Dog Reportedly Hanged and Set on Fire by 12-Year-Old Deserves Justice

Target: Thomas J. Vilsack, United States Secretary of Agriculture

Goal: Mandate psychological treatment for kids who commit acts of animal cruelty, to protect other animals and people.

It was over a year ago that Buddy the dog was found near death, with an extension cord tied around his neck and covered in burn marks from having been set on fire. The alleged perpetrator of this heinous crime: a 12-year-old Mississippi child. While this would typically be considered a felony punishable by up to three years in prison, children under 12 cannot be charged with a crime or evaluated according to Mississippi state law.

In the wake of much public outrage, officials created Buddy’s, law which went into effect on July 1st of 2022. According to Buddy’s law, any child convicted of torturing animals is required to receive psychiatric evaluation and treatment. Not only will this law protect thousands of animals from abuse, it will also possibly save the lives of many people, as there is a relatively well established link between animal abuse and later acts of violence towards humans.

Sign this petition to demand Buddy’s law be passed on a federal level and hold abusers in all states across the U.S. accountable for their crimes.


Dear Secretary Vilsack,

Buddy’s law was recently passed in Mississippi after Buddy, a family dog, was found with an extension cord tied tightly around his neck and covered in burn marks. This terrible crime was allegedly committed by a child who, under the age of 12, couldn’t be charged with a crime or evaluated by the state.

Buddy’s law changes this. According to the law, any child convicted of torturing animals is required to receive psychiatric evaluation and treatment. Not only will this get children the help they need, it will also likely save animals and even other people. The correlation between early childhood acts of animal abuse and later acts of violence towards humans is relatively well-established, and perpetrators of crimes towards animals are typically capable of much more.

We are asking you, Mr. Vilsack, to encourage Buddy’s law to be passed on a federal level as an amendment to the Animal Welfare Act.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: AmazonCARES


  1. Jane Morrow says:

    Just end the vile little turd, he is valueless and of zero use to the world.

    • Exactly. Too much crap about the little turds not realising what they are doing etc etc.
      Of course the little bastards know exactly what they are doing and LIKE it!
      Will grow up into nasty, sadistic sub humans who will bully, maim and kill.
      The laws need to alter and quickly.
      If anyone feels too strongly if I say the little tossers should be terminated, then how about as the bible says AN EYE FOR AN EYE!

      Let the little fuckers feel heinous pain as did this unfortunate dog! I am sure even at that age, the young toerags would think at least half a dozen times before having any thoughts of doing it again!!

    • My thoughts exactly. Just end the pos before it moves up to bigger and worse stuff. I have no sympathy and no use for human garbage like this.

    • I totally agree!! That little bastard knew just what he was doing and it’s probably not the first time.

    • Evelyn Ball says:

      Exactly!!! Kill the worthless piece of shit.

  2. Let’s hope the same happens to him one day……soon! I hope he too feels the pain, terror and fear he inflicted on that poor dog but I hope he doesn’t survive….we don’t need anymore evil in this world!

  3. Lesley Jane says:


  4. Tammy Garman says:

    This is an incredibly sick child, change this law and get this kid help before he starts on humans…
    “Many infamous serial killers harmed animals when they were children, including Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, Gary Ridgeway, John Wayne Gacy, and the Boston Strangler. It’s long been a popularly held belief that children who are abusive toward animals are serial killers in the making.Mar 19, 2021” › …

    • If these offending bastards had been terminated when they were kids then we would not have half as many serial killers, rapists, phyco’s, animal torturers etc, etc walking around. Softly softy approach does not work with these young assholes, they just lap it up in luxury.

      A fucking good whipping is what is needed for starters. They should feel the same amount of pain as they dished out!
      It seemed to work well enough in olden days so why not NOW?

  5. Patricia Leigh Wicker says:

    SICK CHILD!!! He will turn into a serial killer one day, I pray the dog made a full recovery. He should feel the same pain this poor helpless dog felt!!!! He is very demented!!!

  6. It is an established, researched fact, that children who torture animals progress to harming other children, the vulnerable elderly , then adults. Check out the majority of serial killers. If the state believes in pre emptive prevention of this escalation in crime, it cannot allow such a egregious criminal to go into the community. He must receive psychiatric counselling, treatment and seclusion until deemed safe.Do you want a child to take the place of that poor dog ?

  7. Set his 12-yr-old sick butt on fire- that’ll “cure” him

  8. Michelle+Harvey says:

    This is just the beginning of a life of crime if this ass isn’t punished!!!


  10. How about we do the same thing to the kid? I don’t give a dam if he is only twelve! He knew exactly what he was doing!

  11. Debbie Burr says:

    I’m sick of messed up ‘kids’ PUNISH HIM AND HIS MESSED UP PARENTS.
    Worthless human already.

  12. This 12 year old clearly has issues that need to be dealt with by a therapist. I also wonder where the parents were in raising him.

  13. Mary Lorna Greenway says:

    Don’t waste taxpayer money sending this killer to therapists. Just bind him, pour flame accelerant over him, put the flamethrower on him and watch him burn to death.

  14. This Mississippi 12 year is a low life evil scumbag that needs to be put behind bars! He should be beat up daily like he did to Buddy!

  15. Jennifer jermea says:

    2 wrongs don’t make a right yes he did wrong but he needs to be punished by boot camp or something else but don’t do the same thing as what he did send him to Bible camp God will take care of him don’t wish something bad for him or to happen to another person

    • In this case, two wrongs DO make a right. Let the punishment fit the crime so the little bastard knows exactly what it feels like to be burnt!

      Or how’s about you take his place and feel what that innocent dog went through.
      I’m sure you would soon be bellowing for mercy! Then you might stop protecting these evil little monsters in the making!

  16. THANK GOD Buddy was saved in time — I hope he’s with great People — Buddy’s Law will be HUGE in preventing future Crimes against Animals — someone MUST PROTECT the Animals — Rehab for “problem” kids is a wonderful idea — let’s pray it works — if not, keep the little ABUSER under strict supervision until ready to re-enter society.

  17. I believe this 12 year old knew exactly what he was doing. There is no excuse for not charging him and sentencing him. He must have an evaluation and based on the findings proceed. He might develop more criminal aggression which will need treatment and at the same time the evaluation should be provided to the courts, police thus alerting authorities of his criminal potentials. The courts must not allow him to ever have dogs/pets/animals, be near them nor participate in any event that deals with dogs/pets/animals.

  18. This child has the signs of a phsycopath to me and it is very worrying.i do hope this poor dog is ok now and has a wonderful home. I could cry for what he has gone through

  19. Cheryl+Miller says:

    Whoa!! I’d be completely worried and afraid to have a sick kid like this!! This is horrifying and disgusting!!! Why would let this sick kid get away with this cruelty?!
    Poor Buddy!! He deserves justice!!!!

  20. American Girl says:

    Cull this little inbred bastard from Society! This is not his 1st rodeo! He got caught imagine what other horrific acts of cruelty he must’ve committed. He is an Oxygen Thief!
    Love, Light & Prayers to the Beautiful Dog….

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