Ban Videos of Pets Being Hit and Kicked From TikTok

Target: TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew

Goal: Ban TikTok clips that show animal cruelty and report potential abusers to authorities.

Disturbing videos of what appear to be owners abusing their pets have been popping up on TikTok. It is important that they are permanently banned, and that such behavior is immediately reported to authorities so that the actions of potential animal abusers can be investigated.

One video reportedly shows a woman slapping her cat in the face while the animal displays clear signs of distress. Another video appears to show a famous sports player named Kurt Zouma harshly kicking his cat. A separate clip appears to show an animal clearly crying in pain with entire pieces of cheese stuck to their paws. Other owners have been accused of wearing cat masks to try and scare their pets, which could result in the animal having a heart attack. Some owners are also allegedly using tape to confuse their animals into thinking they are going to run into a barrier, resulting in pets losing their balance and uncontrollably flying across the room.

Although TikTok has been made aware of the issue, it was reported that they only took down a couple of these allegedly cruel clips. Sign this petition to demand the company permanently ban all such videos and to further insist any such aberrant behavior be promptly reported to the appropriate authorities.


Dear CEO Shou Zi Chew,

Many videos that appear to show owners acting abusively toward their animals have been viewed on your platform. All such videos need to be taken down, and any clips where animal cruelty is suspected need to be reported to police so that no pets will have to deal with inexcusable acts of cruelty.

Viewers reported watching a woman violently slap her cat in one clip and another well-known soccer player seemingly fiercely kicking his cat in another video. Some people are allegedly putting on cat masks to frighten their pets. Other owners have been accused of creating fake barricades with tape, causing the animals to try and instinctively avoid them by using clumsy and unpredictable body movements. Experts claim that tactics used to purposely scare animals can lead to them having psychological trauma and sometimes even be a cause of death.

While it is good news that you have taken down a couple of clips that show this alleged abuse, all such videos should be removed from TikTok. For these reasons, I demand you take down all videos that appear to show violent behavior toward pets and that you also quickly report any alleged animal abuse to authorities to hopefully keep these innocent creatures from experiencing more unfounded cruelty.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Jineshpanchal


  1. Positively disgusting and sickening that this platform would allow a modicum of such videos to be uploaded. This is completely unethical and immoral. You should be promoting the exact opposite. People who behave this way should not be allowed to own pets and should be charged with animal cruelty. Do the RIGHT thing and ban such videos permanently.

  2. Margaret Burlingham says:

    This is why I do NOT subscribe to TikTok – they collect loads of $ from sponsors but don’t care about ethics or have no morality standards, and act irresponsible towards animals who cannot protect themselves against abusers. That makes TikTok COMPLICE to the actions no matter how they hide behind loopholes in the system, they are the same as the abusers they allow to egotistically broadcast their evil.

  3. In the case of the disgusting Kurt Zouma, if he hadn’t been brainless enough to put his vile video on TikTok, thinking everyone who saw it would think it funny, he would never have have been exposed for the evil scum bag he is. I hope he is appropriately punished and not allowed to keep animals again. Is it not possible to trace all these other animal abusers simply BECAUSE they have put their abuse on TikTok? It’s difficult to say don’allow them to put it on there in the first place when they are going to abuse animals anyway and get away with it. Surely once they have exposed their evil actions then they can be caught and punished?

    • Kathleen Scherman says:

      Yes, they can track them down. But they don’t! N

    • Agreed! If it weren’t for those demons recording, how would amyone know? I do think that once it is seen it shouldn’t be up for discussion whether or not the abusers pay… They should pay in more ways than one…starting with receiving what they dished out.

  4. Linda Cummings says:

    What the hell is wrong with people? Why are there so many sick disgusting evil people running around?

  5. Stella Waldvogel says:

    That’s the tip of the iceberg. There’s been evil people abusing animals on TikTok so badly that it made the news. TikTok needs to put their foot down.

  6. You sickos posting animal cruelty on Tik Tok should pray that you are not seen as prey to others watching your sick postings

  7. Tik Tok you are as guilty as the perpetrators…

  8. Shirley Lemieux says:

    I do not know what kind of monster exists that would do this to an animal but apparently many monsters take advantage of their cruel acts towards animals by posting their actions on video and then uploading them for all to see. It is sick. Crimes like this should be strictly enforced and removed from websites. Disturbing to say the least.

  9. Tiktok and many social media platforms are the root of much of the evil that we are seeing worldwide today. People need to get a real life and put these monstrous companies that turn a blind eye to heinous crimes against humans and animals out of business! PERIOD! JUSTICE! GOOD RIDDANCE

  10. Shawna Flottemesch says:

    Blow up the business building we’re Tiktok does it business. Its just a fucking business, blow it up.

  11. Julia Edinger says:

    This shit has to “STOP NOW” !!!! There must be a law against “EVIL TREATMENT” against animals an children PERIOD !!! This is horrible and promoting more an more criminals who are becoming dangerous and committing horrific treatment to ALL innocent living souls…… MUST STOP THIS NOW!!!

  12. Sick people, should be prosecuted for these vile videos

  13. There is not much I can add to the sense of disgust and revulsion that’s been expressed on this petition site. Social media – particularly TikTok – has been promoting not only abusiveness towards pets and other helpless animals, but has been promoting also I mentality of abusiveNess in general.
    In other words, tick-tock is promoting criminality and violence.
    TikTok should be banned unless they do a major revision to their format and policy

  14. Cathy McIntyre says:

    What the hell!!!! Boycott this stupid platform immediately, Tik Tok should be banned from operating. So many sick, depraved people in this world. These people need to be hunted down and dealt with severely – ideally by death but unfortunately this won’t happen in our society.

  15. Every day I am convinced of how evil and selfish humans can be. That is why I prefer the company of animals.
    May karma sharpen her nails and give them ALL a dose of their own medicine soon.

  16. Jaime Perez says:

    People who need to boost their self worth by posting videos of themselves abusing animals, are the most worthless forms of filth on this earth. Tik Tok does have some fun animal videos, but when they continue to allow the “mistreatment of animal” videos, they are no better than the scum who post them.

  17. Why would anyone want to promote any kind of violence, human or animal? It is disturbing there is even an audience for violence.

  18. Barb Garrison says:

    People torturing their pets on video- who watches this crap? It’s unacceptable. Demand change from Tik Tok. It’s not acceptable to remove a couple of videos- that’s not an answer TIk Tok! Remove them all, and this garbage will stop. You’re sick in the head.

  19. Is that supposed to be funny to some sickass people

  20. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE? WHY IS THIS EVEN A QUESTION? Real nice world we live in. Real nice.

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