Dog Reportedly Found Starved to Death and Trying to Eat Feces Deserves Justice

Target: Douglas County, Nebraska Attorney Donald W. Kleine

Goal: Give man prison sentence if it is proved he abandoned and starved his dog.

A dog named Tank was allegedly abandoned and starved for weeks before finally succumbing to death. Maurice Martin was arrested shortly afterwards on animal cruelty charges. He needs to spend time in prison if it is found he mistreated this innocent dog so other animals will be less likely to endure the same fate.

According to reports, Martin called the local humane society and said that there was a deceased dog in front of his home. The dog was allegedly emaciated and had many sores on his legs and hips. It was also reported that feces had been discovered inside Tank’s mouth. Parts of his body allegedly showed discoloration, including the paws and lips. A necropsy revealed that the fat and muscle had not been properly stored in Tanks’ body and that he also had pressure sores and frostbite.

Authorities claimed they eventually discovered that Tank belonged to Martin. Sign this petition to demand Tank receive justice if it is found he was neglected or abused by his owner.


Dear County Attorney Kleine,

Maurice Martin was arrested for animal cruelty after officers said he starved and neglected his dog Tank for weeks. He needs to receive a tough legal sentence if it is found this is the case to make it less likely other animals will suffer under his care.

Martin allegedly called the Nebraska Humane Society to report that there was a deceased dog lying outside of his residence. The dog was said to be extremely malnourished with wounds present throughout his body. Authorities claimed that most of Tank’s body was discolored, likely as a result of not being fed in weeks. It was additionally claimed that feces were found inside Tank’s mouth. Frostbite and pressure sores on his body were also identified by experts during a necropsy procedure. Although the necropsy showed that the dog died because of starvation, he was also thought to have been suffering from gastric ulceration and anemia due to the ulcers.

For these reasons, I demand you suggest Maurice receive a strict legal sentence for his actions if it is determined he abandoned or harmed his dog Tank in any way.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Leisergu


  1. Starve this little b*tch named Maurice Martin and shovel dog shit down his throat as he dies a slow, miserable death! Would love to bludgeon this a$$hole’s skull open with a sledgehammer!

  2. What is mind boggling is this POS had enough audacity to call authorities to remove the deceased dog that he clearly watch suffer and ignored. But didn’t have the kindness to take Tank to a shelter. Loser deserve the harshest. POS.

  3. What kind of monster could treat a dog this way? Punish them harshly if found guilty-we must deter inhumane treatment of precious animals. They don’t deserve this torture.

  4. Maurice Martin should be sentenced to starvation – to receive neither food nor water – exactly the same as he meted out to poor Tank! He should be dropped in the middle of the desert to make sure NOBODY gets a chance to give him anything to eat. We must rid this planet of horrible people like him!

  5. Maurice Martin is a vile psychopathic murderer who deserves the strongest jail sentence available. Even this is far too good for this subhuman.

  6. This vile,mentyally deranged severe animal abusing/killing scumbag must definately have the death penalty implemented.A slow and agonising death for this evil cretin is essential.I am ready,willing and ale to help with this procedure!!

  7. Cheryl+Miller says:

    This is absolutely disgusting and sad!!! How can this man sit there and watch his dog suffer, how?!? Why didn’t anyone help this poor innocent pet?! I don’t understand this crap? Please please put him in jail, fine him harshly, let everyone know in the community that there is a sick animal abuser near by, make him do a year or two of picking up trash like he is and never ever allow him animals again!! SICKO AND TWISTED!!!!!

  8. Maurice Martin Is pure evil. There is no reason you can give me that makes this kind of cruelty ok. You didn’t want to bother taking care of your dog? You drop the dog off at a shelter, you monster. Make sure he is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, but more importantly, let’s ensure he is BANNED FOR LIFE from owning or having any animal in his care.

  9. Take this POS, hang his ass with a sign in the middle of the town he lives in, let the community serve him his punishment! POS needs to slowly die a horrible death! RIP Tank, you free baby from all that pain! May Karma rain down on you Maurice you Son of a bitch!

  10. Kay Cardona says:

    What a horrible person.i hope he rots in jail

  11. Forget jail, starve the prick to death & leave him to rot in hell.
    He’s not worth the air he breathes.

  12. I am crying heartbroken. I guess one must be possessed by the devil to do something like this. R.I.P little one.

  13. I can’t stand this. Why get an animal if you aren’t going to take care of it. At least let it roam free so it has a chance to survive. I agree with everyone do that same thing to this bastard.

  14. Christina Anderson says:

    Hanging, drawing and quartering are too good for this piece of human excrement

  15. Eileen+Prince says:

    Prosecute and incarcerate this scum. Despicable abuse to torture and kill this beautiful innocent helpless dog.

  16. Christine+Eckerson says:

    This POS Evil human needs severe punishment! So cruel and Tank sure didn’t deserve this or him for an owner! Starve him to see how it feels!!

  17. Too many times i hear dogs and animals being deliberatly starved, same should happen to these evil sadists. RIP little angel xx ,

  18. Greg Burks says:

    So let me know who did it and where they are. I will end them. No questions

  19. Adrienne+Kaiser says:

    This POS needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and NEVER allowed to own or have a dog, EVER AGAIN!! How can anyone starve their pet and then lie about the ownership of their dog!! Disgusting!!


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