Heroic Dog Apparently Set on Fire and Left to Die Deserves Justice

Target: The Honorable Josh Stein, Governor of North Carolina

Goal: Ensure appropriate legal consequences for the abuse of animals like Susie, a dog believed to have been purposefully set on fire.

The story of Susie, a dog who allegedly endured horrifying abuse as a puppy, serves as a critical reminder of the urgent need for accountability in cases of animal cruelty. Apparently set on fire and left with severe burns, broken bones, and a shattered spirit, Susie survived against all odds to become a symbol of resilience and hope. Her case, which ignited public outrage, spurred the creation of “Susie’s Law,” which was enacted in North Carolina to impose harsher punishments for animal abusers. However, the recent announcement regarding the dissolution of Susie’s Hope, the nonprofit organization dedicated to animal welfare that arose from Susie’s story, highlights the ongoing challenges faced in animal rescue and protection.

Despite the establishment of legislation like Susie’s Law, many cases of animal cruelty still go unpunished or are met with insufficient legal responses. Susie’s case, in which her abuser received only probation, underscores the need for stricter enforcement of animal protection laws. The continued prevalence of animal suffering suggests that more needs to be done to ensure justice for the voiceless creatures who depend on humans for their safety and well-being.

It is crucial that the state of North Carolina takes a stand against animal cruelty and holds accountable those who perpetrate such heinous acts. Urge Governor Stein to allocate resources to prevent future tragedies and foster a culture of compassion and respect for animals throughout the state.


Dear Governor Stein,

The case of Susie, a dog whose alleged horrific abuse sparked a movement for animal rights in North Carolina, illustrates the critical need for stronger enforcement of animal cruelty laws. Reportedly set ablaze at just ten weeks old, Susie’s journey from victim to hero had a profound impact on animal welfare legislation, such as “Susie’s Law.” Unfortunately, the leniency shown to her abuser, who was sentenced to probation, demonstrates a concerning gap in the judicial system’s response to the cruelty endured by helpless animals.

The alleged abuse that Susie suffered is not an isolated incident; many animals continue to face similar threats. As noted by advocates within the community, cases of animal cruelty often go unpunished, fostering an environment where abuse is tolerated rather than condemned. It is imperative to establish a more robust legal framework that ensures all animal abusers are held accountable for their actions, creating a deterrent for similar acts of cruelty and protecting those without a voice.

This petition calls upon the State of North Carolina to take decisive action in strengthening laws and penalties related to animal cruelty in North Carolina. By enforcing stricter consequences for offenders, the state can show its commitment to protecting vulnerable animals and honor the legacy of Susie, who overcame unimaginable suffering to serve as a beacon of hope and resilience. Support the mission to promote kindness toward all animals and ensure justice for those who are seemingly forgotten.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Pixabay


  1. Agree all comments burn this fucker to death. These people dint deserve to be on this earth and justice now. Laws need to change now and to own a animal must be on a register and check. Eye for a eye. Let the animal lovers deal with them.sick of animal cruelty low life c**t.

  2. Here is the problem which is so blatantly obvious scumbags like this don’t care about probation its a joke to them! He is sick in the head to inflict such extreme suffering on an innocent animal are grounds for imprisonment period this guy doesn’t deserve to be walking around free he is a sick twisted psycho and a danger to society period!

  3. Jaime Perez says:

    Just euthanize animal abusers! Get them out of society.

  4. Marlene De-Abel says:

    This is very disturbing – has this abuser been found?? If not you want to fear for not only animals but humans.

  5. Joseph Kenosky says:

    The piece of trash that set fire to a poor defenseless puppy named Susie should literally be executed. Anyone that abuses animals should be executed. That’s right, eliminate them from existence quickly.

  6. Yes the person yhst set the pup on fire. Needs the same way. He needs 25 years for this
    Noone animal for his butt

  7. Before setting this monster ablaze, his balls should be slowly crushed by a vise grip.

  8. Whoever did this should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and never allowed near an animal ever again!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH THESE PEOPLE?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Stop this it’s so Inhumane and cruel. Jesus plz protect our sweet animals and take us all home. This world is terrible and cruel and in your name we pray amen.

  10. The laws need to be changed! This is an on going problem, animals are suffering or death & these people get away with it!
    How you people can let this happen & do nothing! Judges are useless because they do nothing! There had to be witnesses to this abuse & did absolutely nothing, do the right thing & cut his pick off so he can’t hurt anyone again! So sorry Susie u suffered at the hands of someone that was suppose to give you unconditional love!

  11. Dennis Busto says:

    Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal ABUSERS n Cruelty. An eye for an eye fits this crime n should be the punishment. Paws Matter 🐾


  13. NO slap on the wrist for this evil sadist ! Susie died at the extremely cruel hands of this mean and hateful man and the punishment MUST fit the crime !! This case was proven and there was undisputed proof of long term ongoing abuse consistent with the broken bones, excruciatingly painful burns-extremely severe injuries, and along with long lasting forever trauma and forever intense emotional pain which constitutes permanent physical and psychological injuries. Susie as such a sweet, innocent, and vulnerable young puppy, suffered unimaginable pain and merciless suffering on the part of a perverse pleasure seeking demonic devil who NEEDS lengthy prison time, and in my opinion and every one else’s a whole lot more actual real punishment than that !!! 😡 No mercy Absolutely NO MERCY should be shown for this extremely evil monster from the depths of hell !!!! 😭

  14. Just beat the crap out of them, break every bone in their fuck ugly body, throw them all in a cesspit full of shit & watch them drown.

  15. Death penalty for bastard abuser/killer,burn in hell,SOB,coward,motherfucker!

    Justice for Susie!

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