Sledding Dog Reportedly Slammed to the Ground and Stomped on Deserves Justice

Target: Gina and Danny Phillips, owners of Krabloonik Dog Sledding

Goal: Stop the abuse reportedly going on at Krabloonik dog sledding facility.

A dog was allegedly abused at the Krabloonik dog sledding facility. In a six-minute video, a man, seemingly identified as Paul Staples, appears to hit, stomp on, and slam a dog into the ground. Currently, an arrest warrant is waiting to be approved in which Staples would be possibly facing misdemeanor animal abuse charges. There is an open investigation into the video and the facility itself.

Two former employees have come forward to say the facility does not treat its dogs right. They allege that the animals are not able to run free in the summer, a nd are mostly confined to leashes during off seasons.

Let the dogs run free and do not subject them to the alleged neglect and cruelty of the facility. Sign below and demand the immediate firing of all employees that are found to be abusing dogs in their care.


Dear Gina and Danny Phillips,

The alleged abuse taking place at your dog sledding facility needs to be stopped. The video of Nikolai seemingly being abused by an employee is damning evidence. No animals deserve such terrible treatment. The dogs at your facility deserve to be free during winter and summer. They should not be confined to leashes for a long amount of time as former employees have reported.

We demand freedom and safety for the dogs at the Krabloonik Dog Sledding.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Kazisdaman


  1. Erin Ryan says:

    Close this animal torture chamber down! Arrest Danny & Gina Phillips and put them in PRISON. The alleged actions captured on the video should not be misdemeanors! Cruelty to animals is a sign of a demented individual who should never be around animals again for fear they will commit abuse again against innocent beings.

    • Agreed. Abuse of any type should never be tolerated. These are stories we hear over and over about kennel abuse. Why aren’t they shut down!!!!

    • Closing this torture chamber is too good, Mighty reopen it again. They need to NAPALM that evil place to make sure it will never be used again and they need to not only jail that satan’s spawn but they need to fine him a 1000.00 for each stomp, each punch, and each time he slammed that poor innocent boy into the ground, and each minute that the video lasts that needs to be 1000.00 a minute. Maybe that will show him how painful it is to inflict pain on an innocent animal.

    • Exactly! They need to close them down for good. I think this maniac animal abuser needs to be locked up. Makes me sick when I read these animal abusers treating them like they don’t matter.

  2. I agree with Erin. This place needs to be closed. These dogs give their ALL to this race and deserve to be respected for the devotion they show. Let the employee take this the place of this dog and watch how well he does. At one time way back in history this wasn’t a race but an endeavor to assist people as in the story about the sled dog who saved a human’s life. Yet those days are gone and now this is a race for money. Humans and their money, sadly is what makes this world ground here days. These dogs are heroes and they deserve better than you are offering or that she race offers them. The race should not continue. It’s over!

    • I totally agree!These races are for the glory of the mushers. These dogs are poorly treated and pushed to the limits. Greed and abuse go hand in hand.Abuse must be stopped and abusers must face hard prison time,big fines and the end of all animal ownership!

  3. Again, the same should be dealt to Mr. Staples.

  4. This vile severe dog abusing evil cretin must be put to death.A slow and agonisng death for this vile pos is essential.I am ready,willing and ale to help perform this procedure!!

  5. Mary-Frances says:

    Wouldn’t that be well deserved justice! Treat the abusers with the same treatment but harsher. That’s the only way to make scumbags understand what it feels like and maybe teach them what merciless cruelty feels like. I have no forgiveness or mercy for scumbag humans like this.

  6. Linda L Cummings says:

    How disgusting and sick, to treat these intelligent creatures as mere profit-making machines. You are sick and disgusting.

  7. He deserves the exact same treatment he gave this poor dog

  8. Maria X. Carbonell says:

    What is wrong with the so-called human beings? The offenders should be subject to the same treatment: leashed and hurt in the same way they abuse all animals that were created by God – but so far, it looks as though no Judge has seriously taken the initiative to enact a law that would jail those cowards for at least a minimum of 10 years and a $5,000 fine.

    • Sylvia Vegas says:

      Dear Gina and Danny Phillips,
      alright you who have to dictate sentence on this case, we ask you to be our heroes and punish harshly those two cowards
      Thank you!

  9. Jennifer K says:

    I can’t stand reading these stories!! Then I come to the comments and read so many that have the exact same opinion!! Enough with animal abusers or any type of abuse..

  10. MICHAEL BAVARO says:


  11. Shirley Lemieux says:

    Abusing animals and or allowing employees to viciously abuse animals housed at any facility or any place of business can quickly destroy the reputation of that business. The word is already out there Gina and Danny Phillips that dogs are not treated well and are abused at Krabloonik Dog Sledding facility. Where as you are the owners of this facility, abuse to animals could negatively impact your reputation.

  12. eleanor+dunkavich says:

    All sick garbage people arrest them all

  13. Dog racing should be shut do an for good! Its cruel and the sw poor.dogs live a miserable life. Most of them.die from the elements, or exhaustion. Please arrest the man who threw do an the sled dog and stomped in him. He should be in prison!

  14. These noble and loyal animals deserve the very best a human can give, not the absolute worst! It is a vile torture chamber for these innocent animals that must be closed immediately. And anyone associated with this ghastly place be banished from any contact with animals of any kind for the rest of their lives.

  15. They need to put them on jail for ever , those type of humans should not be around

  16. Ban all cat meat trade !!!!!

  17. Tina Colafranceschi says:

    For years and through different owners this kennel continues to be a place of pain and abuse. It needs to be shut down permanently and the dogs rehomed not shot. The owners need to be chained up in a dog yard year round to feel what these dogs have endured

  18. this is so disturbing and sickening!!! This vile dog racing needs to stop and this scum bag taken off the planet.

  19. This is the f–king 21st century..why are animals still being use for entertainment and profits..please shut all these facilities down..put that dispicable bastard in the slummer with some big they can stamp him..shut these barbaric facilities down!!!.. animals are innocent living beings for God sake!

  20. This whole sled dog this is an abusive relic of a time when we didn’t know any better. Time for cirpirate sponsors to STOP supporting this cruel and heartless crap.

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