Vet Accused of Beating Multiple Animals to Death for Forty Years Must be Banned From Practice

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Sad dog wearing cone

Target: Oregon Veterinary Medical Examining Board

Goal: Revoke the veterinary license of accused animal abuser Dr. Daniel Koller.

Oregon veterinarian Dr. Daniel Koller has been accused of kicking, biting, choking, and even killing several innocent animals throughout his forty year career, but the Oregon Veterinary Medical Examining Board is still allowing him to practice.

Koller was first accused of animal cruelty decades ago when a dog he allegedly abused was later found dead. Since then, his license has been suspended and revoked for further abuse charges, but each time he was allowed to practice again.

Several of Dr. Koller’s patients have come forth with accounts that describe him violently abusing their pets while they were under his care. A former employee filed a complaint against Dr. Koller for alleged animal abuse and neglect. Dr. Koller has also been accused of misusing veterinary anesthetics.

The district attorney in Washington County filed criminal charges against Dr. Koller after a 7-month-old dachshund named Bleu reportedly died as a result of Dr. Koller’s violent mistreatment. Dr. Koller has denied the allegations made against him. Sign this petition to demand the Oregon Veterinary Medical Examining Board permanently revoke Dr. Koller’s license.


Dear Members of the Oregon Veterinary Medical Examining Board,

Dr. Daniel Koller is apparently a menace to animals. After decades of animal abuse allegations and numerous accusations of neglect and misconduct, it is past time to take action.

Over the past decades, Dr. Koller has been accused of multiple cases of animal abuse and many animals have allegedly died unexpectedly after receiving treatment in his clinics, reportedly as the result of physical abuse.

It is the responsibility of the Board to act in the best interest of citizens and their pets and prevent this man from allegedly harming and killing animals through his veterinary work. I urge you to revoke Dr. Koller’s license and permanently bar him from practicing veterinary medicine.


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Photo credit: Geoff Stearns

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  1. Put a beatin on that “vet” until he’s almost dead, wake him up and do it 39 more times, then send his coward ass to a jail full of animal lovers like me!

  2. Annelie Danling Brash says:

    Stop this vet now!

  3. Dinah Jungermann says:

    This is a felony in MN, with prison sentence and fine. This guy needs to be barred from ever being around any animal forever. He needs a very high fine and a very long prison sentence. He needs to have the same thing done to him that he did to the animals. The other prisoners will take very good care of

  4. How and why would he have even got his license back? He should never be allowed to be around animals and be given an extreme punishment!

  5. Deede Dritsopoulos says:




    • Debra Broach says:

      Oooh honey child ….. yes mary that is ABSOLUTELY correct. He is not going to get out of this one. There is a spiritual law that affects each and every person that intentionally neglect,abuse,torture and kill one of god’s creatures. This s**# is going to be in for a rude awakening. Will serve him right. I hope someone pass the message to him of what’s in store for him. He’s done it now!!

  7. I can say this, if he was my vet, n i found this out, he would have been done for, a long time ago..he wouldn’t have gotten the chance to see 40 is wrong with the AVMA?? Why did it take 40 years? You cannot tell me, someone didnt see something long before that? He must have been paying off the right person! Take him n chain him in an abandon house, far from where anybody would be..torture him, n let rats finish him off!! Jail is to easy!!

  8. Who is this SOB? Get rid of him!!!!!

  9. Christine Nuttall says:

    For goodness sake why is this piece of vile scum still allowed to practice. Get him jailed and throw the key away or give him to some animal lovers so they can beat him up time and time again!!

  10. Daniel Koller should be put behind bars and no longer be able to practice as a DVM. We take our pets to the vet to help them; not to be tortured and murdered!!! Koller is a POS SCUMBAG!

  11. Pamela Smith says:

    THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!!! If this was a human doctor, his ass would be in prison!!! These are people’s pets and for most people like me, their pets are loved as family!!! People trusted this so-called man with the care and medical treatment of their pets and for what???? For the monster to beat and kill them???!!! He belongs locked in a cage like the monster he is!!!!

  12. NO KIDDING!!!!! How many more animals does he have to kill??? Seriously?? Run him out of his office and into Prison to be beaten like his innocent, vulnerable animals.

  13. Reading articles, the issue here is how lax animal abuse punishments are and how regaining your license is so lax regardless of how much evidence shows that his doctor is a piece of shit and terrible at his job. The only way to stop him from practicing is to stop him as he so eloquently put it when he was again reinstated.

  14. Renata Kuchinsky says:

    Put this criminal monster behind bars forever.
    He should never be allowed any animal
    Dangerous and sick
    How come justice takes so long to prevail
    Please enforce the law

  15. This worthless POS is the worst kind of a predator. Someone who had taken an oath to do no harm and to save animal lives . I hope that he goes to jail forever. He needs to get a life sentence for each innocent life he took. Burn in hell Daniel Koller As for the board , if you don’t take away his veterinary license and take action against him then you are no different than this monster.

  16. Elease M. Bradford says:

    Dr. Koller is a monster. He decided to go into a field where he was supposed to treat animals with care and compassion. Instead, he became an animal abuser and killer. He betrayed these innocent animals and their pet parents. How was he allowed to do this for 40 years or so? Somebody has dropped the ball and didn’t do their jobs properly. Not only should his license be revoked and he be banned from treating animals, he should be severely punished. RIP to the animals/pets he’s killed and a speedy recovery to those he has hurt, harmed and maimed. I hope they and their pet parents get justice.

  17. Oregon doesn’t give a s–t ! They are horrible about defending animals..and their laws regarding animals are archaic…like a piece of furniture !

  18. Margherita Olivieri says:

    Who is this piece of shit paying off? Or is the justice system in Oregon that fucked up? This evil coward needs a bullet to his head. The end!!!!!

  19. If animal laws are so lax that a POS like this didn’t get locked up long ago, then there needs to be a MASS CHANGE and FEDERAL LAW. Something like this should not be state to state – this should be across the board, ALL STATES. Firm and harsh.
    Otherwise, the only real law protecting all animals is VIGILANTE JUSTICE – the law of the street: people form groups and go out and mete out appropriate justice to all of these perpetrators of abuse.

  20. Having worked in the vet clinic for over 10 yrs I find this appalling and sickening. You take an oath not to harm animals and it’s your job to protect them. Animal abuse now is a felony in the United states and he should be in jail and have his license taken away and never be able to practice veterinary medicine again. This is just making me sick.

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