Small Dog Reportedly Thrown Off High Balcony Deserves Justice

Target: Florida State Attorney Bruce Bartlett

Goal: Give woman time in prison if it is shown she threw dog off condominium balcony.

A 3-year-old pug named Bucky was found dead after allegedly being tossed off a seventh-floor condominium balcony. The woman accused of this crime needs to spend time in prison if she is found guilty of this disgusting act of animal cruelty.

Eric Adeson told authorities that his ex-girlfriend showed up at his residence reeking of alcohol and acting verbally abusive toward him. He claimed that although he asked her to leave, she instead decided to throw his little dog Bucky over his condominium balcony. Additionally, the woman is accused of throwing Adeson’s cellphone and keys over the ledge in a fit of rage.

Police arrested her for animal cruelty as well as for domestic battery and criminal mischief. Sign this petition to demand she receive the strictest sentence possible if it is discovered she committed this unfounded act of animal abuse.


Dear State Attorney Bartlett,

A woman was recently arrested for allegedly tossing an innocent dog over a balcony, as well as on criminal mischief and domestic battery charges. She needs to spend a lengthy amount of time in prison if she is found guilty of these inexcusable acts to better ensure other people and animals will not have to endure the same fate.

Eric Adeson claimed that although he and his girlfriend had broken up in February, she came over to his condo smelling of booze and displaying aggressive behavior toward him. According to reports, the woman aggressively threw a newly turned 3-year-old tiny pug named Bucky off Adeson’s seventh-floor condominium balcony. She allegedly also threw Adeson’s keys and cellphone over the edge, possibly to keep him from getting the dog quick medical attention.

For these reasons, I demand you suggest this woman be spared no leniency under the law if she is found guilty of these violent and unjust acts so that she will be less likely to harm more unsuspecting animals and people.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Ltshears


  1. The stupid bitch needs to be thrown in jail and then throw away the key. If by chance she gets out send her my way and I will throw her off of a building..


  3. This woman is obviously a psychopath. Please show her the same mercy she showed to the little dog. What she did is so heartbreaking and because of her fit, a little dog is dead.

  4. Ann Fuller says:

    Poor little Bucky! What a witch to do something like that to a poor innocent darling dog.

  5. There’s a reason you’re his ex, sweetie. And it’s not because of anything he did wrong. If you were my ex in this situation, you’d be lucky to leave my condo with either of your legs still attached.

  6. Joyce O'Malley says:

    Name and address of woman who did this please – you usually list the person’s name and where they live – thanks!

  7. eleanor+dunkavich says:

    This bitch is garbage throw her in jail and dump the key

  8. Andrea+Chisari says:

    Prison is WAY TOO EASY! She should be thrown from a balcony – or a plane…..

  9. Her human scuzzy trash ass needs to be tossed off a 7 story building!!! Absolutely appalling and ridiculous!! Theres a special place in hell for this POS!!

  10. This fucking bitch needs to pay big time!
    You have to truly be a very sick individual to do something this cruel! She’s a danger to everybody around her and needs to be behind bars for a very long time!

  11. Karen Mathers says:

    This horrible woman needs/ deserves a similar fate. Her cruel, selfish life does not matter!

  12. Amen. Big time.

  13. To hell with prison .. toss her off the same balcony

  14. Pamela+Hengst says:

    RIP precious Bucky. That hateful witch must go to prison. Of course best of all is the suggestion to throw her off the balcony. I will never understand drunken rages fueled by jealousy.

  15. Fuck jail! This piece of sub human scum needs taught a serious lesson! Torture it then launch it into the middle of the ocean and leave it there for the sharks! Wicked rotton bitch! Poor wee dog 💔😭

  16. Christine Nuttall says:

    Why do they say if she is found guilty? Of course she is. Throw her ass in jail and if she gets out I’d like to throw her off a building and say oops sorry I was angry!! Piece of crap!!

  17. Albert C Brechbiel says:

    Just kill her
    Throw her off the empire state building

    • Albert C Brechbiel – I definately agree with your comment.
      “Just kill the vile and evil psychopathic lowlife pos bitch”.
      Throw this evil lowlife pos bitch off the Empire State Building.” This bitch is not a her this bitch is a psychopathic lowlife animal toruring murdering monster bitch from hell. Kill it slowly. What this bitch deserves. Eradication from the plant is a must.
      Kill it!!!!!!Kill it!!!!!!Kill it!!!!!!
      RIP precious and innocent Bucky. You have crossed the beautiful Rainbow Bridge into beautiful Animal Heaven.
      Bless your precious SOUL Bucky.

  18. Michelle Stewart says:

    That woman is guilty. Real justice would be to throw her over a 7 story balcony. She doesn’t deserve to live

    • Michelle Stewart. This slut of a Bitch from hell must be tortured to death and suffer in agony until this slut of a bitch takes her last and final evil agonising breath. Good Riddance to a psychopathic lowlife evil pos from hell.
      RIP Bucky.

  19. If she did this she deserves to pay a seat price for being a complete moron. What did this dog do?? Nothing !! She is a loose cannon and she should pay with her worthless ass belongs behind bars for a long long time.. no animal deserves this what if this were a child? She is capable of anything and she should not be allowed to be out walking freely.. put her In Jail and make her pay for animals in need of any veterinary care. She has a big mouth make her pay we’re it hurts Her wallet for life!!!!
    This would deserve her right!!!

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