Dog Reportedly Hanged and Set on Fire by 12-Year-Old Deserves Justice

Target: Thomas J. Vilsack, United States Secretary of Agriculture

Goal: Mandate psychological treatment for kids who commit acts of animal cruelty, to protect other animals and people.

It was over a year ago that Buddy the dog was found near death, with an extension cord tied around his neck and covered in burn marks from having been set on fire. The alleged perpetrator of this heinous crime: a 12-year-old Mississippi child. While this would typically be considered a felony punishable by up to three years in prison, children under 12 cannot be charged with a crime or evaluated according to Mississippi state law.

In the wake of much public outrage, officials created Buddy’s, law which went into effect on July 1st of 2022. According to Buddy’s law, any child convicted of torturing animals is required to receive psychiatric evaluation and treatment. Not only will this law protect thousands of animals from abuse, it will also possibly save the lives of many people, as there is a relatively well established link between animal abuse and later acts of violence towards humans.

Sign this petition to demand Buddy’s law be passed on a federal level and hold abusers in all states across the U.S. accountable for their crimes.


Dear Secretary Vilsack,

Buddy’s law was recently passed in Mississippi after Buddy, a family dog, was found with an extension cord tied tightly around his neck and covered in burn marks. This terrible crime was allegedly committed by a child who, under the age of 12, couldn’t be charged with a crime or evaluated by the state.

Buddy’s law changes this. According to the law, any child convicted of torturing animals is required to receive psychiatric evaluation and treatment. Not only will this get children the help they need, it will also likely save animals and even other people. The correlation between early childhood acts of animal abuse and later acts of violence towards humans is relatively well-established, and perpetrators of crimes towards animals are typically capable of much more.

We are asking you, Mr. Vilsack, to encourage Buddy’s law to be passed on a federal level as an amendment to the Animal Welfare Act.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: AmazonCARES


  1. He will just do it again you can be assured of that. What is wrong with the judges for letting him walk free. Maybe the judges are into such sick acts on sweet animals. He will just do it again and again and again. He knew right from wrong. He’s just testing the waters. He probably got some sexual satisfaction out of torturing poor buddy. He’s probably done it before to other animals and just never got caught. Where were the parents when this was going on? That kid needs watch 24 hours 8 days a week. He’s just going to do it again. No amount of counseling will help a psychopath. Psychopaths are born that way. He’s just going to do it again and again and again. Please punish him for his wrong Behavior. What a monster this 12-year-old is. Yes a real monster. He’s just going to do it again judges. Why not he didn’t have to get punished for his wrongdoing. There was no consequences to his sick demented and horrible actions. He’s just going to do it again.

    • Agree totally with you Sherry

    • I agree with your comment Sherry.

      The lowlife vile and evil psychopathic monster kid will do it again and again and again. Eradication from our Planet is a must.This is the only way that this lowlife psycho monster bastard kid is stopped.Kill it!!!!!

      • My thoughts and feelings exactly.
        These evil little shits know full well what they are doing and enjoy every minute of it.
        The only way to stop them doing it again is for them to be terminated. No one would be too worried ( well maybe his parents would play up a bit ) and no doubt want some compensation.
        But one thing is for sure, it would stop yet another psycho bastard form reaching adulthood! And scrounging off society!
        Vigilantes to the fore. It will happen and for the good of the world!

    • Buddy’s law needs to mandate that the perpetrator be executed after psychological treatment. That will guarantee that child never does this again. All the organs can be harvested after that, no permission needed.

    • I totally agree with you 100% this isn’t a 12 yr. old kid, his is a monster!!! 12 yr old kids don’t act like this, the parents should be held accountable for this!! I hope the dog survive ???

    • The little fucker would not do it again if he was six feet under the ground.
      That’s where he, and any others like him need to be for the good of the world!

  2. That 12 year old is old enough to know between right and wrong. That kid should be charged with a crime. Parents should held accountable as well for this crime.

  3. Kitty Pauwels says:

    While I think they should get treatment don’t think it’s enough. They should also be prosecuted for the crime.

    • Get treatment you say!! These little fuckers would lap it up and treat it like a holiday camp.
      What they need is a few S.A.S training sessions and forced to keep going till they drop with some kicks and prods along the way!

      The so- called law is no bloody use at all. Mostly old ‘past-it’ fuddy duddy Judges who could not give a shit as long as they are sitting pretty and nothing affects their lives!
      These useless tossers need replacing with someone who has the balls to deal with these little bastards in a way that they will never forget!

      Mark my words, people power is not far around the corner and as the Judicial system will not deal with these heinous acts the people eventually will!!

