Justice for Minnie, Cat Allegedly Sexually Abused and Burned

Target: Mr. David Munro, Police and Crime Commissioner of Surrey, United Kingdom

Goal: Investigate and ensure strict penalties for the individuals responsible for the severe abuse and neglect of Minnie, and enforce stronger animal welfare regulations.

In Woking, Surrey, a nine-month-old cat named Minnie was found in critical condition, sexually abused and covered in burns. The RSPCA has described this attack as unprecedented and heartbreaking. Minnie was covered in maggots and had a makeshift splint on one of her front legs, with nerve and tissue damage preventing her from walking on her back legs.

The RSPCA is appealing for information to find the perpetrators of this horrific act. Minnie is now recovering under veterinary care, but the severity of her injuries highlights the urgent need for justice and stricter animal welfare laws. Take stringent measures to hold individuals accountable for alleged animal cruelty and ensure the well-being of all animals in our community.


Dear Mr. David Munro,

A recent case in Woking, Surrey, has brought to light a deeply disturbing instance of alleged animal cruelty. A nine-month-old cat named Minnie was found in a critical condition, sexually abused and covered in burns. The RSPCA has described this attack as unprecedented and heartbreaking. Minnie’s severe injuries highlight the urgent need for strict enforcement of animal welfare laws.

We urge you to ensure a thorough investigation and hold those responsible accountable. Immediate action is necessary to prevent such cruelty and protect the welfare of animals in our community.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: monkeymagic1975


  1. The person who did this horrible stuff deserves to be euthanized… which is a lot kinder than what he/she did to this poor cat.

  2. Amy weaver says:

    People like this deserve the death penalty. I’m sorry there is no room in society for crazy people like this is beyond disturbing that our system is allowing this to happen over and over again so tired of signing petitions for crazy people are justice. System is horribly broken I don’t know what’s wrong with the people in the justice system, but they are not doing their job. There is no justice in the justice system, and that scares me.

  3. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. We all recognize this law. Yet here we have a person or persons who did the worst possible cruelty to Minnie. He should not live to tell. He should be burned as he burned her and sexually abused by those receiving joy from such a horrid action. This person is mentally ill but needs to be locked away for life. He should never be allowed to own much less even be around any animals for the rest of his sorry life. The cat will hopefully survive and live a fairly comfortable life. But this criminal left her most likely living in pain. He also should know this or more pain.

  4. Horrific!!!😭 and to think this person is allowed in public to be around other people and animals! How many others have been VICTIMS!!!!!????????

  5. Death penalty for bastard abuser,coward,burn in hell motherfucker,POS!
    Justice for Minnie!

  6. This gruesome crime happened back in June 2019, why petition now? Gratefully, Minnie survived and has since recovered and found a furever home where she is loved. You can see her as she was found on RSPCA (England & Wales) Facebook page. It’s heartbreaking:


    But, scrolling through the comments, Minnie’s new parents posted pictures of her after she had healed and it’s a beautiful thing to see. Apparently, it was a long recovery, but Minnie did get a happy ending/new beginning! Don’t think the POS abuser was ever found, may they rot and anguish in hell! Minnie may not have gotten justice, but she did find a loving home!

  7. Irene Leggett says:

    Don’t bother putting the culprit in jail, just exterminate them to rid the world of another rotten piece of human garbage.

  8. I have no mercy on animal abusers and children. CRIMINALS LIKE THIS SHOULD BE GIVEN DEATH PENALTY.

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