Vet Accused of Beating Multiple Animals to Death for Forty Years Must be Banned From Practice

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Sad dog wearing cone

Target: Oregon Veterinary Medical Examining Board

Goal: Revoke the veterinary license of accused animal abuser Dr. Daniel Koller.

Oregon veterinarian Dr. Daniel Koller has been accused of kicking, biting, choking, and even killing several innocent animals throughout his forty year career, but the Oregon Veterinary Medical Examining Board is still allowing him to practice.

Koller was first accused of animal cruelty decades ago when a dog he allegedly abused was later found dead. Since then, his license has been suspended and revoked for further abuse charges, but each time he was allowed to practice again.

Several of Dr. Koller’s patients have come forth with accounts that describe him violently abusing their pets while they were under his care. A former employee filed a complaint against Dr. Koller for alleged animal abuse and neglect. Dr. Koller has also been accused of misusing veterinary anesthetics.

The district attorney in Washington County filed criminal charges against Dr. Koller after a 7-month-old dachshund named Bleu reportedly died as a result of Dr. Koller’s violent mistreatment. Dr. Koller has denied the allegations made against him. Sign this petition to demand the Oregon Veterinary Medical Examining Board permanently revoke Dr. Koller’s license.


Dear Members of the Oregon Veterinary Medical Examining Board,

Dr. Daniel Koller is apparently a menace to animals. After decades of animal abuse allegations and numerous accusations of neglect and misconduct, it is past time to take action.

Over the past decades, Dr. Koller has been accused of multiple cases of animal abuse and many animals have allegedly died unexpectedly after receiving treatment in his clinics, reportedly as the result of physical abuse.

It is the responsibility of the Board to act in the best interest of citizens and their pets and prevent this man from allegedly harming and killing animals through his veterinary work. I urge you to revoke Dr. Koller’s license and permanently bar him from practicing veterinary medicine.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Geoff Stearns

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  1. Euthanize this piece of crap!! Hes not a vet hes a serial murderer!!!

  2. And we were all concerned about all the crazy animal abusers out there! But a VET?!!!! How horrible is that?! Why can he keep practicing? Someone needs to stop just filing complaints and SUE his ass! Only a trial will keep him from practicing.

  3. Stop this sick monster from ever hurting another innocent animal under the false pretenses of being an animal healer!!!

  4. Sheeesh – if that was my pet, there would be nowhere this POS could hide. I would see to it, patiently and craftily. I hope someone whose pet he has abused does this.

  5. Lynn Swanson says:

    Enough is enough! Take away his license to practice veterinary medicine permanently. No second chances; he should be banned from any job around animals or children. Have CPS check his home for abuse also. I hope you prosecuted him for the murders.

  6. This fucking monster doctor should be euthanized

  7. How is this still happening
    Lock this monster up

  8. I hope they take away his license and do not allow him to get near any animals! That piece of shit is a menace! He probably has abused his wife and children. He should be procescuted and thrown in jail. Asshole!!!!

  9. Beat this piece of shit into the ground!!

  10. This is fucking mental. And to allow this cunt to carry on beating and killing peopleso fur babies. This monster should be strung up by his muthafuckeringredients neck

  11. Mechthild Schoeberl says:

    I hope he gets trown Into prison and really beat up by an inmate! Karma has his ways and will get even with that subhuman ! Hard to believe nobody reported him a long time ago!
    Evil comes in all professions !

  12. You put your trust in a vet who’s supposed to help and treat pets and this piece of shit ha been destroying people’s pets for over forty years? Seriously? Why the hell did he choose this career for? Best punishment would be to beat, bite, chock, kick and euthanize this evil bastard.

  13. This motherfucker deserves the death penalty. No question.

  14. Mildred Krisik says:

    Why is this man allowed to practice? The vet society big-wigs should be investigated. Or is he paying them off? Something stinks!

  15. kelly wilcox says:

    This is truly horrific and I DEMAND that this piece of SH.. have their license taken away for good and that this so-n-so needs to be punished for the way he has done this poor baby puppy who was innocent and did not deserve this disgusting and horrific way that was done to him or her. I am truly disgusting and makes me sick to my stomach for what was done to this precious and innocent baby puppy. SHAME ON YOU , YOU SLIME BALL!!!! YOU call yourself a vet, you are far from that and are a disgrace to that practice and to think that people like me take their precious babies to vets to keep them healthy and this is what you do in return. I am soooo Ashamed of you and you will pay I can promise you. May GOD have mercy on your spirit. YOU are not fit to be a vet to take care of these precious and innocent babies.

  16. Do your job, Oregon! It’s clear a thorough investigation has never been done on this man! He needs to be taken to court and a full serious investigation of his practice must be done! And if found guilty, he must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, not just have his license taken away!

  17. transformation6891Janey says:

    Why on earth has this Vet been enabled to continue harming animals he is supposed to care about and heal??? Daniel Koller is cruel and uncaring he maims and has killed one dog that we know of ??? Strike him off and Follow up from state to state country to country if he moves OS

  18. Never mind banned from practice — hang the sick freak and beat it while it is hanging with a studded metal baseball bat until hamburg. Dispose of in dirty landfill

  19. Someone will catch up with him….don’t think his practice is that difficult to find. Since the courts don NOTHING, someone will step up.

  20. This is ridiculous, letting this animal abuser and killer continue to work with his victims is insane and unconscionable. Isn’t this like letting a pedophile work at an elementary school? Shame on Oregon and their elected officials and the Board for enabling animal abuse and knowingly letting this horrid crap continue. It’s just callous indifference – get it together and do the right thing, it’s not that hard.

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