  4. G Featherston says:

    An evil being,it and its parents need intensive therapy instead of enablement by weak laws. There is a lot more to this story.

  5. i’m Pretty sure that this kid will evolve into a vicious, sadistic killer. Better keep an eye on him now.

    • Julia Edinger says:


    • Off him and solve the problem and sleep soundly knowing one more psycho is in a 6 by 2 plot.

      • Brilliant. My thoughts exactly. Although I think he would need a smaller coffin.
        But why bother with formalities.just sling the nasty little fucker on the nearest local tip.
        Then if the parents had any remorse, they could visit him there! These evil little Bastards need removing permanently!!

  6. I hope someone does the same to him.

  7. That child knew exactly what he was doing. He was either born evil or his home life really needs to be put under a microscope! He should ABSOLUTELY have mandatory psychological testing and not be allowed to be near animals at all. How can Mississippi just let a 12 year old go with no ramifications at all? He will continue to be a psychopath but the next time it could be a neighbors baby or small child!

    • You comment (that child) This vile and evil lowlife monster psychopathic kid is not a child it is a psychopathic lowlife pos monster who must be eradicated from our Planet.

    • You forgot that he needs to be in prison for a very long time or pay $1 for a bullet and insert into cranium and harvest his organs.

    • No, not a child but a evil little bastard who enjoyed what he was doing.
      The only good thing that would come out of this is if the nasty little fucker was dead then he sure would not do it again!!!

  8. The child should be killed, he is a future murder.

    • Oh dear,
      You cannot say that!!
      You must be politically correct and say ‘Erazed, Terminated, or Despatched!
      But ‘Bollocks’ to that. The little bastard didn’t think about the dogs feelings when he was burning it!
      No, you are right. Kill the little fucker and it will be one less ‘sub-human’ piece of shit blighting the world.

  9. Jill+Bowsher says:

    He needs to be removed from Society before he kills someone!!

  10. At least remove the kid from the Gene pool…

  11. OMG this little bastard should have been charged with this crime without a doubt. He already has his life patterned in front of him and this abuse will only escalate. The judges are a total joke – seriously who cares if he is only 12 years old – do you think that the dog deserved this abuse because of the age of this bastard kid – I think not! He should be already in jail – he is a total waste of skin! What a horrible act of abuse and his parents should also be held accountable.

    • Julia Edinger says:


    • Cathy R – I definately agree with your comment.
      This little bastard should have been charged with this crime without a doubt. He already has his life patterned in front of him and this abuse will only escalate. The judges are a total joke – seriously who cares if he is only 12 years old – do you think that the dog deserved this abuse because of the age of this bastard kid – I think not! He should be already in jail – he is a total waste of skin! What a horrible act of abuse and his parents should also be held accountable.

      This vile and evil psychopathic monster kid from hell is a future Serial Killer. How many precious and innocent animals has this vile and evil monster kid deliberately and heinously tortured to death?

      Eradication from our planet of this vile and evil psychopathic monster kid is a must. Kill the vile and evil lowlife pos filth on our Planet before this lowlife evil bastard kid tortures and murders more precious and helpless animals.

  12. This is unacceptable behavior and I’m sorry there are children born like this. This is a typical psychopath as a child. By age 12 they certainly know what pain is they know how to cause it and they know how not to cause it. This is disgusting

  13. Lindsay Perry says:

    I want to know what happened to BUDDY…💔…..❤❤❤🙏

  14. Julia Edinger says:


  15. We are not going anywhere in a society that does not punish this evil and psychopathic behavior. If a child commits an adult crime they should have the same punishment. I would lock them all for the rest of their lives because they will turn to humans and treat them the same way as they treat animals. Children like this have no place in a normal world. And personally I would like to do to them the same atrocious things they do to animals. They would see “the light” very quickly. Damn bastards.

  16. What the fuck!!
    Hang him and set him on fire!! A 12 year old knows what his doing..
    Where in the heck where his parents?
    Unbelievable this generation is so fucked up!!!..


  18. Milantia Roy says:

    That boy is a demon spawn who should be in hell a long time ago.

  19. Hang & Burn this young sadist now!!!!
    This should NOT be happening!!!
    If evil kids are not punished they keep on doing it and punishment is nothing!!! Instead of a slap on the wrist,,,, slice it’s wrists instead!!!!
    Poor Innocent Animals xxxxx

    • Patricia Schwartzmann says:

      Instead of a slap on the wrist,,,, slice it’s wrists

      Ms. Paula
      That’s just excellent, brilliant, a very bright solution!

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