Protect Beluga Whales From Illness and Death at Aquarium

Target: Dr. Stephen Coan, Mystic Aquarium President and CEO

Goal: Take proper measures to keep beluga whales in the aquarium safe and healthy.

Two beluga whales have died since being transferred from Canada to Connecticut’s Mystic Aquarium for use in a research project. After the death of the first whale, the aquarium had to address concerns that came up during an inspection. This included providing special accommodations for whales with vision issues and making sure the water quality was healthy.

Advocacy groups are disturbed by the news of a second whale dying, even calling it appalling that both whales died in less than a year. These groups are demanding an investigation be opened into the deaths of both whales. The Mystic Aquarium is home to six other beluga whales, including one that is currently in the intensive care unit.

Sign the petition below to demand the CEO and President of the Mystic Aquarium take the measures to ensure safety and care to the remaining beluga whales.


Dear Dr. Stephen Coan,

The news that two beluga whales have died at Mystic Aquarium is saddening and neither deserved such a fate. Mystic Aquarium needs to prevent this from happening again. With one out of the six whales still at the aquarium being in intensive care, it is urgent that you act now. It is always important to make sure your animals are provided with proper care to keep them healthy and alive. After both deaths happening in less than a year, we demand actions be taken immediately to keep the rest of the beluga whales safe and cared for.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Michael Johnston


  1. The only way to save these poor incarcerated Whales, is to set them free as they were intended to be. Aquariums are the thing of the past,we know the pain all Marinelife go through just for idiots to gawp at along with the venomous owners to get rich from their torment…!!! Shut down these cruel prisons,and set them free.

    • Succinctly, yes. Petition should have been to CLOSE this joint altogether. NOT signing, just to effectively keep this corporation alive in creating such abject misery for whales.

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2207 Signatures

  • Olga Orda
  • Velina Ussery
  • Ellen Peck
  • Kathleen Leslie
  • Kelly Tadlock
  • Lesha Thornton
  • софия теплова
  • Latonya Sassee Walker
  • Susan Beil
  • Krystin Todd
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