Success: Duck Strangling Festival Canceled

Target: Rolando Zapata Bello, Governor of Yucatan

Goal: Thank government officials for putting an end to a violent event in which ducks are strangled.

For years, a small city in Mexico held the Kots Kaal Pato festival, which roughly translates into “strangle the duck.” During this festival, a duck would be tied up to a wooden frame and at the whistle blow, festival-goers would trample over each other to try to be the one to rip off the duck’s head.

The event was truly barbaric and savage. It showed some of the worst aspects of humans. Thankfully, due to numerous online petitions including one at ForceChange, government officials have decided to ban the violent festival. Sign this petition and thank officials for banning this barbaric event. Numerous lives are now spared unnecessary pain and death.


Dear Mr. Bello,

The Kots Kaal Pato festival was an event held every year in the small city of Citilcum where a duck would be tied to a wooden frame and festival-goers would scramble over each other to be the one to rip off the duck’s head. The event showed some of the worst sides of humanity.

Thankfully, after listening to the public, you have decided to ban this cruel festival. Now, numerous ducks have been spared from unimaginable pain and unnecessary death. Thank you for listening and protecting these animals. No animal should be tortured for entertainment.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Brandon Weeks


  1. annie vallet says:

    this is great

  2. Natasha polychuk says:


  3. Thank goodness.

  4. Although I applaud the officials for cancelling this it should not have been happening in the first place!

  5. Kathy Vorderbruggen says:

    WTF? I do not understand these subhuman POS yes its cancelled but why is it done at all. Leave animals alone.

  6. What kind of crazy person would strangle an animal to me they are not human.

  7. Marilyn Graziano says:

    I agree with Val and Connie

  8. Jo Ann Kowalski says:

    There are several terrorists I wpuld strangle who killed my friends on 9/11/01

  9. Unfortunately even though it’s cancelled you know there’s going to be some sick bastards that’s still going to do it which is the worst part. What has happened to the human race? How have are fellow neighbors become such vile & hate filled things, I can’t even call them human anymore! Such a sad thing they probably don’t even have souls yet I will still continue to pray for these obviously sick individuals and of course all the innocents beautiful creatures of God and what they go through at the hands of these ugly, heartless sick P.O.S.!

  10. Cynthia Mattera says:

    Finally, someone in charge who is compassionate and stopped this evil event!!! God bless you!

  11. Wonderful news! Now let’s work together , harder and harder to end all the horrific “dog meat festivals”, going on in various parts of the world. It’s one of the very worst examples of the Devil stealing souls of what were once innocent, gentle babies. To NOT be able to empathize with the unbelievable suffering one is inflicting on an innocent animal makeshift furious! What if we inundated the offending countries and communities with thousands and thousands of photos, videos, and news articles of “man’s best friends” using THEIR love and compassion for humans to benefit humans and/ or to actually save human lives. We need to work diligently to show the people who participate in this massacre of innocent dogs, that these animals ARE, truly, “Man’s best friends” who deserve all of our respect and protection from harm. In mass numbers, perhaps we can convince others that “Dogs are ( practically). People too!

    • Agreed 🙂

      • Dawn Pettinger says:

        A human is the worst monster on the planet, because an animal only kills to eat and survive, the human takes glory in the suffering and vile abuse he/she inflicts on animals. Ie: bloody trophy hunters and poachers, who do know , but don’t care , all in the name of greed and profit, without a thought for the suffering and the decline in these magnificent animals. I really believe that you are born bad, with a mental deficiency in knowing right from wrong. People dont suddenly become bad, because they do have a conscience and they are normal decent human beings, who care about living breathing creatures.

  12. Sydney Myers says:

    If only the entire village of Citilcum could vanish from the face of the earth !!! THIS is what so-called humans do for entertainment. While I’ve never before heard of a “duck strangling festival” it doesn’t at all surprise me that this takes place in Mexico – a country where education is not valued. Education isn’t just about the three R’s. Children also need to be educated from a very young age to respect other lives, both human and animal lives alike. Seems the uneducated people in Citilcum would rather teach their children to torture and murder for entertainment. I’m SICKENED by this !!!!!!

    • Yes this looks good on paper BUT I BET IT STILL HAPPENS! Unless someone actually goes down to this I am sure HELLHOLE of a place these people will still have this stupid crap! Mexico is one of the most uneducated places on earth! They wonder why they are all grass cutter and maids!

      • Evelyn Ball says:

        Racist much? All countries including the usa abuse animals. No country is immune.

        • I agree. There is no need for racist comments or sweeping generalizations. ALL countries could benefit from more stringent animal welfare laws and educational programmes.

        • YOU are so right…..Evelyn.
          I’d like to be left in a room with they would know what PAIN is…May be an hour a day for a week, what do you think??
          I have absolutely NO respect for any human that can hurt an innocent little animal…

  13. Anita Culling says:

    I hope this is genuine. Thank you to anyone who finds their heart and stops cruelty and totally unnecessary sufferring of beautiful living creatures.

  14. simon rickman says:

    Fucking morons

  15. Lisa Zarafonetis says:

    Thank you❗️?
    Signed & Shared❗️?


  17. angelina ricketts says:

    Fantastic so I don’t have to sign anyway now x

  18. THANK YOU GOVERNOR ZAPATO BELLO — PLEASE ENSURE that this Festival has with certainty ended permanently, and no sneaky business ensues — Again, Governor, a job well done by you and your supporters — I hope most of your residents are delighted with this rational, humane and compassionate decision. Again, keep an eye out for any individuals who may be troubled and pained by this magnificent outcome.

  19. What a cruel and barbaric festival. It sounds horrific. The poor ducks. They must have suffered so much pain and distress. Thank goodness its stopped.

  20. I am glad this atrocity is ended. But I still don’t get it, why would anyone WANT to do this?!?!

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