Success: Lonely Chimp at Roadside Zoo Finally Retired to Sanctuary

Target: Angela Enders, Zookeeper at the Mobile Zoo

Goal: Thank the zoo for finally retiring their lone chimpanzee to an accredited sanctuary.

The Mobile Zoo in Wilmer, Alabama, has finally released its lone chimpanzee Joe to an accredited sanctuary. Joe has spent the last 16 years alone at this roadside zoo. A petition on ForceChange even demanded that Joe be moved to a sanctuary. Thankfully his days at the zoo are over, and Joe is now thriving at Save the Chimps in Florida.

Chimpanzees are highly sociable animals that travel many miles a day in the wild. Joe was denied these simple pleasures for much too long. Thankfully, Joe can now live out the rest of his days happily among friends.

Sign this petition to thank the owner of the Mobile Zoo for finally giving Joe the life he deserves.


Dear Ms. Enders,

Joe the chimpanzee has been held at your zoo for the past 16 years. For many of those years he was all alone in a small cage.

Chimpanzees are highly social, intelligent animals that travel miles everyday in the wild. Thankfully, Joe is now at the Save the Chimps sanctuary in Florida where he is thriving. Everyday, Joe gets to interact with other chimpanzees, climb trees and soak in sunshine.

Thank you for giving Joe the life he deserves. It is inspiring to see how well Joe is adjusting to his new life.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: kleinAlexis


  1. Roadside zoo’s are any thing but zoo’s. Their places of abuse and torment for the animals being held their for profit. I can’t believe in this day and age of enlightment that they haven’t been banned! Theses places all need to be shut down for good!

  2. Antonio Calabria, Ph.D. says:

    I can’t thank the creep who kept the chimp prisoner for sixteen years. In fact, I’d like to spit in her face, to say the least.

  3. I can not sign a thank you note for doing the right thing.This place is anything but a zoo. The only income these people have is from this so-called zoo. It is a horrible place. I will be satisfied when all of these animals are out of their custody.

    • I went here once a long, long time ago for the first Mobile Renne Faire and refused to go back until they changed venue. I’d moved away and thought this place had closed until the petition here. It was horrific, and they deserve only to be shut down. That said, I’m glad Joe is out. I saw him then and it brought me to tears ten years ago.

  4. Lisa Zarafonetis says:

    Signed & Shared.??

  5. If a petition hadn’t been taken up she would not have freed Joe at all. Owners only use the animals as a drawing card and a money making gimmick at the animal’s suffering. They cash in off of the animal’s suffering. These seedy out-of date with the modern ethical humane treatment for animals roadside zoos should have been outlawed, banned years ago. Why thank her when she had deprived this chimp 16 years of everything that is essential and meaning to him. She only retired Joe out of public pressure. That’s why one petition site is called “Force Change”. You have to make some people do the right ethical thing because they don’t have enough sense to do it on their own!

  6. Anita Culling says:

    I am so look happy he has a good life now with I hope kind caring people in an environment that he should be in.

  7. Linda Hilty-Tuttle says:

    Hooray for Joe – happy retirement….at long last!!!

  8. ann Emerson says:


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