Stop Tearing Feathers Off Live Birds to Make Down Jackets

Target: Woody Blackford, Chief Product Officer, Canada Goose

Goal: Start using recycled down in Canada Goose clothing.

Real feather down used to stuff high-end winter jackets is traditionally obtained through “live plucking,” a process that involves painfully ripping feathers off the bodies of live ducks and geese. The naturally water repellant and insulative properties of feathers evolved to keep birds warm and dry in a harsh environment–and down feathers serve a similar purpose in outerwear worn by people. More and more companies, including Patagonia, are turning to the reuse of down through garment recycling programs as a way to avoid participating in animal cruelty. However, too many others continue to rely on the barbarous practice of live plucking.

Canada Goose is a Canadian company which found its roots making functional outerwear for the tough arctic conditions of the great white north. Today, the company has exploded into an international brand for what they call “performance luxury.” In other words, they produce top dollar garments for consumers seeking to keep warm as well as turn heads with the jackets’ look marked with signature red, blue. and white patches.

Luxury has not always shined favorably on animal rights. A few lines in the Canada Goose catalog traditionally have used fur collar from live trapped coyotes. On the plus side, Canada Goose made the pledge to use recycled coyote fur in 2022. Conversely, they do not mention using recycled down, a strong indicator this practice will remain absent from their manufacturing process. Their sustainability statement does say the company is “Responsible Down Certified” (R.D.S.); the R.D.S. website boasts it refrains from using feathers from animals that have endured any “unnecessary harm.” What that means remains unknown.

Sign the petition now to encourage Canada Goose’s Chief Product Officer, Woody Blackford, to implement down buyback and recycling into manufacturing of the company’s products.


Dear C.P.O. Blackford,

Canada Goose has made quite a name for itself in the outerwear world thanks to your work guiding its products towards success. Trend minded people across the world look to you as a forerunning in fashion. Not only do you set the tone for what stands out in cold weather garments, but clothing manufacturers across the world follow your lead in production methods and how to influence consumers while also bettering the world.

It has not gone unnoticed that your company has made strides in addressing animal cruelty concerns found within Canada Goose’s sourcing of coyote fur. Using reclaimed fur is a fantastic step towards acknowledging and addressing animal abuse in the fashion world and leading the conversation in a direction showing such abuse just is not acceptable. However, one area of your practices which seems to not have the same positive momentum is the sourcing of feathers for down insulated apparel.

A handful of companies have achieved fame by exclusively using recycled down in their products. Instead of throwing out old garments, there are a number of options for consumers to donate clothing for the reuse of specific features, namely feathers. Recycling down gives it years more of good use while sparing waterfowl who may be sacrificed to create new clothing. We believe Canada Goose has the resources to not just make steps towards more ethical down but to make sure no more animals have to die or suffer for your jackets.

Act now to make Canada Goose a recycled down only company.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Wknight94


  1. In the day we are supposed to be more humane This must stop It’s a horrific practice and not necessarily

  2. TEAR ALL HAIR OFF the greedy psychopathic bastards working for Canada Goose. These brainless sadists need to learn what extreme suffering, fear and pain feel like!
    Canada Goose is a moral debris!!!!! Woody Blackford, it’s high time to do the right thing and DITCH this filthy business!!! Shame on you!

  3. Shirley Lemieux says:

    The process of plucking feathers from live birds causes alot of pain, suffering, and distress to birds and is down right cruel. Please make Canada Goose a recycled down only company.

  4. Julia Edinger says:

    I agree with Urszula Lund
    “TEAR ALL HAIR OFF the greedy psychopathic bastards working for Canada Goose. These brainless sadists need to learn what extreme suffering, fear and pain feel like!
    Canada Goose is a moral debris!!!!! Woody Blackford, it’s high time to do the right thing and DITCH this filthy business!!! Shame on you! “
    Hope those evil beings suffer severe punishment for their torture of precious birds!!!!

    • Joyce O'Malley says:

      Boycott Canada Goose clothing and products!!

      • I do boycott goose filled feathers for years! Artificial feathers are better and non allergic anyway!
        Canada is a incompetent and animal unfriendly country ! Look up the Prime Minister it says it all!

  5. Joseph Kenosky says:

    This is despicable and must end.

  6. Leave your filthy greedy cruel hands off our birds. I hope you ignorant fools can feel pain life you caused to these birds. You are pathetic and a disgrace. THIS HAS TO STOP.


  8. Susan Knutsen says:

    What you do is barbaric in this day and age.
    There are so many other options for warmth in clothing, but you seem to enjoy torturing birds.

  9. People that condone, participate in and encourage atrocities like this, deserve every last ounce of karma and suffering that boomerangs back at them. Consider your actions in life wisely, the good comes back, and the evil comes back double!

  10. Absolutely unacceptable.
    There is no reason to abuse these geese and ducks for egotistical morons . This is disgusting.


  12. Mary Di Domenico says:

    This is a horrible treatment for these birds. Why would anyone want to wear a garment made out of bird feathers. Selfish and mean

  13. This is the same country that thinks it’s ok to beat baby fur seals with bats till their dead every year. Not sure they really care.

  14. Vanessa Strougo says:

    When do Humans learn that EVIL IS EVIL
    AND KARMA WILL BE PAID BY THE NATURAL FORCES OF THE WORLD.It’s happening all around us .Disgusting individuals that need to wear Goose/ Duck Feathers at the expense of poor innocent animals I have no a mercy for.

  15. Woody Blackford, Chief Product Officer, Canada Goose

    Start using recycled down in Canada Goose clothing.

    TEAR ALL HAIR OFF the greedy psychopathic bastards working for Canada Goose. These brainless sadists need to learn what extreme suffering, fear and pain feel like!
    Canada Goose is a moral debris!!!!! Woody Blackford, it’s high time to do the right thing and DITCH this filthy business!!! Shame on you!

  16. American Girl says:

    This is a no Brainerd. There is absolutely no need for this sadistic inherent cruelty. Flood them with calls and letters & protests! They deserve nothing less.

    • American Girl I totally agree with you these people are sadistic – they need some Street Justice that will make them feel pain, preferably the sort they won’t recover from

  17. These vile, animal abusing scumbags require extermination!

  18. STOP the depraved CRUELTY to Animals — We do NOT NEED this — GOOSE DOWN is product of immense suffering & cruelty — Captive GEESE are held in small cages or overcrowded facilities — fully conscious & unsedated, terrified Birds are restrained upside down, sat on, & forced into other positions to restrict their movement — Their feathers are aggressively RIPPED from their bodies, leaving skin raw & exposed, suffering large agonizing wounds —

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