End Virginia’s Pet Overpopulation Crisis

Target: Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin

Goal: Demand adequate measures to address the companion animal overpopulation crisis.

Virginia faces a burgeoning crisis of companion animal overpopulation. Shelters across the state are inundated with an estimated 220,000 homeless and unwanted cats and dogs each year, many of them victims of injuries from traffic accidents, attacks from other animals, and potentially fatal diseases. The need for comprehensive sterilization efforts has never been more crucial to prevent the tragic consequences of abandonment and neglect.

The alarming statistics indicate that millions of companion animals are struggling to survive under harsh conditions, often at the mercy of humans who may neglect, abuse, or abandon them. Spaying and neutering are routinely presented as effective solutions to this dire situation, yet a lack of access to affordable veterinary care creates a barrier for many residents. Consequently, PETA and various local organizations have made significant efforts to provide low-cost and free sterilization services to combat this crisis, reportedly “fixing” over 11,000 animals through clinics in just one year. However, the urgency of the situation calls for even more substantial support from the state to ensure that these initiatives continue and expand.

The need for urgent action cannot be overstated. A commitment to fund and support widespread spay/neuter programs, enhance public awareness campaigns, and provide affordable veterinary care is vital to effectively address this ongoing crisis. Call for adequate measures to tackle the companion animal overpopulation crisis and ensure these innocent lives are no longer at risk.


Dear Governor Youngkin,

It has come to the attention of concerned citizens that Virginia is confronting a severe crisis of companion animal overpopulation, with shelters taking in around 220,000 homeless and unwanted pets each year. This alarming situation leads to the tragic suffering of countless animals who face perilous conditions and a lack of adequate care. Despite the notable efforts highlighted during the recently declared Spay/Neuter Awareness Month, the growing number of animals in need of assistance underscores a compelling need for enhanced action.

Sterilization surgeries are a critical measure to prevent further overpopulation and the suffering of animals. Yet, as many families struggle to afford veterinary care due to rising costs and shortages, it is essential that accessible programs be expanded to meet this distressing challenge. Organizations like PETA have made significant contributions by offering free and low-cost treatments, but without appropriate support and funding, these initiatives may fall short in addressing the crisis.

It is crucial that the Commonwealth of Virginia takes decisive steps to address the companion animal overpopulation crisis. Therefore, we respectfully demand that your administration allocate adequate resources to promote and support extensive spay/neuter programs throughout the state, ensuring that all pets have the opportunity for a safe and healthy life, free from the threat of abandonment and hardship.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Pixabay


  1. Spay and neuter programs are so much more inexpensive than over flowing shelters, why can’t you just offer this for your animal owners at a reasonable cost and encourage them to do this? This is a common sense issue and no one is using any common sense to address the problem. Shame on all of you for your 3rd world thinking.

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1416 Signatures

  • Fran Nelis
  • Christina Viljoen
  • Ally Sourasky
  • Ram Dar
  • Natalia Ritter
  • Kevin Crupi
  • Petra Jones
  • Jeff Levicke
  • Stephanie Sanders
  • Brett Wolff
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