Small Dog Reportedly Thrown Off High Balcony Deserves Justice

Target: Florida State Attorney Bruce Bartlett

Goal: Give woman time in prison if it is shown she threw dog off condominium balcony.

A 3-year-old pug named Bucky was found dead after allegedly being tossed off a seventh-floor condominium balcony. The woman accused of this crime needs to spend time in prison if she is found guilty of this disgusting act of animal cruelty.

Eric Adeson told authorities that his ex-girlfriend showed up at his residence reeking of alcohol and acting verbally abusive toward him. He claimed that although he asked her to leave, she instead decided to throw his little dog Bucky over his condominium balcony. Additionally, the woman is accused of throwing Adeson’s cellphone and keys over the ledge in a fit of rage.

Police arrested her for animal cruelty as well as for domestic battery and criminal mischief. Sign this petition to demand she receive the strictest sentence possible if it is discovered she committed this unfounded act of animal abuse.


Dear State Attorney Bartlett,

A woman was recently arrested for allegedly tossing an innocent dog over a balcony, as well as on criminal mischief and domestic battery charges. She needs to spend a lengthy amount of time in prison if she is found guilty of these inexcusable acts to better ensure other people and animals will not have to endure the same fate.

Eric Adeson claimed that although he and his girlfriend had broken up in February, she came over to his condo smelling of booze and displaying aggressive behavior toward him. According to reports, the woman aggressively threw a newly turned 3-year-old tiny pug named Bucky off Adeson’s seventh-floor condominium balcony. She allegedly also threw Adeson’s keys and cellphone over the edge, possibly to keep him from getting the dog quick medical attention.

For these reasons, I demand you suggest this woman be spared no leniency under the law if she is found guilty of these violent and unjust acts so that she will be less likely to harm more unsuspecting animals and people.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Ltshears


  1. Utter scum. A curse on its worthless life. Lock it up. Alky bitch.

  2. I think somebody should be thrown off of balcony repeatedly.

  3. Drunk Bitch, go to detox or jail, actually both you scummy Bitch!



    • Are you serious?! It probably happened in the blink of an eye before he even realized what was happening! He’s probably grieving the loss of his poor dog and you’re trying to blame him?! Advocating he gets thrown off the balcony when he’s also a victim of her abuse?! He couldn’t even stop her from throwing his keys and phone either! You’re sick in the head too, blaming anybody but the perpetrator of this heinous act! Go away! You’re not helping!

  5. Monica+Lee+Koski says:

    Another innocent animal pays the ultimate price with its life,for a monster under the influence with an inability to control her emotions…despicable and heartbreaking! Please ensure the monster is charged and prosecuted to the max for felony animal abuse with a sentence appropriate for the crime!

    • Jeffrey+Poupard says:

      You’re way too forgiving. If we actually hold everyone responsible for their actions, the world becomes a better place. If we keep slapping wrists, no one ever learns responsibility.

  6. We all know what the “Biblical” justice for this obscenity is, so at the VERY LEASE, PLEASE, everyone in this juris diction, follow this case and make sure this depraved MUTANT gets the maximum jail time under the law.

  7. If only these disgusting cowards would do this within reach of someone who could deliver IMMEDIATE JUSTICE for these innocent animals. . . “Justice” would be more aptly served!

    • I agree Jeanne. Looking to the courts to punish animal abusers and murderers just doesn’t happen that often. Perhaps its’ time to replace our elected officials with those who truly care about animal welfare and the rights of animals to live their lives in peace on this planet, free from torture and murder at the hands of humans…

  8. No excuse for this

  9. Anyone one capable of this outrage is NO LONGER to be considered a sentient being, and just a slug taking up space on the planet. . . as such, can we not waste time with “rehab” (joke!!), community service, plea bargaining, and all other useless actions when we KNOW we’ll be hearing from them again when they have tortured or killed another animal??!!

  10. Do the same to that ho!

  11. She is a crazy bitch! Needs anger management training. Her Skanky ho ass belongs in jail! SHE MURDERED THAT POOR INNOCENT PUPPY BECAUSE OF HER ANGER!. LIFE LONG BAN ON OWNING OR BEING AROUND PETS AND ANIMALS!
    God speed sweet baby

  12. Please just throw her useless ass off a balcony and let her die. That’s the best she deserves.

  13. Kick her in the fucking head with steel toe boots

  14. This vile mentally deranged scumbag bitch must have the death penalty implemented and nothing less.A slow and agonising death for this scumbag is essential.

  15. Robert Richmond says:

    I have no words, what she did was Unforgivable No amount of time in prison no amount of money I’ll ever bring that poor little for baby back to life but yes I think she needs to serve time in prison along with about 20,000 hours of community service working in a dog shelter

  16. An eye for an eye – throw her off a balcony that is FAR off the ground!

  17. Jeffrey+Poupard says:

    How did he not instantly kill that cunt? Look at my dogs wrong and you’d better protect yourself. Hurting them is an automatic immediate death sentence

  18. Shirley Lemieux says:

    It is not mentioned whether this woman who intentionally killed this beautiful and innocent little dog was charged with felony charges. This was an intentional killing out of rage. This is heartbreaking that this small dog lost his life because an enraged nut case felt like getting even with her ex boyfriend. She should absolutely face a criminal felony conviction. Anything less would reflect just how pathetic Florida Laws are.

  19. This should be a felony. What a truly evil thing to do. I can’t imagine if it were my dog. Chances I would end of in jail for beating the life out of that b!¥<#.

  20. Bruce Bartlett – Until you start giving animal abusers and murderers time behind bars, the Animal Kingdom will continue to suffer atrocities such as this one. The woman who murdered Bucky is an uneducated asshole who needs to be removed from the gene pool. Put her behind bars Bruce! Please!

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