Success: Harmless Family Dog Seized by Authorities Finally Returned


Target: Alderman Brian Kingston, Lord Mayor of Belfast

Goal: Praise decision to return sweet dog to his owners after he was taken on suspicion of being a banned breed.

An innocent dog taken by city authorities on suspicion of being a pit bull has finally been returned to his grateful owners. Described as a “gentle giant,” Hank has never shown any signs of aggression. Instead, he is playful and affectionate and was assessed by a dog-training expert who confirmed the dog was in no way aggressive. Yet, Hank was removed from his home by officials who merely left a note for his worried owners.

The gentle and confused dog was then caged for nearly a month, risking euthanasia. Thankfully, the city council decided to release Hank, but neither he nor his owners should have been put through this ordeal. This laudable move came after a wave of public protest at the dog’s detention, including by the ForceChange community, which finally convinced authorities to grant Hank an exemption to the country’s cruel and illogical breed-specific legislation. Unfortunately, countless dogs are never returned and are put down simply because of the way they look.

Sign this petition thanking authorities for finally releasing this gentle dog and demand an end to breed-specific legislation, which results in the death of countless innocent dogs and the grief of their loving owners.


Dear Lord Mayor Kingston,

I am writing to praise the Belfast City Council’s decision to release an innocent dog back to his owners. Hank was taken from his family on suspicion of being a pit bull, despite having never displayed signs of aggression.

I applaud this laudable decision, which clearly proves that breed-specific legislation is useless, inhumane and irrational. Moreover, it is widely opposed by experts, politicians and the public, and is wholly inefficient in preventing dog bites. Instead, laws should be passed to regulate dog breeding.

Thank you for releasing gentle Hank, and please ensure no other animal or owners suffer this ordeal by removing breed-specific legislation once and for all.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Leonard Collins


  1. Cecily Colloby says:

    I’m not thanking these braindead idiots for returning Hank-they had no business taking him in the first place and should be punished for doing so!

    • Sara Sumnerton says:

      I totally agree with you. These inept fools should in no way be holding the jobs they do.

    • They were actually doing their job….the problem is the law which says you can’t own a dog which even RESEMBLES a so-called “dangerous dog” in Great Britain….like the stupid BSL laws here which ban Pit bulls in many cities.

      The LAW needs to be changed!

      • Denise Baudin says:

        I agree with you, they were doing what they were told. However, where the hell are the government “decision makers”? They have the platform to change this stupid law, why don’t they do it? What are they waiting for?
        I’m happy Hank is free – finally! How about all the other innocent dogs that are at the mercy of Alderman Brian Kingston?????? WHEN WILL THEY BE RELEASED?

    • Yes, and many thousands of other dogs in the past 25 years that the law has been in effect…..but when there is a “winning” case like this, yes, it should be celebrated and the authorities who allowed the dog to go home should be thanked…..they are doing their jobs, like the authorities are in BSL law cities in the U.S. It is the LAW that is wrong!

    • KatWrangler says:

      I was so afraid Hank would meet the same fate as Lennox.

  2. As much as we would hate to praise them for their wise decision. This petition is also about asking them to consider removing this stupid BSL law.

  3. michael guest says:

    This is a mixed thing. Taking away a dog is like taking a kid from your family. That’s unacceptable and unfair. This dog had no problems in it. Cops have no business to do this. I’m glad that Hank was returned to this family again. But there needs to be more action taken. The so-called BSL has been around too long, and that legislation needs to be repealed now and for good!

  4. KatWrangler says:

    AT least the Powers That Be didn’t take over two years to come to their senses – this time. The thing I AM happy about is that Hank did not suffer the same fate as poor Lennox, and so many other good dogs.
    Welcome home to Hank.

  5. Cecelia Nelson says:

    I am NOT in the least happy this pup was removed from his LOVING home, but VERY THANKFUL he was returned. THANK YOU to Hank’s family for fighting for this WONDERFUL dog… GOD BLESS YOU…

  6. Anita Culling says:

    I am glad that Hank is going home. This stupid law must be changed. All the innocent dogs who have been killed is dreadful.

  7. Anita Culling says:

    Change the laws. Protect all the dogs from this terrible situation. Rediculous.
    So glad Hank is going home

  8. Lisa Zarafonetis says:

    Signed & Shared❗️?

  9. barbara chapman says:

    Dogs are not born dangerous but some humans are and they are the evil beings who cause a dogs so much suffering with beatings etc that they have to learn to protect themselves. Or they are put into stupid situations like being left with a tiny child who then tries to take something belonging to the dog and the dog does what it would do to a puppy, he snaps. People are the problem with everything that is wrong in this World not animals.

  10. Condemn the abusers, not the victims. Dogs who are abused and “trained” to be aggressive and forced to fight other dogs are victims. Do not victimize them again by euthanizing them. Focus legal efforts to bring their abusers to justice and rehabilitating the victimized dogs. Legally targeting a particular breed is as ignorant as blaming a woman for being raped – It’s wrong and based on faulty logic!

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