Dog Reportedly Left Tied to Post During Hurricane Deserves Justice

Target: Suzy Lopez, State Attorney, Hillsborough County, Florida

Goal: Hold man accountable for allegedly leaving his dog, Trooper, tied to a post in floodwaters during Hurricane Milton.

An alarming incident involving Giovanny Aldama Garcia, who has been arrested for allegedly committing aggravated animal cruelty, has sparked outrage across the community. Reports indicate that during the catastrophic approach of Hurricane Milton, he left his dog, Trooper, tied to a post in rising floodwaters, putting the animal’s life at immense risk. The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles has described the harrowing scene, where Trooper was apparently discovered struggling in water that reached up to his chest, drawing attention to the dangers of animal neglect during emergencies.

Further details reveal the reckless nature of Aldama Garcia’s alleged actions. Trooper was not only reportedly abandoned during a state of emergency but apparently faced a significant risk of death due to the flooding conditions. The criminal affidavit highlights the seemingly excessive infliction of pain and suffering caused by Aldama Garcia’s negligence. Despite the severity of the situation, Aldama Garcia later attempted to reclaim Trooper, as he showed up at an animal shelter with photos to prove ownership. This alarming behavior raises questions about his accountability and the leniency of current animal protection laws in Florida.

This case exemplifies the urgent need for stricter enforcement of animal cruelty laws, especially in the face of natural disasters. Allowing individuals who engage in such negligent behavior to escape serious consequences undermines the safety and welfare of animals. Immediate action is required to ensure that instances of animal cruelty, especially during emergencies, are dealt with appropriately. Prosecute Aldama Garcia to the fullest extent of the law to prevent such apparent acts from occurring in the future.


Dear Ms. Lopez,

The shocking incident involving Giovanny Aldama Garcia, who reportedly left his dog Trooper tied to a post in floodwaters during Hurricane Milton, demands immediate action. This alleged act of cruelty not only endangered Trooper’s life but also showcased a disturbing lack of regard for animal welfare during a crisis. The rescue of Trooper by a state trooper amid rising floodwaters emphasizes the urgent need for accountability in situations where animals are left vulnerable to dangerous conditions.

Aldama Garcia’s actions, as outlined in the criminal affidavit, caused excessive pain and suffering to Trooper, raising serious concerns about the treatment of pets during emergencies. Following his arrest, Aldama Garcia attempted to reclaim ownership of Trooper, suggesting a concerning mindset towards accountability for his actions. It is vital that the system responds decisively to individuals who place animals in such perilous situations.

We urge you to pursue the appropriate charges against Aldama Garcia for his alleged role in this incident and to advocate for stronger enforcement of animal cruelty laws in Florida. The safety and well-being of animals must be prioritized, especially during emergencies, to prevent such tragic neglect from reoccurring in the future.

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Photo credit: Pixabay


  1. Send him to me, I’ll tie him up on a stake when the tide is coming in so he drowns screaming POS!!! Do not send Trooper back to him and ban him from keeping animals for life evil scum!!!

  2. Concordo plenamente.

  3. What an asshole. I do hope his insurers invoke the ‘act of god’ clause and refuse to cover all his loses, shitty little turd

  4. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Execute Giovanny Aldama Garcia immediately. Get rid of this piece of garbage once and for all.


  6. Joan Rosenfeld says:

    This pos monster must be severely punished for trying to kill his dog.He must never be able to have any pet. He is an evil person.


  8. hi ,
    just think if you were in his place.
    will you not save him

  9. Jeff McInnis says:

    This is horrid. I pray this monster burns.

  10. What a rat, I hope he will never be permitted to own any animal for the rest of his miserable life.

  11. This man does NOT deserve to be reunited with his dog Trooper. Please send Trooper to a loving family. Convict and sentence this man to the fullest extent of the law and never allow him to be near or own ANY animal for the rest of his life. He obviously has no regard for an aminal’s care let alone life.

  12. Do the exact thing to this CRUEL ABUSIVE IDIOT BY TYING HIM TO A POLE DURING THE NEXT HURRICANE BY A STRONG CABLE WHERE HE CAN’T ESCAPE FROM because sitting in a jail cell is too good for cruel and abusive asshole like him!!!!!

  13. DeSantis blathered about what good animal protection laws already exist in Florida. What a crock! Trooper was renamed and adopted by people who most likely REALLY care about his well-being. He CANNOT be returned to this amoral, valueless “owner” – clearly NOT a real pet PARENT! Let’s see some real teeth in holding him 100% accountable and punished accordingly, Governor!!

  14. Go take the asshole who did this to the middle of the Gulf of Mexico with his hands and feet tied and an anchor attached and drop him in!

  15. Handcuff him when the next flood comes in! Make sure he is really low to the ground. Do not rescue you him!!!

  16. Under NO circumstances should Trooper be returned to that lousy, good for nothing POS who PUT HIS DOG’S LIFE IN DANGER! If this is the way he treats his baby without a single thought to his safety and well being, he damn well does NOT deserve to have him back!

  17. Ok we all know what they should do !!! I agree tie this ass wipe to a cement block and toss it into alligator alley.. be done with this pos!!

  18. Dennis Busto says:

    Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal ABUSERS n Cruelty. An eye for an eye fits this crime n should be the punishment. Paws Matter

  19. Sharon Ralston says:

    Disgraceful behaviour

  20. Melinda Maddox says:

    I live in the next county over from this idiot
    he needs jail time tied up himself maybe in a big rainstorm

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