Dog That Died After Alleged Neglect at Rescue Facility Deserves Justice

Target: Smith County, Texas District Attorney Jacob Putman

Goal: Give prison sentence to owners of animal rescue facility who allegedly failed to provide dogs with basic needs.

Thirty-eight dogs were recently confiscated by authorities after they were allegedly abused by the people who ran the rescue facility where they were staying. Tina Loper and Eric Wayne Morris were arrested shortly afterwards on animal cruelty charges. They need to be held fully accountable if it is discovered these allegations are true, to better ensure more animals will not suffer.

Police said that they took the dogs from the Dog Days Ranch and Rescue Facility in Winona, Texas. According to reports, one of the female dogs was severely emaciated, had drooping skin, and was also seen with drool dripping out of her mouth. The animal allegedly was unable to recover and had to be euthanized. Loper reportedly admitted to one of the officers that they had “made a lot of mistakes” when it came to taking care of the animals.

Both Loper and Morris are being held on a $100,000 bond. Sign this petition to demand they spend time in prison if it is discovered any dogs were harmed or died as a result of their negligence.


Dear District Attorney Putman,

Tina Loper and Eric Wayne Morris were arrested after it was reportedly discovered thirty-eight dogs were not provided with adequate care at their animal rescue facility. It is important these people no longer be legally allowed to care for animals and that they also be given a strict legal sentence if it is found they abused or neglected these dogs.

The dogs were reportedly taken from the Dog Days Ranch and Rescue Facility in Winona, Texas. Authorities reported that one of the dogs was extremely thin, had sagging skin, and also had drool coming out of her mouth. Because the dog allegedly remained in such poor condition after being rescued, officers stated she had to be put to sleep. Loper reportedly insinuated to one of the arresting officers that they had not provided the animals with the care they required.

Morris and Loper are currently awaiting trial and are being held on a $100,000 bond. We therefore demand you suggest they serve prison sentences and that they further be required to close their animal rescue facility if it is found any dogs suffered or died while under their care.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Ivan Bandura 


  1. the more you look at humanity the clearer it becomes that we are a lost cause, obviously not all but far too many!

  2. These evil animal abusing cretins must have the death penalty implemented and nothing less!!

  3. How can anyone “make mistakes” caring for other living beings? At the very least provide the basic necessities just as you, as a human, require- food, water, shelter, health care! These people should NEVER have animals again and MUST be put in PRISON even though they will get their basic needs met which is what the poor innocent animals never had!

  4. WTH is the matter with people??? Sick jackasses do this sort of thing. They are usually repeat offenders. These people must be severely punished. Perhaps a dose of their own actions would do some good. I bet they’re not starving!

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