Cat Reportedly Shot in Revenge Killing Deserves Justice

Target: Sean McCormack, District Attorney of Cumberland County, PA

Goal: Prosecute man accused of shooting and killing his alleged victim’s pet cat to the fullest extent.

An innocent cat allegedly became the victim of one man’s ire. The cat was reportedly shot and killed by a BB gun. Steven Robinson has been arrested in connection with the crime and charged with aggravated animal cruelty.

The incident apparently unfolded at the home of the cat’s pet parent. According to accounts of this woman, Robinson arrived at the premises and harassed her. He then allegedly fired at the cat with the gun. Before leaving, Robinson also reportedly threatened the woman if police were called. As a result, the suspect also faces additional charges relating to the supposed threats and the alleged discharge of the gun.

If he is found guilty, Robinson needs to be held fully accountable. Sign the petition below to demand prosecutors seek the maximum possible punishment.


Dear Mr. McCormack,

As a new district attorney, you likely have many cases on your roster. Please do not let the case of Steven Robinson slip through the cracks. Robinson is accused of intimidating and threatening a female victim and of shooting her pet cat to death with a BB gun.

If these charges prove true, Robinson represents a clear and present threat to the community you took an oath to defend. Please ensure that both of his alleged victims receive due justice by pursuing the most severe penalty available.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: David Corby


  1. Give that fucker to me. Skinned alive boiled alive, then cut up into little pieces for my hogs. No evidence no crime

  2. Robert Richmond says:

    Laws need to change, much more needs to be put in place for people who hurt, abuse, injure or kill animals. Most get off with just a slap on the hand. Finds, jail time or prison needs to start happening.

    • You have to make sure you vote animal lovers into office. Up to people to do that. In Brooklyn pos did RECORD SEVEN YEARS for putting stray cat on fire. And pos did the whole 7 years.

  3. Raynesha McGhee-Reed says:


  4. POS Bastard!!! .. hope you end up in prison and get a daily asshole widening done to you by the other inmates.

  5. Low-life degenerate.

  6. Shirley Lemieux says:

    There is no question that Steven Robinson should, among other charges, be found guilty of aggravated animal cruelty. Steven Robinson represents numerous Men who looks for revenge on their victims by killing the victims pet. A bully and coward at its best. Do not let Men like Steven Robinson receive leniency. There are far too many similar acts of violence and killings like this. A Suspects dominating strategy to “get even”.

  7. If he isn’t prosecuted to the maximum, as in jail time and felony charges for animal abuse, I can bet the next thing we will hear about this story is him having killed her. I have no doubt.

    This is why I don’t date.

  8. Maria Lavorato says:

    Charge Robinson with MURDER 1ST DEGREE!

    This little cat was a completely innocent victim. I DEMANDING justice for those who are innocent. The law needs to start standing up for those who are innocent and punish perpetrators to the maximum each and every time so that a message is sent!

  9. Laura Rolder says:

    He is a cold hearted murderer who should be locked away for life. This a Felony and the justice system needs to remove him from society. Justice for this innocent cat is a must.

  10. Somebody needs to give him a taste of his own medicine. If I was that woman I would lock and load sounds like she has a nut case that should be locked up forever

  11. The FUCKER needs to be shot down the same way then the defenseless animal did

  12. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Euthanize the offender(s).

  13. Cheryl+Miller says:

    Omg that must have be so painful and it must have suffered so much!! What a disgusting horrible man!! Throw him in jail, fine him, make him do community service work and never ever let him have animals!!

  14. Sean McCormack, District Attorney of Cumberland County, PA

    The vile and evil psychopathic animal torturing murdering monster bastard Steven Robinson, kill the vile and evil psycho animal torturing monster Steven Robinson lowlife pos slowly. This vile and evil lowlife monster bastard definately shot and murdered an innocent alleged victim’s precious and innocent pet cat.
    Eradicaton from our planet is a must. Torture this monster animal torturer and animal murderer Steven Robinson.Burn in hell you vile and evil psycho monster bastard from hell. Where you belong.
    All animal torturers and animal murderers must be all sentenced to death. This must be introduced into the Animal Protection Laws. This is the only way that these vile and evil psychopathicanimal torturing murdering monsters from hell can be stopped. Kill them all.
    RIP precious and innocent Puddy. An innocent and helpless life
    ended by a psychopathic monster from hell Steven Robinson
    Kill this psycho monster Steven Robinson from hell slowly!!!!

    • I love you reply. I feel the same way you do and often post what I think should be done to these people. People who work in slaughterhouses, primate Testing Laboratories, the dairy industry and factory farms definitely need to have their private parts removed so as to not pollute the world with their tainted DNA.

  15. Eva Cantu says:


  16. An eye for an eye. Steven Robinson deserves to be executed!

  17. I hate people. I’d love to kill evil fuckers

  18. He deserves the same treatment-to be shot with a BB gun!!! Please don’t just give him a slap on the wrist and free room and board in jail!!!

  19. Michelle Stewart says:

    That bastard deserves to be shot dead

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