Demand Justice for Dogs Reportedly Abandoned on Roadside

Target: Chambers County District Attorney Cheryl Swope Lieck, Texas

Goal: Ensure full prosecution of the individual reportedly responsible for abandoning two dogs, leaving them vulnerable and alone.

Witnesses reportedly observed a man pulling over near FM 1409 and Perry Avenue, where he allegedly opened his trunk and left two dogs on the road before driving away. The man, identified as 41-year-old Fernando Cantù, was arrested and charged with four counts of animal cruelty. The abandoned dogs were rescued by Mont Belvieu Animal Services and are currently in the shelter awaiting potential adoption.

Abandoning animals is a serious act of neglect that can lead to suffering, injury, or death for the defenseless creatures left behind. The dogs in this case were reportedly left vulnerable to traffic, weather conditions, and lack of food or water. Such actions demonstrate a disregard for the well-being of animals and violate animal welfare laws.

To prevent future incidents of this nature and to uphold the standards of animal protection, it is crucial that the individual reportedly responsible is held accountable. Demand that the authorities prosecute this case to the fullest extent of the law to send a clear message that animal abandonment will not be tolerated.


Dear District Attorney Cheryl Swope Lieck,

We are writing to express deep concern over the reported incident involving the abandonment of two dogs near FM 1409 and Perry Avenue. Witnesses have reportedly identified a man, Mr. Fernando Cantù, who allegedly left the animals on the roadside before driving away. Such an act exposes innocent animals to numerous dangers and constitutes a serious violation of animal welfare laws.

The rescued dogs are now in the care of Mont Belvieu Animal Services, but the trauma and risks they reportedly faced cannot be overlooked. Animal abandonment not only endangers the lives of the animals but also undermines community values regarding the humane treatment of pets.

We urge your office to thoroughly investigate this matter and to fully prosecute the individual reportedly responsible for this act of cruelty. Holding the alleged perpetrator accountable will reinforce the importance of animal welfare laws and help deter similar incidents in the future. Please take decisive action to ensure justice is served in this troubling case.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Ma_Frank


  1. Kristine Dynice-Gates says:

    Only his Mexican ass matters…..

  2. Thank you for the rescue to all involved, hope they get adopted to good families soon! Pls find the cruel perp and send him to jail! Life time ban on pet ownership too!

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290 Signatures

  • Sharon Kaplan
  • Sonja Liotti
  • Nicole Boniello
  • Meredith Erickson
  • Krystal Burroughs
  • Krystal Burroughs
  • Lisa LaRosa
  • Sue B
  • Cathy Reid
  • Dee Henderson
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