Target: Stephen M. Sweeney, New Jersey Senate President
Goal: Thank the Senate for passing “Nosey’s Law” and banning all elephant circus acts from the state of New Jersey.
After some deliberation, Nosey’s Law, which bans all elephant circus acts from the state of New Jersey, was approved and passed by the state Senate. The law is named in honor of Nosey, a circus elephant who is continually rented out and used by her trainer despite her many health problems.
Elephants are incredibly social, intelligent and curious animals. Unfortunately many are imprisoned within the entertainment industry where they are forced to do tricks and give rides. Thankfully more and more people are speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves, including many at ForceChange.
Sign this petition to thank the New Jersey Senate for banning all elephant circus acts and for treating these animals as living beings and not objects.
Dear Senator Sweeney,
Recently, the New Jersey Senate approved and passed “Nosey’s Law.” Nosey’s Law bans all circus elephant acts from the state of New Jersey.
The law is named in honor of an elephant who has been used and disrespected for many years. Nosey’s owner continues to rent her out and force her to give rides despite the many alleged debilitating diseases she suffers from.
Thank you for approving Nosey’s Law and being a helping hand to suffering elephants all over the nation. It is inspiring to see people helping those who cannot help themselves. I can only hope more states follow in your footsteps and adopt similar laws.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Mister E
NEW JERSEY ROCKS!! Other states???
NEW JERSEY ROCKS!! Other states???
This is great! But NJ just slaughtered 549 black bears with the first bow hunt in 50 years. We have a long way to go.
Pleased to know New Jersey is progressing in the animal abuse movement. So happy for the elephants. However, they should have included ALL circus animals. Elephants are not the only ones to suffer at the hands of greedy circus owners.
Pleased they are doing this for elephants, shame they care so little about their own Black Bears, that were barbaric and heinously murdered with bows and arrows, including Peddles?.
But keep striving to end the confinement of all wild animals.
Great news for elephants! Now please afford compassion for New Jersey black bears who are needlessly slaughtered to fulfill bloodlust. The brutal killing of Pedals is immoral and was preventable.
NJ legislators should now act to ban the bear hunting. They need to stop this senseless cruelty.
MAGNIFICENT, New Jersey!!!!
Fantastic news.Thank you New Jersey.
This is greatly appreciated. Now it is time to keep all circus animals out of the state as well as put a stop to the black bear hunts. Thank you.
Use of any animal for human profit is abhorrent. So glad things seem to be getting better, albeit slowly. I pray that, within my lifetime, we’ll see Animal Rights (for all animals) as a real thing!
Thank you so much! God Bless yoU all! Ban all animal circus too please!
Signed & Shared❗️?