Dog Reportedly Hanged and Set on Fire by 12-Year-Old Deserves Justice

Target: Thomas J. Vilsack, United States Secretary of Agriculture

Goal: Mandate psychological treatment for kids who commit acts of animal cruelty, to protect other animals and people.

It was over a year ago that Buddy the dog was found near death, with an extension cord tied around his neck and covered in burn marks from having been set on fire. The alleged perpetrator of this heinous crime: a 12-year-old Mississippi child. While this would typically be considered a felony punishable by up to three years in prison, children under 12 cannot be charged with a crime or evaluated according to Mississippi state law.

In the wake of much public outrage, officials created Buddy’s, law which went into effect on July 1st of 2022. According to Buddy’s law, any child convicted of torturing animals is required to receive psychiatric evaluation and treatment. Not only will this law protect thousands of animals from abuse, it will also possibly save the lives of many people, as there is a relatively well established link between animal abuse and later acts of violence towards humans.

Sign this petition to demand Buddy’s law be passed on a federal level and hold abusers in all states across the U.S. accountable for their crimes.


Dear Secretary Vilsack,

Buddy’s law was recently passed in Mississippi after Buddy, a family dog, was found with an extension cord tied tightly around his neck and covered in burn marks. This terrible crime was allegedly committed by a child who, under the age of 12, couldn’t be charged with a crime or evaluated by the state.

Buddy’s law changes this. According to the law, any child convicted of torturing animals is required to receive psychiatric evaluation and treatment. Not only will this get children the help they need, it will also likely save animals and even other people. The correlation between early childhood acts of animal abuse and later acts of violence towards humans is relatively well-established, and perpetrators of crimes towards animals are typically capable of much more.

We are asking you, Mr. Vilsack, to encourage Buddy’s law to be passed on a federal level as an amendment to the Animal Welfare Act.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: AmazonCARES


  1. This 12-year-old deserves the exact cruel torture as this innocent dog was tortured with IMMEDIATELY!!!!!

    • Patricia Lamonica says:


    • Jacqueline Bojorquez says:

      I agree, for a kid to do this this type of cruelty to a living being is a big giant red flag that this kid is evil and will become worse as he gets older, eventually killing people. Something is really wrong with this kid and the parents should not leave him out of their sight.

    • 💯👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼. This kid is SICK in the HEAD..

  2. This lil pos needs to be killed and cut up into pieces and burn alive I’m all hope for the animals and not people

  3. Justice for this innocent dog would be for this 12 year old boy to “be hanged and set on fire” like he did to this dog. An eye for an eye.

    • Absolutely agree. The best punishment. Let them feel what the dog or any other animal felt. I’d love to volunteer to punish these cruel monsters. They don’t deserve to breathe. Waste of oxygen.

  4. Where are the parents for this worthless punk coward and why wasn’t he stopped? He needs to be put away for years and see how tough he really is. They should prosecuted his sick parents for this horrific crime against innocent animals also. This torture must be stopped.

  5. This little piece-of-shit cunt should also be hanged and set on fire. I don’t give a fuck how old he is. Something this severe, I don’t think the worthless little bag of shit can be rehabilitated.

  6. This kids mom should have had an abortion.

  7. That kid’s parents should be charged with the crime.

  8. Elease M. Bradford says:

    I’m sorry Buddy was tortured and hanged. I hope he makes a full recovery. The 12 year old who committed this heinous act is a” bad seed” and needs to be punished because he’s old enough to know better.

  9. I think there should be some other punishment beside evaluation & treatment! You may as well just slap his hands! Poor Buddy suffer & I think more punishment is needed!

  10. Joseph Kenosky says:

    The parents should be thrown in jail along with the kid. This is despicable.

  11. I agree with Gina. This boy’s parents should be charged with the crime. Only 12 years old, but already a criminal.

  12. Jennifer Hansen says:

    Unreal! My question is, where were the parents while this torture was going on? That poor dog. Just terrible 😞

  13. Criminals in the making. Where are the parents, guardians. They should be held responsible for the little monster’s deed.

  14. This asshole knew what he was doing. He deserves to be tortured and hung like an adult and never be allowed near any other animals-he will only get worse and to think if he ever fathers a kid!!!!? God help us all -God bless Buddy. A perfect example of the screwed up world getting worse – ignorant asshole “kid”!!!!

  15. this psycopath needs some serious jailtime and a neverending law enforcement & psychiatric moniroting,he’s nothing but a dirty demon! Buddy deserves justice! As a wise anon said in the comments ”u cause pain you get pain ” !

  16. Melinda+Maddox says:

    These are seriously demented kids
    This law should have gone Federal many years ago
    God bless Buddy for suffering for it to get this far. 🙏😇

  17. Rhonda Jones says:

    This is unacceptable no excuse for letting this very disturbed and dangerous 12 year old off the hook. He needs an evaluation for mentally disturbed and should surely serve some time in an juvenile mentally disturbed program. Don’t let this behavior go unnoticed just because he’s twelve. What can happen next might be to late.

  18. I strongly agree with everyone that children who are this cruel deserve the same treatment in return!

  19. I hope the wee scumbag responsible got severely punished. One for the watching. A curse on it.


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