PetSmart: Stop Apparently Letting Sick Animals Languish Without Care and Die by the Hundreds

Target: J.K. Symancyk, PetSmart CEO

Goal: Demand PetSmart end live-animal sales in all of their retail locations.

Recently, workers at PetSmart have collaborated with animal welfare organizations to expose the horrors that apparently go on behind the scenes of this retail superstore chain. In the back of the pet store, freezers allegedly stuffed with the carcasses of animals ranging from parkeets and fish to guinea pigs and geckos are hidden from unsuspecting customers. Hundreds of others reportedly lay in the “sick room,” waiting patiently to die.

In the name of saving money, PetSmart stores are apparently often understaffed, poorly maintained, and overcrowded with animals. Sick animals are reportedly denied of veterinary care, because it is cheaper to let them perish. Animals are not commodities that can be used and discarded. These are sentient creatures with needs and, unless PetSmart management is willing to provide proper care, they should not be able to sell live animals.

Sign this petition to demand PetSmart stop selling live animals in all of their retail stores.


Dear CEO Symancyk,

Your company, PetSmart, has come under fire for recent allegations of severe animal neglect and abuse. Multiple employees have come forward to share their traumatic experiences working at PetSmart locations, and to shed light on the alleged abuse faced by the thousands of live animals sold in your company’s stores. In fact, what employees have reportedly witnessed is so disturbing that multiple have since sought professional counseling.

Reportedly, hundreds of animals lay sick and dying in back rooms, while hundreds of others–already dead–were stuffed into overflowing freezers. Several workers have claimed that PetSmart management refused to provide proper veterinary care to these living creatures, since it is more cost-efficient to let them just wither away and buy more. Further allegations suggest that your company’s stores are significantly overcrowded with animals and, since they are understaffed and underfunded, it is impossible for workers to adequately provide animals with basic necessities.

We are asking you, Mr. Symancyk, to please stop selling live animals in all PetSmart locations. Animals are not merchandise.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Hägarien

One Comment

  1. This, and more, is why I have refused to shop at PetSmart for years. They’re a vile corporation, all-round.

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