**Target:** Matthew H. J. Scherer, Missouri Conservation Commission Chairman
**Goal:** Hold accountable those allegedly responsible for the illegal killing of a protected mountain lion.
The shocking details surrounding the alleged illegal killing of a mountain lion in Missouri are deeply troubling. Reports indicate that Joseph Licklider shot this majestic animal after it had traveled over 400 miles from its home in Nebraska. The mountain lion, a protected species in Missouri, was allegedly shot by Licklider while it was walking away from him, running approximately 50 yards before succumbing to its injuries. This apparent premeditated act of hunting a protected species not only demonstrates a blatant disregard for wildlife protection laws but also highlights a disturbing trend of wildlife exploitation.
Licklider reportedly admitted to committing this act and was subsequently charged with taking a protected species of wildlife. The investigation also revealed that photos were posted on social media appearing to show Licklider and others posing with the deceased mountain lion, indicating possible pride in an act many would consider reprehensible. With the mountain lion bearing double ear tags indicating it had been monitored by the Nebraska Game & Parks Commission, this case underscores a systemic issue concerning the illegal hunting of wildlife that might be traveling great distances, seeking new territory or sustenance.
It is imperative that appropriate consequences be enforced to deter such actions in the future and protect vulnerable wildlife. The killing of a protected species is not just a violation of the law; it is a violation of ethical principles surrounding wildlife preservation.
Dear Chairman Scherer,
The recent incident involving the alleged illegal killing of a mountain lion in Iron County is not only alarming but fundamentally calls into question our commitment to wildlife conservation. Reports allege that Joseph Licklider shot this protected mountain lion after it had traveled over 400 miles from Nebraska. It is alleged that he admitted to killing the animal unjustifiably, while it was walking away from him, and evidence includes social media posts showing him celebrating this act with others. Such actions undermine the very laws designed to protect these remarkable creatures.
The mountain lion, marked with ear tags from the Nebraska Game & Parks Commission, highlights the need for strong legal and ethical standards surrounding wildlife. Killing a mountain lion, which is only lawful in self-defense or to protect livestock, should never be taken lightly. The apparent disregard for these protections within this case suggests a broader problem that demands immediate attention from wildlife authorities.
We respectfully urge you to ensure that those allegedly involved in this incident face appropriate legal repercussions to uphold and reinforce wildlife protection laws in Missouri. It is essential to demonstrate that illegal acts against protected species will not be tolerated, and to take a strong stance in defense of our wildlife heritage.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Pixabay