Success: Vital Protections for Wild Birds Restored

Target: Joe Biden, President of the United States of America

Goal: Applaud decision revoking Trump policy that put birds at risk of extinction.

In 2020, the Trump administration took a step toward diminishing protections for migratory birds in the U.S. and cutting down penalties for companies that carelessly kill them. These birds play important ecological and biological roles in our environment by pollinating plants, eating insects, dispersing seeds, and more.

The original policy under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act from the early 1970s punished anyone who caused harm or death of a protected bird species, whether intentionally or accidental. The Trump administration radically reinterpreted this law to allow large companies and individuals to destroy bird habitats and to perpetrate other heinous acts without legal repercussions. “The Trump administration’s decision to give polluters carte blanche to kill birds is not just illegal, it’s cruel,” said Noah Greenwald, endangered species director at the Center for Biological Diversity.

The Trump policy harmed migratory birds at a critical time while they are most vulnerable due to climate change and other environmental risks. Fortunately, the year 2021 sees a brighter future for the birds in the United States with the help of this ForceChange petition and its supporters. Once again, all migratory U.S. bird species are protected because the Biden administration reversed the detrimental Trump policy.


Dear Mr. Biden,

The Trump administration harmed the United States of America greatly. Not only did people suffer, but countless animals.

The policy under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act from the 1970s protected all migratory birds from harm, but Trump crushed this law. Migratory birds were left unprotected at their most vulnerable time. Your decision to reverse this policy will help guarantee the safeguard of precious lives.

I thank you for valuing the lives of migratory birds, and providing their legal protection once again.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Diane Constable

One Comment

  1. Dear President Biden,
    I applaud your humane stance in restoring the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.
    Your tasks are monumental to undo what the last 4 years have done to America.
    But please remember that animals need
    your voice to defend their rights as sentient beings.

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