Dog Reportedly Found Starved to Death and Trying to Eat Feces Deserves Justice

Target: Douglas County, Nebraska Attorney Donald W. Kleine

Goal: Give man prison sentence if it is proved he abandoned and starved his dog.

A dog named Tank was allegedly abandoned and starved for weeks before finally succumbing to death. Maurice Martin was arrested shortly afterwards on animal cruelty charges. He needs to spend time in prison if it is found he mistreated this innocent dog so other animals will be less likely to endure the same fate.

According to reports, Martin called the local humane society and said that there was a deceased dog in front of his home. The dog was allegedly emaciated and had many sores on his legs and hips. It was also reported that feces had been discovered inside Tank’s mouth. Parts of his body allegedly showed discoloration, including the paws and lips. A necropsy revealed that the fat and muscle had not been properly stored in Tanks’ body and that he also had pressure sores and frostbite.

Authorities claimed they eventually discovered that Tank belonged to Martin. Sign this petition to demand Tank receive justice if it is found he was neglected or abused by his owner.


Dear County Attorney Kleine,

Maurice Martin was arrested for animal cruelty after officers said he starved and neglected his dog Tank for weeks. He needs to receive a tough legal sentence if it is found this is the case to make it less likely other animals will suffer under his care.

Martin allegedly called the Nebraska Humane Society to report that there was a deceased dog lying outside of his residence. The dog was said to be extremely malnourished with wounds present throughout his body. Authorities claimed that most of Tank’s body was discolored, likely as a result of not being fed in weeks. It was additionally claimed that feces were found inside Tank’s mouth. Frostbite and pressure sores on his body were also identified by experts during a necropsy procedure. Although the necropsy showed that the dog died because of starvation, he was also thought to have been suffering from gastric ulceration and anemia due to the ulcers.

For these reasons, I demand you suggest Maurice receive a strict legal sentence for his actions if it is determined he abandoned or harmed his dog Tank in any way.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Leisergu


  1. Erin Ryan says:

    Please put Maurice Martin in PRISON! He is a SADIST! Anyone who gets pleasure from inflcting torture upon others MUST be put away! Oh, how this innocent dog suffered! Martin watched the slow and agonizing death of an innocent animal which must have taken quite a while with indifference. Put him in prison and throw away the key! He deserves nothing! In fact don’t even allow him to have a roof over his head. Put him in a cage outside and see how he likes it. God Bless you Tank. You are finally free of the cruelty, abuse, & torture you suffered here. I am so sorry no one helped you. May you rest now in peace.

  2. Christopher+Sonnier says:

    It is obvious Martin knowingly and intentionally allowed this innocent animal to slowly and agonizingly die in one of the worst possible ways. Please hold him accountable to the fullest extent of the law.

    • Dianne+Parker says:

      I agree this sick sadistic prick not only starved this pup but forced him to endure freezing temperatures & suffered horrifically! NO ANIMAL should have to endure such treatment in the hands of a sadistic prick as Maurice Martin! He needs to be locked up, fined, and prosecuted to the FULLEST extent of the law! I can not even imagine this dogs horrific death!😡😤

    • Carmel Edreey says:

      There is no punishment on this earth severe enough for this breathing monster 🙁

  3. Maria Bertrand says:

    Agree with you Erin!
    Charge this EVIL MONSTER with MURDER 1. Starve him in jail until he feels everything Tank felt and succumbs to death!

    Lawmakers, judges DO NOT EVER MAKE LIKE OF THESE KIND OF CRIMES ANYMORE DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I hope your having a ball in heaven little Tank…..

  4. Maria Bertrand says:

    Error Light*

  5. Starve him! Let him.suffer like Tank! No prison! Starve to death!

  6. This is only one of the reasons why animals should have better rights. They give us their entire beings and then some people just kick them in the face. ALL abused animals need justice! There is NO EXCUSE for ABUSE!! Lock this man up and make him suffer for what he did. People against animal abuse need a poster boy!

  7. Liz Russell says:

    Saw this monster’s photo-face of pure evil
    Do away with this scum

  8. Ban all cat meat trade !!!!!


  10. After just reading & signing this horrendous petition I don’t know if I’m more angry or sad!?!
    There is not any human justice for someone this cruel on Earth. Although I believe in an eye for an eye I’m hopeful KARMA takes it’s course.

  11. I really don’t understand these petitions because it is a federal felony. If you would prosecute faster and not drag things out with a petition maybe people would know they will not get away with things like this. Law officials need to do their jobs and stop dragging their feet. If someone does this to am animal what degree will they do it to a child, spouse, or elderly parent. Wake up

  12. To starve to death is so painful. To deliberately do this to a dog who has loved you is beyond explanation or comprehension. This man deserves prison. The laws must be tougher as various states have various laws. We need a national set of laws to stop this harm from happening. There are shelters so no dog has to suffer this fate. This man has no regard for animals or humans. He should be found guilty and given a long term of prison. I just wish he could be denied food as he denied food to his best friend.

  13. What a sorry excuse of a human being! These SOP’s deserve the same fate they provide for their animals. Starve him and leave him in the cold to get frostbite and die.

  14. Karen Mckay says:

    Vile excuse of a man. Long jail sentence must be given. Hopefully he will get a taste – no pun intended – of the same treatment. A curse on him

  15. Beyond horrifying and heartbreaking to think of the suffering poor Tank dog endured. This sub-human, pure evil peice of shit needs to be removed from society forever. Let the MF rot in jail until he starves to death, he doesn’t deserve to breathe precious air. Law makers have got to get real and properly punish all animal torturers and murderers! Get them out of society, period!

  16. Put this piece of shit in jail and let him rott to death

  17. May all those who abuse or torture animals suffer a slow horrible painful torturous death before they rot in hell !

  18. That fucking worthless human she locked in a cage and feed him shit till he dies

  19. I totally agree with each and every one of the above comments, apart from 1 thing, this evil basterd should not be put in jail that would be to good for him.
    I hope 1 million ant crawl up him back side and slowly and very very painful eat away at him.

    Whit do not understand is has this thing not got any houses around him!! no one walks past this house.

    I think someone should have just got a crow bar jumped the fence and took this poor innocent little baby.
    He will get his comeuppance when he is inside fingers cross

  20. This sociopath deserves the same.

    Stick him in a freezer and give him rancid raw ground beef to eat. Then deprive hi of all food and water. He can dine on his diarrhea for his last few meals.

    Where were the neighbors while this went in? Doing meth? Sodomizing minor step children?

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