Small Dog Reportedly Thrown Off High Balcony Deserves Justice

Target: Florida State Attorney Bruce Bartlett

Goal: Give woman time in prison if it is shown she threw dog off condominium balcony.

A 3-year-old pug named Bucky was found dead after allegedly being tossed off a seventh-floor condominium balcony. The woman accused of this crime needs to spend time in prison if she is found guilty of this disgusting act of animal cruelty.

Eric Adeson told authorities that his ex-girlfriend showed up at his residence reeking of alcohol and acting verbally abusive toward him. He claimed that although he asked her to leave, she instead decided to throw his little dog Bucky over his condominium balcony. Additionally, the woman is accused of throwing Adeson’s cellphone and keys over the ledge in a fit of rage.

Police arrested her for animal cruelty as well as for domestic battery and criminal mischief. Sign this petition to demand she receive the strictest sentence possible if it is discovered she committed this unfounded act of animal abuse.


Dear State Attorney Bartlett,

A woman was recently arrested for allegedly tossing an innocent dog over a balcony, as well as on criminal mischief and domestic battery charges. She needs to spend a lengthy amount of time in prison if she is found guilty of these inexcusable acts to better ensure other people and animals will not have to endure the same fate.

Eric Adeson claimed that although he and his girlfriend had broken up in February, she came over to his condo smelling of booze and displaying aggressive behavior toward him. According to reports, the woman aggressively threw a newly turned 3-year-old tiny pug named Bucky off Adeson’s seventh-floor condominium balcony. She allegedly also threw Adeson’s keys and cellphone over the edge, possibly to keep him from getting the dog quick medical attention.

For these reasons, I demand you suggest this woman be spared no leniency under the law if she is found guilty of these violent and unjust acts so that she will be less likely to harm more unsuspecting animals and people.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Ltshears


  1. Throw her off the balcony and just leave her on the ground with no one to help.

  2. Execute her. It is a fair sentence.

  3. I would be happy to throw her off a balcony and continue to do so… Maybe once A-day for a month

  4. I would throw her off a balcony and continue to do so… Maybe once A-day for a month

    • I would go a step further and beat the shit out of her lifeless-but-living body for every day little Bucky missed living on this earth. Justice for all the furbabies!

  5. Dolores Proubasta says:

    What the courts must understand in prosecuting animal abusers and killers is that they are a menace to all, including humans. They are “not right” in the mind; capable of anything. A Dog like a child is helpless and crimes involving the helpless –regardless of species– must, MUST be punished to the highest extent of the law. A life for a life.

  6. She needs to do prison time!!!

  7. Do the same thing to this wicked Bitch. That is the only justice for the innocent Bucky who did nothing to provoke this

  8. Susan Kulikowski says:

    This POS former girlfriend of Bucky’s human should be thrown in jail for a very long time. How can someone be so cruel to murder a living, breathing companion animal because she was drunk and mad. She should be thrown off a balcony. Poor Bucky….no animal deserves this.

  9. Helene lambert says:

    She needs to be punished and put in jail POS

  10. Enough of ignoring the plight of defenseless animals.

  11. This low life puke deserves the harshest consequences allowed by law including fines and jail time. In addition, she should be required to attend anger management classes, alcohol/drug abuse meetings, and never be allowed to be around animals, ever!

  12. Rose Coffey says:

    A lot of guys would have gotten so angry at the ex that they would have pushed her off the balcony also – or done even worse. She can celebrate her “luck” with getting off uninjured by relaxing during the 3 years prison time she deserves. What a jerk she is.

  13. Toss this garbage off the top of the Freedom Tower. DONE.

  14. Enough..these are innocent Living Beings..that deserve to be protected from dispicable humans..just like a baby..people needs to start doing serious time for taking a life..regardless of the species!!.defendless living beings!!..this is never going to stop if they get off with only a slap on the wrist for taking a life!;

  15. Where’s the line start to volunteer to throw this piece of shit off a balcony! Poor little pug better get some serious justice from the Florida justice system. I’m so sick of seeing every day that residents of Florida getting off with barely a slap on the wrist for the abuse of animals. So glad they had to mention she threw the cell phone & car keys off too, probably more of a penalty for that then killing an innocent animal.

  16. Dear Editor,

    Is it not possible for you, since you know about this and other similar cases, to report whoever to the police?


  18. My dog is my child, and you’d best believe I’d not rest a day until this evil lady was punished for tossing my child off a balcony.

  19. It’s only fair that she be thrown from the balcony. She should know what that innocent dog had to feel. Eye for eye !

  20. This poor dog needs justice. I wish this guy could have protected his dog from this hateful monster! Prison is too kind. She needs to be thrown from that same balcony head first! This cruelty needs to stop. Pet parents need to do what it takes to prevent these horrible tragedies.

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