Dog Reportedly Found Starved to Death and Trying to Eat Feces Deserves Justice

Target: Douglas County, Nebraska Attorney Donald W. Kleine

Goal: Give man prison sentence if it is proved he abandoned and starved his dog.

A dog named Tank was allegedly abandoned and starved for weeks before finally succumbing to death. Maurice Martin was arrested shortly afterwards on animal cruelty charges. He needs to spend time in prison if it is found he mistreated this innocent dog so other animals will be less likely to endure the same fate.

According to reports, Martin called the local humane society and said that there was a deceased dog in front of his home. The dog was allegedly emaciated and had many sores on his legs and hips. It was also reported that feces had been discovered inside Tank’s mouth. Parts of his body allegedly showed discoloration, including the paws and lips. A necropsy revealed that the fat and muscle had not been properly stored in Tanks’ body and that he also had pressure sores and frostbite.

Authorities claimed they eventually discovered that Tank belonged to Martin. Sign this petition to demand Tank receive justice if it is found he was neglected or abused by his owner.


Dear County Attorney Kleine,

Maurice Martin was arrested for animal cruelty after officers said he starved and neglected his dog Tank for weeks. He needs to receive a tough legal sentence if it is found this is the case to make it less likely other animals will suffer under his care.

Martin allegedly called the Nebraska Humane Society to report that there was a deceased dog lying outside of his residence. The dog was said to be extremely malnourished with wounds present throughout his body. Authorities claimed that most of Tank’s body was discolored, likely as a result of not being fed in weeks. It was additionally claimed that feces were found inside Tank’s mouth. Frostbite and pressure sores on his body were also identified by experts during a necropsy procedure. Although the necropsy showed that the dog died because of starvation, he was also thought to have been suffering from gastric ulceration and anemia due to the ulcers.

For these reasons, I demand you suggest Maurice receive a strict legal sentence for his actions if it is determined he abandoned or harmed his dog Tank in any way.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Leisergu


  1. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Prosecute the offenders.

  2. Michelle Stewart says:

    That bastard is guilty and must spend 20 in prison with no early parole, pay a $500,000 fine, and be banned for life from owning or going near any animals ever again. Real justice would be to execute that guy. He doesn’t deserve to live for what he put Tank through and make Tank suffer

    • Joyce O'Malley says:

      Maurice needs to be prosecuted- fined – put in prison – no contact with animals for life !!

    • Milantia Roy says:

      He should go to jail and not be fed for like a week in hopes that he also eats his own feces and then locked up for the duration of his miserable existence.

  3. Kill him – starve him to death

  4. Linda Hilty-Tuttle says:

    What a filthy piece of humanity; give him the same treatment as this poor dog!!!!!

  5. Torah Wolf says:

    God calls upon us to be stewards for his creations not to abandon them not to hurt them not to torture them this person needs to go to prison for a very long time and made an example of for other animal abusers and never ever allowed to be around any animals ever ever again and be made like a pedophile for animals known to the world… When people in prison find out what this person did… I’m sure they’ll go after this person with a vengeance and … they have their own rules and guess what they love animals.

  6. Can someone PLEASE start getting justice for these poor innocent animals who DO NOT DESERVE to be treated like they don’t have feelings and cannot feel pain from being starved to death? If someone would start punishing these people to the fullest extent of the law maybe it would stop !! These animals DESERVE TO BE TREATED AS LIVING THING !!

  7. These ppl are nothing more than a waste of space in this world, put him somewhere so nobody or innocent animal needs to ever suffer with this POS again, please save the good and innocent and get rid of the evil!!!

  8. Melissa Leith says:

    We should throw the asshole who did this in a jail cell, lock the door and let him starve to death. Make sure it’s freezing cold. Make sure there is no food or water. Just leave him there to slowly die. No punishment is bad enough for this person. Does not deserve to keep breathing. Also, shame on anyone who saw this poor starving dog, and did nothing to help it!

  9. Put Lowlife SCUMBAG Maurice Martin behind bars for a very long time. Let this scumbag be sodomized daily and NEVER own an animal again!!

  10. Susan Ecks says:


  11. Evan Jane Kriss says:

    Prosecute this monster to the fullest extent of the law for egregious and intentional animal neglect and cruelty. Make him pay all vet bills to restore this poor dog to full health. If you own an animal you have a moral and ethical obligation to properly care for it; if you’re unwilling or unable to do so you have a moral and ethical obligation to surrender it to an individual or an organization that can. Abandonment is NEVER acceptable. BAN him from ever purchasing, owning, caring for, living with or working with any animals ever again.

  12. That nasty heartless man deserve to be put in jail and not fed for the rest of his miserable life.

  13. This bastard doesn’t need a prison sentence. What he needs is the same treatment and a slow death. I do not know what gives these arrogant fuckers the right to assume they can torture and abuse animals.
    If you read this you tosser just keep looking behind you as someone with the same feelings as I could be watching you one night and give you a serious headache with a baseball bat or similar.
    This tosser needs to learn the error of his ways. Just a waste of space who needs taking out.
    I am sure that many others think the same as I.
    I say again- Power to any vigilante groups who could hunt these shitbags down and secretly damage them severely. Better still, terminate the fuckers permanently!

    • gabriela torres says:

      I wish your ‘wishes’ would be feasible!
      So far there isn’t a judge that would enact a law applicable in all the states of the USA and that’s the reason why these crimes keep happening over and over.

  14. transformation6891Janey says:

    Martin has committed heinious cruelty and this poor dog is a testament to some of the worst findings of tortures by abandonment, starvation and intent. That he did not own up but pretended it was not his dog is grosse. He did not hide his crimes. That was a +ve because we now can charge him and he must be jailed and monitored, never being allowed to own a dog or anyother animal.

  15. Let this useless thing mother fucker starved stop!

  16. Raymond Stevens says:

    This scumbag really needs to be forced to eat his own shit until he dies.

  17. We as human beings have duty of care, to each other, all animals, and the planet. If we fail in this duty we fail our humanity. We have to get in place stricter laws protecting animals.

  18. Shirley Lemieux says:

    Heartless and avoidable crimes like this deserve severe punishment. Maurice Martin intentionally killed this dog and there must be Justice so as to deter other people from abandoning and starving to death animals in their care.

  19. I am so sick of hearing stories like this. If lawmakers would actually make laws that have teeth in them, and the law enforcement would do their job and ENFORCE punishment on aholes like this, we wouldn’t have this problem. Throw him in jail and let him starve until he rots away like that precious dog. He deserves a taste of his own medicine. Why should we show him any mercy when this could have been avoided? Give him every ounce of punishment allowable, and then lock him away in a cell with an animal lover. Let justice be done.

  20. Simonetta+Scott-Crossley says:

    Evil scum savage from Satan!!! You are vile, scum of the earth so trash rubbish good for nothing bastard does not deserve to breath!!!!

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