Cat Reportedly Shot in Revenge Killing Deserves Justice

Target: Sean McCormack, District Attorney of Cumberland County, PA

Goal: Prosecute man accused of shooting and killing his alleged victim’s pet cat to the fullest extent.

An innocent cat allegedly became the victim of one man’s ire. The cat was reportedly shot and killed by a BB gun. Steven Robinson has been arrested in connection with the crime and charged with aggravated animal cruelty.

The incident apparently unfolded at the home of the cat’s pet parent. According to accounts of this woman, Robinson arrived at the premises and harassed her. He then allegedly fired at the cat with the gun. Before leaving, Robinson also reportedly threatened the woman if police were called. As a result, the suspect also faces additional charges relating to the supposed threats and the alleged discharge of the gun.

If he is found guilty, Robinson needs to be held fully accountable. Sign the petition below to demand prosecutors seek the maximum possible punishment.


Dear Mr. McCormack,

As a new district attorney, you likely have many cases on your roster. Please do not let the case of Steven Robinson slip through the cracks. Robinson is accused of intimidating and threatening a female victim and of shooting her pet cat to death with a BB gun.

If these charges prove true, Robinson represents a clear and present threat to the community you took an oath to defend. Please ensure that both of his alleged victims receive due justice by pursuing the most severe penalty available.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: David Corby


  1. I hate people!!!!

  2. Ross Allen says:

    Throw this cruel and vicious degenerate in jail.
    Who’s next? Kids?

  3. When these damn idiots who abuse and torture animals find out … KARMA … is waiting for them, that will be poetic justice. I can’t wait for them to discover that.


  5. truthwarrior says:

    Why can’t guns just backfire on these types of people? Some one should load this guy up with bb shot. Put it in the groin first.

  6. Took his anger out on a innocent soul!!!! This man needs to be lock up and throw away the key! He is dangerous!!!!!!

  7. Andrew Wells says:

    Hang him!!

  8. May karma rain down heavily. He deserves tenfold the evil back at him that he doles out.

  9. Anna Martirosyan says:


  10. László says:

    Give that punk azzzzzz same treatment.

  11. Whos next for this piece of garbage?

  12. Shoot him! JUSTICE

  13. MICHAEL BAVARO says:


  14. MaryAnne says:

    This monster has already played his hand. He murdered her precious pet cat.
    Who do you think will be next? This is what monsters do. They go after the family members, which was her cat. She will be next. If nothing is done to this monster, it will be on the hands of new district attorney McCormack.
    I hold more value for animals than I do for humans. The human race is circling the drain. That monster would have never pulled the trigger on his BB gun. I would have ended him immediately.

  15. Lawrence Holtzman says:

    Throw is sorry ass in jail not only for killing this persons cat but threating her as well. This is human harassment and animal abuse. ASS HOLE is an understatement!!! Denise is correct I hate humans.

  16. May he rot in jail before he rots in hell!

  17. I signed this petition so the creep Does Not Slip Thru The Cracks! Full punishment Please.

  18. Yet another POS coward in Pennsylvania that has to shoot an innocent cat & threaten a woman. He obviously doesn’t have the guts to face a real man who is an animal lover. He would lose.

  19. Cuanta gente hay enferma de odio y crueldad, se merecen el peor de los castigos!!!!!!

  20. As a cat mom, this really infuriates me! That monster deserves to be shot to death! Fellow cat parents need to try harder to protect their cats.

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