Dog Reportedly Hanged and Set on Fire by 12-Year-Old Deserves Justice

Target: Thomas J. Vilsack, United States Secretary of Agriculture

Goal: Mandate psychological treatment for kids who commit acts of animal cruelty, to protect other animals and people.

It was over a year ago that Buddy the dog was found near death, with an extension cord tied around his neck and covered in burn marks from having been set on fire. The alleged perpetrator of this heinous crime: a 12-year-old Mississippi child. While this would typically be considered a felony punishable by up to three years in prison, children under 12 cannot be charged with a crime or evaluated according to Mississippi state law.

In the wake of much public outrage, officials created Buddy’s, law which went into effect on July 1st of 2022. According to Buddy’s law, any child convicted of torturing animals is required to receive psychiatric evaluation and treatment. Not only will this law protect thousands of animals from abuse, it will also possibly save the lives of many people, as there is a relatively well established link between animal abuse and later acts of violence towards humans.

Sign this petition to demand Buddy’s law be passed on a federal level and hold abusers in all states across the U.S. accountable for their crimes.


Dear Secretary Vilsack,

Buddy’s law was recently passed in Mississippi after Buddy, a family dog, was found with an extension cord tied tightly around his neck and covered in burn marks. This terrible crime was allegedly committed by a child who, under the age of 12, couldn’t be charged with a crime or evaluated by the state.

Buddy’s law changes this. According to the law, any child convicted of torturing animals is required to receive psychiatric evaluation and treatment. Not only will this get children the help they need, it will also likely save animals and even other people. The correlation between early childhood acts of animal abuse and later acts of violence towards humans is relatively well-established, and perpetrators of crimes towards animals are typically capable of much more.

We are asking you, Mr. Vilsack, to encourage Buddy’s law to be passed on a federal level as an amendment to the Animal Welfare Act.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: AmazonCARES


  1. This little bastard does not need therapy or locking up.
    He knew exactly what he was doing and obviously enjoyed it! NO, this nasty little fucker needs a real good thrashing then given some of his own treatment!

    Show him just what it feels like to get burned. These arrogant little pricks know the law can’t touch them.
    I have no mercy for such as these and would gladly teach him the error of his ways myself. No need to put my money where my mouth is as the saying goes.
    He would soon get the message of what it feels like to burn innocent animals.

    These bastards will only grow up to be animal torturers, rapists or psyco’s of which we DO NOT need in the world.
    The ‘do-gooders’ of our society would want to protect them with stupid fucking excuses why they do it. It’s obvious. Because the shitty little bastards get pleasure from inflicting pain on something that is not going to fight back!

    These pricks (and there are lots of them) need to be stopped early. They have adult minds to think up these torturous acts so let the punishment fit the crime.
    Sorry to sound harsh but termination would put a stop to these heinous crimes, YES CRIMES’ and they sure would not do it again.
    The law is a joke so no help there! The world needs ridding of these sick minded bastards big or small, so power to any Vigilante groups who could do this. And yes it is going to happen, and will make the world a much better place as ‘sikko’s old or young, we do not want!

    • I could have said it any better


    • Yes. Exactly! 💯%!!!

    • You are so right!! They need very harsh punishments where they will be sent away for a long time and away from any animal. Actually, they really need to be exterminated from the human race because they will continue to inflict this cruelty on other animals and humans in time.

    • Probably a budding serial killer!

      • I agree with you 100%. I’m with you, the Dr. will say he’s sick… FUCK that. He knew what he was doing!!! Fucking little bastard!! Nice parenting mom an dad, you have birth to a fucking psychopath!!!


    • Denise Alvarado says:

      If you can be so hateful to some sick in the head and soul little child, then it’s obvious that he could be so hateful to an animal. Instead of being a loud mouthed hater, get involved helping kids and animals. Your rant is what is wrong with humanity, not some kid doing the same to animals that humans do to each other. You’re the foul mouthed evil in this argument.

