Success: Lonely and Confined Elephant Finally Released to Sanctuary

Kaavan Free Kaavan the Elephant

Target: Faryal Gauhar, Head of Communications for Free Kaavan

Goal: Thank the efforts to unchain and set free Kaavan the elephant.

Kaavan, a lonely elephant at the Marghazar Zoo, will finally see freedom after being chained and confined for almost 30 years. After public outcry by the Free Kaavan team and petitions like this one on ForceChange, the Pakistan Senate has agreed that Kaavan needs to be moved to a sanctuary where he will be surrounded by elephant friends and a more natural environment.

Kaavan was the only elephant at the Marghazar Zoo, and for many of those years Kaavan was able to move only a few steps due to the chains that shackled his four feet. The chains were taken off about a year ago, however Kaavan remained alone at the zoo.

Once Pakistan’s National Assembly gives the approval, Kaavan will be moved to a sanctuary. Sign this petition and thank the Free Kaavan team for all their hard work in bringing happiness to the rest of Kaavan’s days.


Dear Ms. Gauhar,

As your team is very aware, Kaavan the elephant has been trapped alone at the Marghazar Zoo for almost 30 years. In addition, many of those years were spent in chains. However, that is all about to change and that is thanks to you and your hard-working team.

You addressed the senate a record of three times presenting your team’s findings and research. After hearing about the awful conditions Kaavan has been faced with for the past three decades, the senate agreed that Kaavan should be moved to a sanctuary.

Thank you so much for all the hard work you have put into bringing Kaavan freedom. His life is now forever changed because of your team. Soon Kaavan will be surrounded by other elephant friends and a more natural environment. I am excited to hear about what the future has in store for Kaavan.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Free Kaavan the Elephant


  1. Now release ALL the elephants held captive, in India and Pakistan.

  2. val gaffney says:

    Pakistan hats off to you for showing India the way! Both countrie smust do something to free the elephants in captivity who are being abused

  3. Guillaume LAURENCIN says:

    It’s time now to rescue Nosey !!!!

  4. Maria Nowicki says:

    NO elephant should be held captive anywhere, whether at a
    zoo or circus. These magnificent animals belong in the
    wild with their very close-knit families.

  5. Cynthia Mattera says:

    Now, make it a law that ALL elephants in captivity be released, including roadside zoos, circus’s, etc.

    • Denise Baudin says:

      I agree with you Cynthia. Politicians have the power to legislate ZOOS AND CIRCUSES GREEDY OWNERS to release captive and tortured elephants to sanctuaries. WHAT ARE THEY WAITING FOR TO DO IT?
      Thanks go to the Free Kaavan team for all their hard work in bringing happiness to the rest of Kaavan’s dayst.

  6. Jaime Perez says:

    That is wonderful news. Now, any and all elephants need to be released. They don’t belong in zoos or shackled for their entire lives.

  7. No more elephants in zoos, circuses, parades, rituals, etc. They are not put here on this earth for that purpose. A law should be passed for all elephants held in captivity to be released. Thank-you for freeing beautiful Kaavan who will now have his dignity and freedom back to live with other elephants in a natural environment. WE ARE NOW IN THE MODERN ERA AND ANIMAL ABUSE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!!

  8. Linda Barnett says:

    Wonderful news! Kaavan should never have been imprisoned and shackled in the first place. Elephants are herd animals and I only hope that Kaavan has not been damaged mentally from being kept in insolation. This has been a very sad situation for this magnificent elephant who deserves to be with his own kind and be free and happy for the remainder of his life.

  9. Beth Knafla says:


  10. Lisa Zarafonetis says:

    Thank you for saving this elephant❗️?
    Signed & Shared.

  11. Pakistan setting the precedent in awareness followed up by action on the compassion thus invoked.
    Splendid and brilliant. Please do the same for other animals, captive and contained, without companionship and give them space, and the care and companionship they so dreadfully need – and please, please, please, Pakistan, do all you can to stop the horror of the ‘dancing bears’ and circus animals too. Wonderful and thank you for all your kind attention to Kavaan and his dreadful plight. RA

  12. sabita patwardhan says:

    Hope hope this is true. But 30 years taken, a despicable crime has already been done.

  13. Is it true Kavaan is still stuck in that same ZOO???????? Why is going to a sanctuary taking so long?? Which authority-figure can be against releasing this animal????FREE him NOW! Have mercy!!!

  14. Laura Taylor says:

    This is heartbreaking in the biggest way. Why has this had to take so long?? Who would ever want to do this to an Elephant for 30yrs is beyond comprehension.Our Elephants are beautiful, innocent, Intelligent creatures very close to human . They feel lonely, sad,and distress just like we can do. Please free him and give him whatever life that been taken away back. People who don’t respect our Animal Kingdom well how’s that going to be on their judgement day.Do the proper thing, it’s already been horrifically far to long.

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