Success: French Slaughterhouse Shut Down

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Target: Stéphane Le Foll

Goal: Applaud closing of slaughterhouse after employees were caught on film heinously abusing animals.

Employees were shown hideously abusing animals in a four-minute video of a French slaughterhouse released recently. This resulted in an outcry, including a petition on ForceChange, demanding punishment for the employees. As a result of activist efforts and public response, Le Vigan in the southern Gard region of France has been shut down.

A French prosecutor announced that an inquiry has been launched, and the managing company of Le Vigan also suspended the staff. They have also initiated an internal investigation. Agriculture Minister Stéphane Le Foll denounced Le Vigan’s “intolerable practices” and claimed that employees would be “punished, as they should be.” The minister also announced veterinarians would be working with local prosecutors on the case.

However, counter to Le Foll’s announcement, an activist condemned his own lack of action up until this point regarding livestock abuse. Brigitte Bardot claimed that leaving sadistic, “perverted employees” unsupervised was an intolerable cruelty in itself. Her reasoning is due to the demand she made for mandatory surveillance cameras in abattoirs back in October after a similar video came to light.

While positive action has been taken regarding Le Vigan, there are still many problems with the management of slaughterhouse employees throughout France. However, this instance of abuse has been heard and those in charge are taking action against abusers. Congratulate the managing company of Le Vigan and the Minister of Agriculture for not allowing these individuals to walk free for their crimes.


Dear Minister Stéphane Le Foll,

After the abuse suffered by animals at Le Vigan was leaked by video online, the public rose up against the slaughterhouse. Often in such circumstances, nothing is done and the scenario is swept under the rug and a few employees laid off. It’s wonderful that such a thing didn’t happen in this instance. To hear the management company shut down Le Vigan and also launched an internal investigation is great news. To learn that a full inquiry has been launched and that the employees are facing legitimate charges is even better.

There have been complaints that previous attempts to make CCTV mandatory in slaughterhouses have been ignored. I hope that this situation, along with another similar situation occurring last year, will inspire the ministry to require cameras in slaughterhouses. Animal abuse by employees is too common. Regardless, I am glad something is being done in regards to the Le Vigan situation despite the footage being “secretly” acquired.

Thank you for taking action against the heinous crimes being committed at this facility. Thank you for not allowing it to be lost in the deluge of animal abuse stories.


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Photo credit: Boris Horvat

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  1. Barb Rosa says:

    shut them ‘all’ down!!!!

  2. Lydia Pyun says:

    Stop eating animals. We are better than that. There are tens of thousands of plants God created to nourish human bodies. Animals were not created to be mutilated by humans, but for us to be good stewards to them and learn from them.

  3. Celeste Nieves says:

    Those POS should be prosecuted to the extent of the law. Shame on so called humans.

  4. They all need to be shut down, animals need to be free and protected.

  5. Raouchaia Reda says:

    (>’o’)> Well done! Shut them down and go vegan! (◡‿◡✿)

  6. this is a problem in MANY slaughterhouses, in the U.S., Canada, and in Europe……hidden cameras should be utilized and the employees made aware of them, and told there will be a zero tolerance for abuse of any animal seen on camera or reported by two or more other employees.

  7. Todd Fletcher says:

    Finally after thousands of animals suffered violent deaths. All responsible for this should shot!

  8. Writing from France :

    Yes, this slaughterhouse was shut down, and that lasted one month. It is now open and operating again.

    Make what you will of that…

  9. There needs to be strict abuse laws for slaughter houses as well as individuals,and other abusers. These animals don’t deserve to be abused.They are already treated bad enough going through the process of slaughtering. Anyone caught should be punished severely. All slaughterhouses should have hidden cameras to watch the workers.

  10. Bev Woodburn says:

    Great news this slaughterhouse has been closed down for ever but there are thousands of these slaughterhouses of hell and terror for all defenceless and helpless animals Worldwide that should be closed down.
    I have just read Guenady – writing from France, that this slaughter house of hell and terror for all innocent animals was closed down for only one month and then reopened.
    I pray this is incorrect.

  11. Lisa Zarafonetis says:

    HOO freaking Ray!!! 🙂

  12. Lisa Zarafonetis says:

    Signed & Shared.

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