      • No my rant as you call it is not what is wrong with society!
        It’s idiots like you protecting these evil little bastards and turning a blind eye. That is what is wrong!
        I expect that you are saying, “ Oh the poor misunderstood little boy didn’t mean it, he was just playing and having some fun”
        I doubt you would think it fun if I set fire to you you prat.
        And to mention, I have been involved in animal protection services for the last fifty years so do not tell me what is right or wrong!
        Some sick in the head and soul little child you say!
        What a fool. Do you actually think some highly paid boffin is going to cure them? If so then you are a bigger idiot than I first thought.
        Obviously you have no compassion for animal suffering so maybe the best course of action would be for ‘Do-Gooders like you who I mentioned in my ‘RANT’ as you called it, to be ‘terminated’ along with these evil little bastards to make the world a. better place.

      • In answer to my so-called RANT to Denise Alvarado
        See below!

      • Dear. Alvarado,
        Seeing as you seem to be hell- bent on protecting child psychos’, you should read this and know what they are capable of before writing rubbish!

        On February 12, 1993, Robert Thompson and Jon Venables Both ten years old abducted a 2-year-old boy named James Bulger from the New Strand Shopping Centre in Bootle, England. They then led him to an area called Walton in Liverpool, where they tortured him, beat him to death, and abandoned his body on a railway track in an effort to make his murder look like an accident.

        Though authorities initially thought Bulger had been abducted by an adult, CCTV footage revealed the shocking truth — that he had been taken by two kids. Just a couple of days later, Bulger was found on the same railway track where his killers had left him. His body had been severed in two by a train.

        Before long, an anonymous caller reported to the police that Thompson and Venables were behind the murder, revealing that both boys had been absent from school on the day of Bulger’s disappearance and that there may have been some criminal evidence on Venables’ jacket. Both boys were soon arrested, and it didn’t take long for them to turn on each other.
        The crimes of the 10-year-old killers horrified Britain. Though nearly three decades have passed, the story of Robert Thompson and Jon Venables remains shocking to this day. But unfortunately, their story didn’t end in 1993.
        You can read more online.

        Just to mention, these little bastards put the baby’s Mother and Father through years of hell. Just imagine if your two year old baby had been abducted tortured and then murdered!
        Later when in their teens they got ‘let out’ after millions of pounds of taxpayers money spent trying to reform them-oh yes, and changed named plus plastic surgery,
        what a kick in the teeth for the parents knowing that the bastards were out there free and enjoying life!

        Incidentally, it was not long before one of them was back inside for illegal dealings in pornography!

        So do not think anyone can change these animal and baby killers. They were set free but little baby Jamie’s parents suffered a lifetime of mental torture.

        So, if you cannot write anything other than the ‘crap’ that you have, then don’t bother!!

    • Our laws and our judicial system is a total joke! Take that 12 year old asshole and hang him in a public square and things will stop really fast. It’s way past due to start protecting the victims for once.

    • Sylvia Assalit says:

      My sentiments exactly! That kid is a monster!!!

    • Dorothy Marie Greer says:

      Karma COVID monkey pox plz the parents fault too

    • I agree ith this guy. The kid knew what he was doing..He needs agood ass whipping.Bettr check him now cos hen he gets older itmight get worse.

    • Jon, you are exactly right. I couldn’t have said it better. I agree 100%. I would love to be the one to tie that same cord around that bastards neck and set his sorry ass on fire. I hate people!

    • Excellent evaluation… these kids will move on to do horrendous crimes….stop them now….

    • Du hast alles gesagt was notwendig war, ich bin absolut deiner Meinung, dieser kleine Basdart wusste genau was er tut,kein Kind was behütet und mit Liebe auch und besonders für die Tiere erzogen wird würde so eine Tat begehen, das was er getan hat ist unendlich grausam und barbarisch, für solche Kreaturen habe ich kein Mitleid man sollte mit ihm das gleiche tun.Der brauch keine Therapie wer in so jungen Jahren zu so einer grausamen Tat bereit ist ändert sich niemals auch nicht durch eine Therapie, vernichten sollte man diesen Schädling.

  2. William Turner says:

    Sterilise the child to put an end to his retarded genes

    • That evil little shit needs to feel the same exact pain and torture he inflicted on that poor, innocent dog. That way he won’t grow up to be a murdering, rapist psycho!

