Vet Accused of Beating Multiple Animals to Death for Forty Years Must be Banned From Practice

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Sad dog wearing cone

Target: Oregon Veterinary Medical Examining Board

Goal: Revoke the veterinary license of accused animal abuser Dr. Daniel Koller.

Oregon veterinarian Dr. Daniel Koller has been accused of kicking, biting, choking, and even killing several innocent animals throughout his forty year career, but the Oregon Veterinary Medical Examining Board is still allowing him to practice.

Koller was first accused of animal cruelty decades ago when a dog he allegedly abused was later found dead. Since then, his license has been suspended and revoked for further abuse charges, but each time he was allowed to practice again.

Several of Dr. Koller’s patients have come forth with accounts that describe him violently abusing their pets while they were under his care. A former employee filed a complaint against Dr. Koller for alleged animal abuse and neglect. Dr. Koller has also been accused of misusing veterinary anesthetics.

The district attorney in Washington County filed criminal charges against Dr. Koller after a 7-month-old dachshund named Bleu reportedly died as a result of Dr. Koller’s violent mistreatment. Dr. Koller has denied the allegations made against him. Sign this petition to demand the Oregon Veterinary Medical Examining Board permanently revoke Dr. Koller’s license.


Dear Members of the Oregon Veterinary Medical Examining Board,

Dr. Daniel Koller is apparently a menace to animals. After decades of animal abuse allegations and numerous accusations of neglect and misconduct, it is past time to take action.

Over the past decades, Dr. Koller has been accused of multiple cases of animal abuse and many animals have allegedly died unexpectedly after receiving treatment in his clinics, reportedly as the result of physical abuse.

It is the responsibility of the Board to act in the best interest of citizens and their pets and prevent this man from allegedly harming and killing animals through his veterinary work. I urge you to revoke Dr. Koller’s license and permanently bar him from practicing veterinary medicine.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Geoff Stearns

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  1. Diane Campbell says:

    Banned from practising??!! He should be locked up for a VERY LONG TIME!!

  2. And a petition is needed to stop this insanity. . . that’s just as insane!!! And any employee or client that didn’t take pix, report him to that state’s veterinary governing board is just as guilty. This pos needs to be inhumanely euthanized, why in the hell should taxpayers pay for his ‘room & board’ in any facility?!

  3. This vet should loose his lisence permeantly. He should have to pay thousands in restitution to all his former clients and do years in jail.

  4. You can do as you like in America and get away with it… starting with the president…

  5. KolleR is EVIL beyond words and so are the all Members of the Oregon Veterinary Medical Examining Board!!! You are sick to have allowed this to continue for YEARS!!!!!

    CRUCIFY Koller and everyone that sat by!! I demand MURDER CHARGES, FELONY CHARGES!


  6. Jeder der diesen “Tierarzt ” weiter auf die armen Tiere los gelassen hat muss genau so vernichtet werden wie dieses elende Stück Scheiße, das ist kein Tierarzt das ist ein verdammtes Monster und ich wünsche diesem Stück Scheiße das er auf den elektrischen Stuhl kommt!! Wie kann man so jemanden praktizieren lassen an unschuldigen liebenswerten Bedürftigen Tieren, wenn mir dieser Basdart unter die Finger käme den würde ich verprügeln. Alle die diesen Basdart haben mit Tieren arbeiten lassen sind mitschuldig und müssen alle bestraft werden!!! Ich hoffe du kommst in die Hölle und versteckst.

  7. Don’t put this POS in jail..
    Let each one of these victim take a shot at him..
    and let me drag his ass in the middle of nowhere and Let the Vultures it will finish him off..
    Oh .. one more thing.. let this POS see us on the side line Watchin him gettin picked apart.
    He must die in slow death.
    40 yrs !!!! Where was these animals voice.. how could this go on.. ???

  8. Shirley Lemieux says:

    Even after past crimes and license suspensions,Dr. Daniel Koller is still somehow able to practice and have more animals killed by his abusive behavior. It is easy to conclude that the State of Oregon is more concerned about losing money paid into the State from Dr. Daniel Koller than protecting the animals that he has been reportedly abusing and killing. Therefore, the State is as guilty of these crimes as is Dr. Daniel Koller. What a shame. Dr. Daniel Koller is a true classic example of a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

  9. Colleen Devivo says:

    I would love to kick his balls which are raisins ,
    Up inside his mouth ..
    Piece of Fucken garbage old ugly bag of shit

  10. Yes,the vet does need to lose his license. Whoever the stupid person was to let him keep practicing and abusing animals should have known better.the sob needs to go to prison for 99 years for killing and abusing an animal. He needs to pay the past clients their money for their pets lives. The money want replace the pet but he needs to pay restution for abuse. I hope the scumbag goes to prison and get his just dessert. May he rot in hell.

  11. LtCol R. C. Maier-Stadtaus, USMC (ret.) says:

    That bastard should be beaten to death, just to let him feel what these poor creatures had to endure!

  12. This has been going on for 40 years??! This insane, sadistic monster needs more than his license revoked…he needs to be kicked off the planet!


  14. This VET from HELL deserves DEATH PENALTY! For the time being, his LICENCE must be REVOKED so that NO innocent and defenseless animal dies at his blood-soaked hands. Koller is a piece of human shit and wastes oxygen on this Planet. He is a DEHUMANIZED, DESENSITIZED, SADISTIC and PSYCHOPATHIC MONSTER and should be BANNED from coming near animals ever again!! SHAME!!  SHAME!!   SHAME on this MONSTER DEVIL!!!
    Oregon Veterinary Medical Examining Board, you are also GUILTY of the cruel crimes committed on these poor animals as you HAVE NOT REACTED for 40 years! Indifference is a CRIME too! ANIMALS SHALL NOT BE VICTIMS — and they deserve JUSTICE just like YOU and ME.  

  15. Margaret Kinlaw says:

    He needs to be euthanized. That’s too good for him. Torture him!!!!

  16. American Girl says:

    The veterinary board across the nation has to be reformed and looked at closely. This is all over! We have an idiot down in the Keys who has had his license pulled in 2 different States, both Texas & New Jersey. He just packs up and moves, with nobody the wiser! He was also a vivesectionist for quite some time. He’s a disgusting fuck. He charges much less than the other highly qualified vets in order to get people in. It only takes a few clicks of the mouse to investigate these morons. He is incompetent and evil. I looked into him many years ago when my daughter went to him to have her retriever spayed. The dog was very weak by the evening and I rushed her to my vet practice and found she was bleeding to death! He had botched the operation so badly it was hard to find a vein. My vet worked till after 3AM to stabilize her. Thank God they saved her… This bastard is still in practice when he should be in jail!

  17. If the POS can’t keep his oath to help care for animals. THEN .. he should be exterminated for causing them pain or their deaths

  18. Yolanda Carrizales says:

    That motherfucker had been doing it for 40 yrs and NO one had report it to the authorities that is fucking sick. That bastard does not deserve to breath another day.

  19. Come on Oregon! where are you people that have known about this abuse and have done Nothing!! Basically he has a license to abuse animals, disgusting pos and Oregon you make it legal for him to continue abusing! Where are the people in office standing up for doing what’s right, morally and ethically right!! To all the pos working for him in the past and present that stood by and did absolutely Nothing! You are evil pos too!!! And deserve all the bad to come into your lives.

  20. This asshole works about an hour from where I live. And honestly, if I thought I could get away with it, I’d shoot him!! His ass needs to be under the prison, not in one. ?????????

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