and the people doing it need to be prosecuted.

    • Deliver eye-for-an-eye justice to uploaders of animal torture/snuff videos, so these diabolically sadistic monsters👹 suffer the same agony. The worthless👺garbage viewing this & the GREEDY👺 slimebags running TikTok are 100% complicit. I’d lock them in solitary & throw away the key!

  11. Boycott TikTok until this abuse stops!

  12. Kurt Zouma fucking greasy turd, walking shitstain and his braindead circle jerk followers should have their teeth kicked so far down their throats they fucking shit them out their asses! Ugly pieces of shit should be beaten into the ground bloody watch these loses bleed and cry I’ll smash that chode Kurt Zouma in the face with a sledgehammer put that on your tik tok you fucking ugly turd. Fuck Tik Tok that has been a shit show since people whined to have it here in the United States!

    • Amen!The sadistic monster👹 deserves 500 years in solitary, eye-for-an-eye justice, & no pets for ETERNITY–while he burns in Hell👺

  13. Linda Cummings says:

    Banning these videos is a no brainer. Why has this not been done yet?

  14. Michelle Stewart says:

    All videos showing any type of animal cruelty must be turned over to authorities, investigated, and all people charged severely. All the animals must be removed from those homes and never given back. All the abusers must spend 5 years in prison with no early parole, each person pay a $300,000 fine, and all people be banned for life from owning or going near any animals ever again. TikTok must also be charged and fined severely for allowing the videos to be posted.

  15. Nena Miller says:

    Asshole psychopaths. Shane on the CEO. Instead of TikTok being a fun place to visit, it is fueling perverse satisfaction in psychopathic creeps.

  16. First of all, POS’s that act that way toward innocent animals need to have their a**es kicked; I & my foot volunteer. It could cause brain damage, though, because that’s obviously where they have their heads stuck up.
    Secondly, TikTok should be banned from the internet if they don’t stop showing those sick videos.

  17. All those involved in the abuse/killing, filming, ignoring the abuse and publishing it for all to see so more abuse will happen need to be forced to be the victims of the same horrifying behavior for the rest of their lives…WHERE ARE THE AUTHORITIES????????

  18. Susan Payne-Gannon says:

    Shame on whoever is in charge of what gets shown on TikTok! Anyone who thinks animal abuse is entertainment is evil and deplorable. TikTok should be banned from promoting such and should be mandated to report it!!

  19. what do you expect from a service that is run by communist china and the brain dead assholes in this country who find amusement in looking like brain dead assholes!

  20. What the question should be is, “WHO IS FUNDING” Tic Tok ??? BOYCOTT !!!!!!

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  • Lissa F
  • Alana Willroth
  • Michael Brinkman
  • jacci russ
  • Louise Dilks
  • Fran Nelis
  • Kelly Barr
  • Mary Dart - US citizen
  • Kelly Glendening
  • Azia Cassell
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