      12 yr old child my a$$! Beat his little a$$.

    • Sterilise Him? Well Ok. But only if I could use a heavy ‘Sledge Hammer’!

  3. Discussing behaviour shame on you maximum sentence and fined if you can do that for that age . 😡😡

  4. If he were my kid, he’d wouldn’t be able to sit on his back side for a solid month.

  5. Sorry this human is not a child he is an evil bastard and needs to be locked up. He will only continue on this path to do more heinous acts to innocent being! Lock him up forever

  6. Youth is no excuse for brutality.

  7. Future thug, serial killer and or psychopath in the making. He needs to be locked up. It sounds like this kid is seriously disturbed.
    Prayers sweet poochie

  8. Psychological treatment??!!! The little fucker needs destroying, and the sooner the better. Why do we put up with these examples of human filth in our society??

  9. unfortunately, all of the counceling in the world won’t fixed this messed up kid. Pyschopaths can’t be cured; at this point, they need to be identified and placed away from animals and society.

  10. Lawrence Holtzman says:

    Where are the parents? They and this child are a true detriment to our society. Put an end to them all by whatever means necessary. They should all be removed from our streets. Don’t let anyone of the skate with little to no severe punishment!!!

  11. Lock that little fucker up and throw away the key he is old enough to know right from wrong he is old enough to discern what is right and what is wrong he should never be allowed around any animals again he needs to be locked up for a very very long time give him a slsp on the wrist and he’ll just go do it again… animal tortures end up becoming people Killers this is the beginning of a serial killer maybe the next Jeffrey Dahmer!!

    This is a truly evil generation it doesn’t say that in the Bible for nothing.

  12. Um, serial killer in the making?! Are you kidding me?! He needs to be fully evaluated and possibly be detained somewhere.

  13. They didn’t even charge this kid with this cruel evil act I hope some vigilante goes after him I’m not kidding I don’t care this kid is going to be the next Jeffrey Dahmer he’s a fucked up messed up kid and the parent should whip the crap out of him and set him on fire himself… that’s what I do just teach him a fucking lesson so he knows what it feels like to burn!!!!

    And shame on the judge for not doing anything and letting this kid go he’s going to be sorry for that maybe this kid will attack the judges family dog or kids… God has a way of taking away your blessings and giving you nothing but cursings when you don’t follow His law.

  14. Those young criminals should be eliminated before the do something more serious.

  15. steve petyerak says:

    Please have justice prevail

  16. Cathy McCormick says:

    Absolutely disgusting and disturbing actions by this pre-teen with severe mental illness! I don’t think this type of monster can ever be rehabilitated. Think Hannibal Lecter! He should never see the light of day again! It just makes my skin crawl.

  17. This breaks my heart! That poor baby! Sweet Buddy! I can’t reconcile this deed with anything that is in me. I work with special needs children and some have huge issues but this is beyond my comprehension. I hope sweet Buddy gets the home and the care that he needs and this child…well I can only hope that the right thing is done for all concerned. Buddy I am so sorry!

  18. Darlene McCarter says:

    Did this poor dog survive the torture this kid inflicted on him? Obviously the kid is a psycho and will only get more dangerous if he doesn’t get treatment.

  19. Punish the kid in the same way, punish the parents and CHARGE the parents as well.

  20. This is an addendum to my former comment. This is the kind of thing that was done to people of color in this country and I can’t even begin to grasp the meaning behind it. To say that it is hate would imply that the perpetrator/perpetrators have a soul from which emotions come and I can’t reconcile in my mind that these individuals have souls. I agree that a psychopath cannot be cured. The only other option is to remove them from society. Sometimes the source of the harm needs to be removed to prevent greater harm to souls like our friends of color and these precious members of the animal kingdom. This world is in a very scary place and has been for centuries. Spreading as much love and compassion as we can helps those in need, but soul-less creatures like the one who hurt this precious Buddy would not be able to receive this love and compassion. There is only one option left and I’m sure you know what that is. This absolutely breaks my heart.

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