Success: Rhode Island Becomes First State to Ban Cruel Elephant Training Tool

Elephant Mister-E

Target: Gina Raimondo, Governor of Rhode Island

Goal: Thank Rhode Island for banning the cruel elephant training tool, the bullhook.

Elephants used in the entertainment industry are often trained with an instrument called a bullhook. Bullhooks are long, sharp sticks with a metal hook at the end. They are often used to beat the elephants until they perform the proper trick.

While some cities and counties have already banned the use of bullhooks, Rhode Island is the first state to ban the weapon. This is in part due to public outcry and petitions like this one at ForceChange. Hopefully more states will follow in Rhode Island’s footsteps.

Sign this petition and thank Rhode Island for banning this cruel training tool. It is inspiring to see more laws being passed that protect the rights of animals.


Dear Governor Raimondo,

Recently, your state became the first to ban the use of the cruel elephant training tool, the bullhook. Some cities and counties have banned the use of the tool, however, becoming the first state to ban the bullhook is a monumental move.

As you know, trainers typically beat elephants with bullhooks until the animal performs the proper trick. It is inspiring and hopeful to see that people are starting to become aware of these practices and are making moves to prevent this cruelty.

Thank you for all your hard work in banning the bullhook. I can only hope more states follow in your footsteps.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Mister-E


  1. Linda Hilty-Tuttle says:

    Let’s hope “elephant training” gets completely banned next! God knows what they will replace the bull hook with, so I’m not sure praise is proper just yet.

  2. Cynthia Mattera says:

    Thank you governor!!!!Its about time someone spoke up for circus animals!!!!

  3. David Lavery says:

    This is good but what if the evil bastards think of using some other cruel device. It would be better if Animals were kept out of circuses altogether.

  4. Thank you Gina Raimondo, Governor of Rhode Island for making elephants’ lives less torturous for them. It would be preferred though that animals are not used in circuses at all because they truly don’t belong there.

  5. Beth Knafla says:

    THANK YOU, STOP TRAVELING WILD ANIMAL CIRCUSES! They are abusive, health threat and a danger to people!

  6. The tool may be banned but why are these elephants still in captivity? Too late to release them back in the wild where they belong, but release them to a sanctuary that has 1000s of acres for them to roam in, and STOP trapping wild animals for sadistic human entertainment.

  7. val gaffney says:

    Ok good that you’ve banned it and it should have a “world wide ban” but no elephant should be forced to “perform” They shouldn’t be in captivity. They aren’t commodities – they are living breathing sensitive animals. Release them all into the care of a sanctuary

  8. Sharon Rudyk says:

    This is a very good step and I am very grateful!! Please remember to keep a close watch and keep fighting to STOP animal entertainment….NOT why these lovely, innocent animals were put on this earth!!!

  9. Hopefully every state will demand NO MORE ANIMALS in entertainment! Definitely people, keep up the fight to end animal cruelty & abuse.

  10. lynne sansom says:

    thank you for banning the bullhook used to hurt elephants. i hope more states will follow your example

  11. Bullhooks are not cruel.
    They do not hurt the elephant.
    they are used to lead and get an elephant’s attention.
    do you know what happens if you hurt an elephant? It will kill you as easy as swatting a fly.
    . A loofah sponge is used to discipline an elephant.

    • Bev Woodburn says:

      What the hell are you commenting about you idiot.
      The bullhook is a vile and sadistic tool for training innocent and helpless Elephants and must be banned from being used Worldwide.
      You are a complete arsehole. Crawl back into the cesspool you crawled out of you pea size brain moron.
      And you say they will kill you. What such rubbish I have read in your heartless comment. The trouble these Elephants have been tortured from babies with these vile and sadistic Bullhooks and their fear is
      unimaginable. So shut the f— up you moron.

  12. Malcolm Booth says:

    Good move Governor. Thanks

  13. Lisa Zarafonetis says:

    Signed & Shared ?

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