Dog Reportedly Left Tied to Post During Hurricane Deserves Justice

Target: Suzy Lopez, State Attorney, Hillsborough County, Florida

Goal: Hold man accountable for allegedly leaving his dog, Trooper, tied to a post in floodwaters during Hurricane Milton.

An alarming incident involving Giovanny Aldama Garcia, who has been arrested for allegedly committing aggravated animal cruelty, has sparked outrage across the community. Reports indicate that during the catastrophic approach of Hurricane Milton, he left his dog, Trooper, tied to a post in rising floodwaters, putting the animal’s life at immense risk. The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles has described the harrowing scene, where Trooper was apparently discovered struggling in water that reached up to his chest, drawing attention to the dangers of animal neglect during emergencies.

Further details reveal the reckless nature of Aldama Garcia’s alleged actions. Trooper was not only reportedly abandoned during a state of emergency but apparently faced a significant risk of death due to the flooding conditions. The criminal affidavit highlights the seemingly excessive infliction of pain and suffering caused by Aldama Garcia’s negligence. Despite the severity of the situation, Aldama Garcia later attempted to reclaim Trooper, as he showed up at an animal shelter with photos to prove ownership. This alarming behavior raises questions about his accountability and the leniency of current animal protection laws in Florida.

This case exemplifies the urgent need for stricter enforcement of animal cruelty laws, especially in the face of natural disasters. Allowing individuals who engage in such negligent behavior to escape serious consequences undermines the safety and welfare of animals. Immediate action is required to ensure that instances of animal cruelty, especially during emergencies, are dealt with appropriately. Prosecute Aldama Garcia to the fullest extent of the law to prevent such apparent acts from occurring in the future.


Dear Ms. Lopez,

The shocking incident involving Giovanny Aldama Garcia, who reportedly left his dog Trooper tied to a post in floodwaters during Hurricane Milton, demands immediate action. This alleged act of cruelty not only endangered Trooper’s life but also showcased a disturbing lack of regard for animal welfare during a crisis. The rescue of Trooper by a state trooper amid rising floodwaters emphasizes the urgent need for accountability in situations where animals are left vulnerable to dangerous conditions.

Aldama Garcia’s actions, as outlined in the criminal affidavit, caused excessive pain and suffering to Trooper, raising serious concerns about the treatment of pets during emergencies. Following his arrest, Aldama Garcia attempted to reclaim ownership of Trooper, suggesting a concerning mindset towards accountability for his actions. It is vital that the system responds decisively to individuals who place animals in such perilous situations.

We urge you to pursue the appropriate charges against Aldama Garcia for his alleged role in this incident and to advocate for stronger enforcement of animal cruelty laws in Florida. The safety and well-being of animals must be prioritized, especially during emergencies, to prevent such tragic neglect from reoccurring in the future.

Your Name Here

Photo credit: Pixabay


  1. Do not give this dog back to this person he will just do the same thing again what complete disregard for life these are God’s creations and in the Bible it clearly says God calls upon us to be stewards over his creations and we are to care for them and not to abuse them or mistreat them and anybody who does this would certainly not hesitate to do it again to another animal or even another human being regardless, it is complete disregard for life this was a very selfish person I’ll take the dog email me and

    I’ll take the dog!! but please don’t give it back to that person.

  2. Please don’t allow Trooper to go back to his owner! This monster will do it again and God forbid what other type of animal abuse he might do to pour sweet dog Trooper! Trooper deserves a good home with a loving family that will love and take good care of him! Which Trooper deserves!

  3. This was bad enough, but do you guys have a petition about that asshole who is head of the NRA, and tortured and killed a cat with a bunch of frat guys in college? Those assholes weren’t even expelled. What kind of shithole country are we living in? Why are these scumbags allowed to be our leaders, and to have power? Ditch the NRA as a terrorist org. and ditch their leader. Ugh.

  4. Aprille Gilmore says:

    This is just depraved. Absolutely sickening. Please, at minimum, as a deterant to others, prosecute this man.

  5. Is there no end to man’s heartless inhumanity towards defenceless animals. Please ban this cretin from ever owning another animal.

  6. Shawn Kennon says:

    Do not allow him to reclaim the dog!!

  7. Jaime Perez says:

    Throw this creep in jail for a very long time! I hope Trooper will go to a good home, to someone who will love and value him.

  8. Lock up the scum bastard and never have him have any animals

  9. Our planet is inhabited by a huge amount of dehumanized, paranoid and sadistic psychopaths. Signing petitions every day gives me a glimpse into a world I didn’t know existed! A world of
    the worst ANIMAL TORTURE and ABUSE imaginable!!
    MAX JAIL for this DESENSITIZED, DEHUMANIZED and PATHOLOGICAL LOWLIFE SCUM! This is an EXTREME CRIME committed against a defenseless animal!!



  11. He left that dog to drown what an evil pos

  12. Maria Lavorato says:

    Sicko! WTH!!!!!! He should have been tied to the post.
    Please find Trooper a happy, safe forever home that will treat him as a FAMILY MEMBER!!!!

    This person Garcia should never ever again have an animal!!! Prosecute to the full extent of the law for the extreme trauma he caused little Trooper!!!!!! No Mercy.

    Imagine wanting to reclaim Trooper!!!!! The gall.

  13. The next time there’s a hurricane coming, tie this a**hole to a poll and him!!!

  14. a person a decent person don’t do something like that. no more animals for them. i don’t believe they would not like it if they was tried up just before a hurricane was coming. jail time.

  15. This SOB should be thrown in prison, and I hope to God that he gets killed there by the other inmates. One less POS in the world like this and the world will be a slightly better place.

  16. If this black hearted fool has kids, take them away too. He can’t care for a dog properly, he isn’t responsible enough to be trusted to care for small children. He is a danger to society. If he moved in next door to me I wouldn’t want him near my kids, my dogs, or even my houseplants.

  17. Oh, DiSantos will certainly ban a book but, he will NOT ban this POS from ever owning an animal again. The US MUST make these punishments more severe, they MUST be treated as if these innocent animals are humans. After all, they ARE innocent victims!

    • Exactly!! Desatan is a pos. Over 400 gay and trans killed or beaten up since Jan. of 2024 and NOTHING TO SAY. Google Walter Lay who was killed by a right wing pos while walking his dog and Desatan said NOTHING.

  18. Sharon Rudyk says:

    Just how freakin sick does the human race have to get before our justice systems finally grow a pair and step up and deal out MAJOR CONSEQUENCES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. you worthless fucking human, how dare you come and try to claim your dog after you left him? I hope you lost everything in the storm. You don’t deserve your dog. You fucking piece of shit I wish you nothing but bad luck in your Life

  20. This doggo got headline news, but how many abandoned animals didn’t get the help this one did and perished in the hurricane?

    Iy happens every time there’s a storm, hurricane, tornado, flood, fire ………and it’s not just in the US.

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